February 2, 2002
The Afghanistan war of 2001-2002 has been the prelude
to the coming Third World War. In this world war the force
of the USA will be likely pitched against that of China. We anticipate
that some of the key points of the war will involve the Central
Asian Republics and their strategic positions, and their reserves of oil.
The tragedy of the Afghan people can be traced to
the absence of a Marxist-Leninist party in the country. But, it must be
openly admitted that the objective circumstances facing the revolution
in Afghanistan were always huge - larger perhaps than facing many other
countries in the immediate area.
We will argue that the legacy of Oriental despotism,
and the failure to develop more than a rudimentary national capitalist
class – has posed huge difficulties for the Afghan toiling masses. The
leaders of the Marxist-Leninist (Lenin and Stalin) movement had mapped
out a pathway for such countries, but these depended critically on the
working classes of either the socialist countries or the metropolitan West
to aid the backward countries.
Regrettably the rise of Khruschevite revisionism
– has temporarily – halted that assistance. Instead of true socialist aid
– the architects of revisionism ensured that Afghanistan became a neo-colony
of the revisionist USSR. The USSR in that period engineered a social-imperialism.
This in conflict with USA imperialism, destroyed
the well being of the Afghan peoples.
We know that the Afghanistani Marxist-Leninst will
re-build their movement.
We hope that we will from now, be able to help the
Afghan movement re-build itself.
2. Early History
3. The Peoples of Afghanistan
4. Beginnings of The Modern Multi-National State
of Afghanistan
5. Class Character of Afghanistan Prior To British
6. British Incursions – The First Two Anglo-Afghan
7. The Reign of Amir Amanullah 1919-1929: ‘Reform
8. Class Character of Afghanistan in the Modern
9. Some Definitions
10. The Marxist-Leninist Strategy Of Revolution
In The Colonial And Semi-Colonial Countries
11. Later Attempts to Develop the Afghani Bourgeoisie
– Reliance on either the USA or Khruschevite Revisionist Led USSR
12. Early Progressive Organisations Leading up
to The Formation of the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA)
13. The regime of Sardar Mohammed Daoud 1973-1978
– A Pashtun Dominated Comprador state.
14. The 1978 Saur (Month of Taurus the Bull [April])
15. The "Eid Coup" – The Break-up of the Ruling
16. The Comprador USSR Presidency of Babrak Karmal
17. Gorbachev and Najibullah – A Change of Guard
18. The Economic Status of Afghanistan At the
End of the Soviet Comprador regime
19. The Wars of the Mujahadeen
20. The Economy of the Mujahadeen War-Lords
21. The Rise, Ideology and Backers Of the Taliban
22. What Is the Class basis of the Taliban?
23. Consolidation of Taliban Victory – Embroiling
of Central Asian Republics In War
24. Prelude To The New USA War
25. The USA Led War Against the Afghanistan State
26. Motives For The USA Led War
27. The New Comprador Regime of Hamid Karzai
28. Conclusions
List of Relvant Alliance Articles
Appendix: USA & Afghan families meet
Modern Afghanistan consists of 245,000 square miles
split by the Hindu Kush mountain range. The population by 1978 was 15 million
(Anwar, Raja: "The Tragedy of Afghanistan"; London; 1988; p. 125).
The region originally known as Khorasan, only came
to be known as Afghanistan in the mid 18th century. Afghanistan
means literally "The land of the Afghans". Its geographical position means
that its lands form crossings from West to East, and from North to South
- that were coveted both by the caravans of the Silk Route and by foreign
To the North-East corner lie the Pamir Mountains
abutting onto Tajikstan, China and Pakistan. Directly North of the Hindu
Kush lies the Central Asian steppes leading into Siberia. To the West lies
historic Persia and modern day Iran, while to the East was historic India
and modern day Pakistan through the narrow mountain passes such as the
Khyber Pass. In such a bleak area, it is not surprising that only 10-12%
of the terrain is cultivable (Rashid, Ahmed: "Taliban. Militant Islam,
Oil & Fundamentalism in Central Asia"; New Haven; 2000; p.8).
