On the question of the contemporary movement of the Celtic
peoples within
the British state for independence from English rule
and the opposition of
the English 'communists' to same Engels again has some
relevant comments.
"If members of a conquering nation called upon the nation
they had conquered
and continued to hold down to forget their specific nationality
position, to "sink national differences" and so forth,
that was not
internationalism, it was nothing else but preaching to
them submission to
the yoke, and attempting to justify and to perpetuate
the dominion of the
conqueror under the cloak of internationalism."
Go bráthartha (Fraternally),
From: MC
Date: Sat Feb 24, 2001 6:24 am
Subject: National Question in the UK
Dear H,
To recap on
this discussion (and apologies in advance for not having exact
quotes) but some English members of the discussion list
and indeed yourself
HK, expressed the view that there was such a thing as
a 'British nation' as
opposed to the Marxist view that in fact Britain was
made up of three
seperate nations - Alba (Scotland), Cymru (Wales) and
England (and of course
the North of Ireland)
Engels clearly states that the Welsh
"cling...strongly to their nationality"
and "have been completely integrated into the British
Empire". All this
means is that in the view of Engels the Welsh nation
is part of the British
Empire (i.e. the British state and its posessions at
that time). It DOES
NOT mean that the Welsh have BECOME 'British'. I have
not seen any quotation
where Marx or Engels state this. Whether or not Engels
view is 'unfinished'
as you state H, remains to be proven..... perhaps you
have some evidence
for this?
In the text where the quotation comes
from, Engels refers to the subject
nations in the British Empire and discusses the position
of Scotland, Wales
and Ireland. It should be obvious that England is not
included as a subject
nation within the Empire for the reason that in fact
the Empire was centred
on the English nation, for the benefit of the English
nation. The fact that
the Scots and Welsh bourgeoisie collaborated with the
English and accepted
their hegemony (under the bogus definition of being 'British')
does not
eradicate the Scottish and Welsh nations. At different
times (right up to
the twentieth century) the majority of the Irish bourgeoisie
themselves and were happy to be known as 'West Britons'.
So in reply to your first query HK, which seems to suggest a connection
between the existence of a nation and whether or not a revolutionary
situation exists, in my view there is no connection.
Ireland apart from
relatively small scale insurrections and agrarian terrorism
in the 18 and 19
century was fully integrated. Agrarian terrorism
was a response to the
English system of landownership and also the laws regarding
their own state
church and their demand that the Catholic peasants of
Ireland support a
religion they did not believe in. The 'integration' of
the Scots (i.e the
relative peacefulness of the Scottish peasantry) can
be attributed to fact
that their Presbyterian church received recognition and
status under the Act
of Union.
In other words
a nation may be revolutionary at one period and appear to be
'politically integrated' at another - both of these states
depend on the
internal and external factors.
Within the UK there has been a revival
of the Welsh and Scottish national
movements, which now demand due recognition for Celtic
culture. It is my
belief that this movement will further erode the grip
which national
chauvinism has had on the English proletarians. A grip
mainly due to the
flag-flapping Tories and their ideology of a 'Great British'
identity. The end of the United Kingom as a state,
its monarchy and feudal
remnants are a necessary step for the development of
the revolutionary
movement in England itself.
It is the obligation of Marxist-Leninists
to promote good-will, mutual
respect and confidence amongst all the peoples engaged
in the struggle for
social and national liberation. Consequently, Marxist-Leninists
against national oppression and national chauvinism,
in order to unite the
proletariat and working masses in the struggle against
capitalism and
imperialism. As a result, Marxism-Leninism resolutely
combats both the
chauvinism of the dominant English nation and the national
exclusivism of
the other nations and nationalities in Britain.
Only the proletarian state will be
able to fully solve the national question
in Britain. The proletarian state, led by the Marxist-Leninist
Party, will
make its objective the elimination of the social and
economic bases of the
continued subordination and oppression of the non-English
nations and
nationalities in Britain. The objective basis for the
rights of the nations
in Britain to self-determination will be guaranteed by
the development of
proletarian state power in Britain. Without assisting
in the abolition of
the present capitalist, imperialist state, the freedom
of no nation is
The Marxist-Leninists in Britain are
of the opinion that all the nations and
nationalities in Britain should unite together in a single
union of
socialist states. Consequently, Marxism-Leninism advocates
the free union of
the nations and nationalities of Britain. The division
of the proletariat
and working masses between a mosaic of small independent
states weakens
their mutual struggle against capitalism and imperialism.
Equally, this
division opens the flood-gates to all sorts of reactionary,
prejudices to enter into the ideology of the proletariat
and working
A free union of the nations and nationalities
of Britain will allow the
proletarian state power to put an end to the cultural,
social, political
and economic imbalances that presently exist between
the nations and
nationalities of Britain. A revolutionary state poses
solutions to the national question: assisting all nations
nationalities, just in case they unite to struggle against
the common
enemies of capitalism and imperialism.
The right to self-determination is
understood by Marxism-Leninism to mean
the right to secession. Whilst Marxist-Leninists in Britain
advocate the
free union of all Britain's nations and nationalities,
in the event of any
nation (England, Scotland, Wales) insisting on its right
to secession (its
right to form an independent nation state), Marxism-Leninism
will support
this claim, just in case the seceeding state(s) do not
support imperialism
and just in case these states do not seek to oppose the
interests of the
proletariat in Britain, or the interests of any nationality
or other nation
in Britain.
The proletarian state will consider
a prime objective the economic, social
and cultural renaissance and development of all the nations
nationalities in Britain. In order to be free of the
inequalities of the
capitalist and imperialist past, this is a priority.
Marxism-Leninism supports the demand
of the Irish people for
self-determination and, specifically, an end to the British
colony in
Ireland. The colonial division of Ireland is a principle
source of reaction
in Britain itself. The re-unification of Ireland will
be a significant step
towards the socialist revolution in Ireland, Britain
and Europe. The
Marxist-Leninists regard it as the right of the Irish
people to chose
whatever method is best-suited to fight against British
Marxist-Leninists in Britain advocate
a socialist state in which the
national rights of all nations and nationalities are
guaranteed. The
proletarian state will wage ruthless war against all
those who seek to
hinder the solution of the national question in a revolutionary
Proletarian state power will allow the re-education of
petty bourgeois
strata away from their nationalist, chauvinist prejudices
and towards the
multicultural, internationalist stance of the international
Foward to Socialist Revolution!
BJ, member Campaign for Marxist-Leninist Unity (Britain)