This geographical vortex has sucked waves of invaders
into it, from ancient to modern times. No wonder that the Indian poet Mohammed
Iqbal described it as ‘The heart of Asia", whereas Lord Curzon
British Viceroy of India vividly portrayed it as "the cockpit of Asia".
Engels agreed with these sentiments, adding the important human
element - the unique character of its people:
"The geographical position of Afghanistan and the peculiar character
of its people invest the country with a political importance that can scarcely
be over-estimated in the affairs of Central Asia";
Engels, Frederick: "Encyclopedia article on Afghanistan"; 1857: In
Collected Works; Volume 18; Moscow 1982; pp. 41;
Early in historic times, Alexander
the Great conquered the area bringing Hellenistic culture to
Southern Afghanistan in 392 BC. Thereafter, repeated incursions included
the Arabs in 645 AD bringing Islam; the Persians of the Saminid
dynasty who stayed between 874-999 AD; the Ghaznavid dynasty who
used it as a base to secure Northern India between 977-1186; the Mongol
hordes of Genghis Khan who ravaged
Afghanistan in 1219 and his descendant Taimur
(Timur, or Tamerlane) who established the empire of the Timurids in 1381.
Afghan tribes themselves periodically ruled Indian-Afghan dynastic empires,
such as the Lodi empire of Delhi in the years 1451-1526.
3. The Peoples of Afghanistan
Afghanistan is usually rendered as being equivalent
to the Pushtun nation, which in effect has been the dominant nation
in a multi-national confederacy.
The second largest grouping-nation is the Tajiik
numbering by 1978, 3-4 million. In reality there are numerous ethnic groups
as well, only some of which have by now achieved a national status. It
has been described as:
"a tribal confederation comprising multi-racial groups and nationalities";
Anwar, Raja "The Tragedy of Afghanistan"; London; 1988; p.125.
The predominant religion is Islam,
more particularly the Sunni branch. To the South of the Hindu Kush mountains
are the majority of the Pashtuns, and to the North live Persian
and Turkic ethnic groups. The Persian speaking Hazaras and
Tajiks inhabits the Hindu Kush. In the West, Persian or Dari (Afghan
dialect of Persian) is mainly spoken by both Pushtun and Tajiks, as well
as by the Hazaras in central Afghanistan. In the North, the various Turkic
languages of Central Asia are spoken by the Uzbeks, Turcomans, Krgyz
and other tribes. Some other Pushtuns speak Pashto.
Pushtun Tribes: Gankovsky,
a Soviet historian proposed that the Pushtun tribes originated in the first
millenium AD, from the East Iranian tribes of the Ephtalite Confederacy
(Cited by Raja Anwar; "The Tragedy of Afghanistan"; London; 1988; p.2).
By the 16th century the Pushtuns ("Those from Pusht" – a mountainous
area known as Koh-I-Suleman) had migrated to far Eastern Afghanistan.
Pushtuns trace a common ancestor Quais Abdul
Rashid who was converted to Islam, by the Prophet Mohammed himself.
But a sub-division of the Pushtuns – the Ghilzai - are said to descend
from the illicit affair of Shah Hussain with Bibi Mato (grand
daughter of Quais Abdul Rashid) whose offspring were "ghilzai" (literally
offspring of sin) (Cited by Raja Anwar; "The Tragedy of Afghanistan"; London;
1988; p.6).
The Pushtuns therefore are divided into two factions,
the Abdali or Durranni Pushtuns,
and the Ghilzai Pushtuns. It
was largely the Durrani who formed the ruling sections.
In modern day Afghanistan,
it must be concluded then:
That there are a number of individual national minorities,
including: the Pashtuns, Tajiiks, Turkomans, Uzbeks, Hazaras, Baluchs,
Qizilbash. The dominant nation is the Pushtun nation. Because
of the history of colonial invasions, many of these minorities now live
in several different countries – being Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan,
Uzbekistan, etc. These minorities form an oppressed national minority in
several different states.
Afghanistan is therefore a state that cuts
across several national boundary lines, dominated by the Pushtun nation,
and contains the elements of a multi-national state.
A map and overall summary of the main
nationalities can be found at these web-sites:
A separate Afghan identify began to emerge in the 18
th century following the disintegration of the Safavid Dynasty in
Iran to the West – and of the Mughal dynasty in India. As these
empires dissolved, in the vacuum, the Pushtuns held a tribal confederation
in 1747, known as a Loya Jirga, which elected Ahmad
Shah Abdali (Durrani) as paramount chief. The Durrani leaders
were to form the entire line of kings of Afghanistan until the modern time.
Within a few years he had united the Pashtun tribes, and had seized regions
from the two dying empires, and expanded North into Uzbekistan, and East
into Kashmir and Delhi. By 1780, under his son Taimur Shah the Northern
border was fixed at the river Oxus in a treaty with the Amir of Bukhara.
But the First Afghan empire effectively splintered under tribal
wars of succession.
described these events as follows:
"Amid the anarchy that ensured in Persia after the death of Nadir
Shah in 1747, there sprang up under the rule of Ahmed Duranee, an independent
Afghan kingdom comprising the Principalities of Herat, Cabul, Candahar,
Pechawur, and the whole of the territories afterward owned by the Sikhs.
This kingdom only superficially cemented, collapsed at the death of its
founder was again broken up into its constituent parts, the independent
Afghan tribes with separate chiefs, divided by interminable feuds and only
exceptionally rallied under the common pressure of a collision with Persia.
This political antagonism between the Afghans and Persians, founded on
diversity of race, blended with historical reminiscences, kept alive by
frontier quarrels and rival claims, is also as it were sanctioned by religious
antagonism, the Afghans being Mohammedans of the Suni sect, that is to
say of the orthodox Mahometan faith, while Persia forms the stronghold
of the heretical Shiites";
Marx K: "The War Against Persia"; Written January 27 1857; in Collected
Works; Volume 15; Moscow 1986; p.177-178.
Under these internecine wars, as the First Afghan Empire
collapsed, both the British from East India and the Russian from the North,
began their attempts to take over Afghanistan.
5. Class Character of Afghanistan Prior
To British Imperialism
Alliance has re-published an outline of Marxist-Leninist
views on the Asiatic Mode of Production, or Oriental Despotism, written
by Communist League and W.B.Bland.
The key criteria that denote the Asiatic
Mode of Production include:
a) Extensive public works relating to irrigation, drainage and flood
control. Both Engels and Marx independently identified that area that now
subsumes modern day Afghanistan as being within this mode of production:
"Great stretches of desert extend from the Sahara straight across Arabia,
Persia, India and Tartary up to the highest Asiatic plateau. Artificial
irrigation is here the first condition of Oriental agriculture."
Engels F; Letter to Karl Marx; June 6th 1853; In Correspondence
1846-1895"; London 1936; p. 67.
"Climate and territorial conditions, especially the vast tracts of desert
extending from the Sahara, through Arabia, Persia, India and Tartary to
the most elevated Asiatic highlands, constituted artificial irrigation
by canals and waterworks the basis of Oriental agriculture".
K. Marx: "The British Rule in India", in: "Selected Works"; Volume
2; London; 1943; p. 652.
"It is the necessity of bringing a natural force under the control of
society, of economising, of appropriating or subduing it on a large scale
by the work of man's hand, that first plays the decisive part in the history
of industry. Examples are the irrigation works in Egypt, Lombardy, Holland,
or India and Persia, where irrigation by means of artificial canals not
only supplies the soil with the water indispensable to it, but also carries
down to it, in the shape of sediment from the hills, mineral fertilisers".
K. Marx: "Capital", Volume 1; Moscow, 1954; p. 514.
b) A coercive state, in order to handle large-scale labour forces required
to make these vast irrigation projects a reality. The directing personnel
become, relatively rapidly, a ruling class in the full sense of
the word, and the organs of authority under their control a coercive
state in the full sense of the word:
"The state, which the primitive groups of communities of the same tribe
had at first arrived at only in order to safeguard their common interests
(e.g. irrigation in the East) . . from this stage onwards acquires just
as much the function of maintaining by force the conditions of existence
and domination of the ruling class against the subject class".
F. Engels: "Herr Eugen Duhring's Revolution in Science"; Moscow; 1959;
"This prime necessity of an economical and common use of water . . necessitated
in the Orient the interference of the centralising power of government.
Hence an economic function devolved upon all Asiatic governments, the function
of providing public works".
(K Marx: "The British Rule in India" in: "Selected Works" Volume 2;
London; 1943; p. 652).
c) the absence of private property. The state system of oriental despotism
thus arises on the foundation of the Asiatic mode of production in countries
where large-scale public works of irrigation, drainage and/or flood control
are essential to an adequate level of agriculture:
"Oriental despotism was founded on common property".
(F. Engels: "Herr Eugen Duhring's Revolution in Science"; Moscow; 1959;
p. 486).
"The stationary character of this part of Asia (i.e., the Indian sub-continent
-- Ed.) . . is fully explained by two mutually dependent circumstances:
1) the public works were the business of the central government; 2) beside
these, the whole empire, not counting the few larger towns, was resolved
into villages, which possessed a completely separate organisation
and formed a little world in themselves. I do not think one could imagine
a more solid foundation for the stagnation of Asiatic despotism".
(K. Marx: Letter to F. Engels, June 14th., 1853, in: K. Marx &
F. Engels: "Correspondence: 1846-1895"; London; 1936; p. 70).
'This prime necessity of an economical and common use of water . . necessitated
in the orient the interference of the centralising power of government.
. ….
These idyllic village communities had always been he solid foundation
of Oriental despotism".
(K. Marx: "The British Rule in India", in: "Selected Works", Volume
2; London; 1943; p.652, 655).
The general form of rule in the dynasties that embody
Oriental Despotism – is an absolute monarchy.
Afghanistan early on became such a state, itself acquiring an empire under
the Afghan Lodis. Its development out of tribalism, into Oriental
despotism was in part an "Acquired" Oriental Despotism. On the whole, Afghan
society was a tribal and nomadic land with subsistence agriculture at best.
But such a society - with no essential need for large-scale public works
of irrigation drainage and/or flood control in order to carry on agriculture
at an adequate level, may have oriental despotism imposed on it
by another society which conquers it. Or else the primitive aristocracy
of a society may be able to establish an oriental despotic state as a result
of conquest of an oriental despotic society or as a result of conscious
imitation of such a society with which they are in close contact:
"Pastoral nomads frequently supplement their herding economy-by farming.
Yet. . their migratory way of life excludes the construction of elaborate
and permanent works of water control, which form the foundation of hydraulic
agriculture. But this mode of life does not prevent them from adopting
Oriental despotic methods of organisation and acquisition. To be sure,
such methods do not grow out of the needs of pastoral life. . . . The chiefly
leader and those close to him are eager to place themselves in a position
of permanent and total power; but as a rule they attain this goal only
after submission to, or conquest of, a hydraulic country. In the first
case the overlords of the agrarian state may apply their own patterns of
political control (registration, corvee, taxation) to the submitting herders,
whose chieftain usually emerges as the absolute and permanent master of
his tribe. In the second case the supreme chieftain (khan, khaghan, etc.)
seizes the power devices of the agro-managerial civilisations he has conquered".
(K. A. Wittfogel: "Oriental Despotism"; New York; 1981; ; p. 204-5).
We contend that it was first under the reign of Asoka
(273 BC-232 BC), that the oriental despotic regime in what was to become
part of Afghanistan was definitively laid:
"Asoka’s empire comprised the countries now known as Afghanistan as
far as the Hindu Kush; Baluchistan and Makran…. And the whole of India
Smith V.A. & Spear P: The Oxford History of India;" Delhi 1958;
It was then consolidated under various Indian regimes
such as that of the Sultanate of Delhi – or the Tughluqs – which
included both Akbar and his
successors and the Afghan Lodis. It was finally made independent
of outside imperial regimes under the leadership of Ahmad Shah Abdali
(Durrani), an Afghan state was established of an Oriental Despotic
type. This established a village based bureaucracy collecting both land-tax
and livestock tax by the woleswal and alaqadari (officials representing
central government) liasing with the malik (see below) and the mullah.
Land was collectively owned by a tribe or village
(khaliash land), but some privately owned land did exist in parts
of the country, especially Nuristan and Tajikistan (p.69). Periodic land
allocation was made by the tribal jirgha (council), but this practice
changed as private property became more widespread. As the power of the
central state weakened, especially after British imperialist incursions,
tribal war-bands are able to seize control of one locality after another
and to establish them as independent or semi-independent states, which
repudiated their former obligations to the central state. This transposed
common-tribal land, into land held by the tribal chief. An attenuated oriental
despotism arose:
"combining aspects of egalitarian tribalism with hillbilly versions
of oriental despotism";
Male, Beverley: "Revolutionary Afghanistan – A reappraisal."; London;
1982; p. 80.
Gradually a piece-meal feudal system, with strong tribal
ties arose. This was made easier by the mountain geography:
"The fragmentation which resulted from the emphasis placed on lineage
and tribal groupings was reinforced by the topography of much of Afghanistan
– small valley isolated from each other by great mountain ranges and roads
frequently.. closed by snow for much of the year. This enforced isolation
contributed to the creation of a deep suspicion of the outside world and
reinforced dependence on kinship ties.";
Male, Beverley: "Revolutionary Afghanistan – A reappraisal."; London;
1982; p. 80.
The elder head (malik or khan) became
transformed over time into a landlord, and money lender. His power was
enhanced by the unique ‘tribal’ version of Islam that developed in Afghanistan,
which incorporated blood vengeance. The process of private property development
concentrated land into the hands of the chief who became the khan:
"The origins of feudalism can perhaps be traced back to water, the
source of life and food in an arid country. If a tribe successfully occupied
the source of a rival tribe it virtually amounted to the occupation of
that tribes lands. To protect this precious source of life, sustenance
and power, forts were built around the area. With the passing of time,
both the forts and water sources became the personal property of the tribal
chiefs who began to charge the farmers for the use of the water. In the
beginning all landholdings in the tribe were of equal size, the owner of
the land being called Defter. However in times of drought or the
loss of agricultural livestock, the farmers were forced to borrow money
from the tribal chief on interest. The only collateral they could offer
was the little land they held. Once it was handed over, its retrieval was
very difficult. Gradually therefore almost all land in the tribe came to
rest in the hands of the chief. Those who were once his equals became his
tenants. No member of the tribe was entitled to sell his land. It could
only be used as collateral within the tribe. As for adjacent rivers, mountains
and grazing grounds, they continue to be in communal ownership, but it
is the tribal chief who principally benefits from them."
Anwar R; Ibid; p.130-1.
Under more usual Islamic law, usury – the practice of
interest being charged in loans – is forbidden. However in the Afghan Islamic
a bargain was early struck with the Mullahs. They were first of all given
a piece of the communal land known as Seri. This was a large piece.
He had tenants. He was largely of Arabic stock, or if not he was in any
case, termed a ‘syed ‘ – a descendant of the Prophet Mohammed. It
appears that the land relations of the Mullahs, became one of the first
steps towards feudal land tenure:
"It is important to note that the Muslim theologians were the first
to form into a privileged estate of the Pushtun society, and it was they
who made the first breach in the system of agrarian relationships based
on common landownership …. seri – a land benefice granted to the
clergy can and must be regarded as the initial form of feudal land tenure".
Anwar R: Ibid; p. 132; citing Gankovsky, Yuri V: "The Peoples of Pakistan";
Moscow; 1971; p. 132.
Naturally the Afghan version of Islamic law incorporates
both blood revenge and usury, which became a crippling instrument of the
landowner over the peasants.
Furthermore, the large nomadic populations that
patrolled Afghanistan, also gradually settled, especially in the 1890’s
with the granting of large tracts of land by Abdur Rahman. This process
encouraged Ghilzai - the dominant Pashtun - to settle into the former Hazarat
territory. Certain sections of the nomads became associated to the trade
routes, and some became in time merchants themselves. The merchants of
Kabul, Kandahar, Heart and Mazar-I-Sharif were descendants of the merchant
clans who had taken Marco Polo to China.
Some work-shops had arisen but they were small and
by the 1860’s, had only produced gun and artillery. They were destroyed
by the British wars. By the time of the British incursions, feudal property
relations were beginning to be established in Afghanistan and the private
property relations of landowner to landless peasant was becoming established.
6. British Incursions – The First Two Anglo-Afghan
It was into this milieu that the British imperialism
entered. In total, three British invasions of Afghanistan – collectively
known as the Three Afghan Wars – took place. The first two follow a similar
pattern whereby the British colonising power attempted to install comprador
agents as a bulwark against the Northern Russian threat to the British
Indian Empire:
"The British did not seek direct colonisation, but to persuade local
rulers to accept ‘British advice’, which in practical terms mean accepting
a resident British political officer and British control over their foreign
relations so that rival, acquisitive nations, especially Russia, could
be excluded."
Edgar O’Ballance: "Afghan Wars 1839-1992: What Britain Gave Up &
The Soviet Union Lost"; London; 1993; p.7.
The grand-son of Ahmad Shah Durrani was the first puppet
that the British installed: Shah Shuja was installed against his
rival Amir Dost Mohammed, who had previously captured the throne
in battle. Now British troops entered Kandhar and Kabul in 1839 and held
the coronation of King Shah Shuja. But by 1842, they were driven out by
a popular revolt. Out of an army of 4500 soldiers and 12000 followers,
only one man would survive the retreat from Kabul. Meanwhile Shah Shuja
was assassinated by a Barazaki clansman. So ended the First Anglo-Afghan
War. It left Afghanistan although under the sway of Britain, Britain still
had to complete its full military hold over India proper. Thus it did not
for the time being attempt to re-invade Afghanistan (Both Marx and
Engels wrote detailed reportage of this First war).
For the time being Britain again had a docile stooge
at the head. Dost Mohammed – who meanwhile had been in exile in India –
had arranged with the British that he should return as King. He signed
the Anglo-Afghan Treaty with Britain in 1855. This gave Dost Mohammed
protection from the Persians who had been invading in the meantime. The
Anglo-Persian War of 1856-7, drove the Persians out of Herat.
Later, the son of Dost Mohammed Amir Sher Ali
began to play off the Russians and the British over the right to a diplomatic
mission in Kabul. The Russians forcibly expanded Southwards into Turkistan,
capturing Tashkent by 1865, Bokhara in 1866, Samarkand in 1868, and then
Khiva in 1869 (O’Ballance Ibid; p.34). As they came ever closer towards
Afghanistan, they sent an uninvited Russian diplomatic mission to arrive
in Kabul shortly, prompting the British Viceroy Lord Lytton to demand similar
rights for Britain. The Emir refused to allow entry to a British mission
at the Khyber Pass, thereby triggering the Second Anglo-Afghan War in 1839.
As British troops entered, Amir Sher Ali fled to die en route to the Russian
His son Yakub Khan took the throne. He signed
the Treaty of Gandamak on 26 May 1879, whereby he accepted a British
Resident (Political Officer) control over Kabul’s external affairs. The
treaty left domestic affairs outside of British control, but the British
gained territories around Quetta and the Khyber Pass. However the Afghan
army mutinied over payment arrears, and in doing so they killed the British
Resident Sir Louis Cavagnari. Brutal retaliation by General Roberts followed,
but further mutinies led by the Ghilzais were difficult to contain. At
the Battle of Mainwand 1000 British soldiers were killed. The British cost
of the campaign was over 17 million pounds sterling. Lord Ripon the new
Viceroy therefore now recognised Abdur Rahman as Amir and he withdrew
the British army.
Under Abdur Rahman, the Northern Frontier between
India and Afghanistan was established at the ‘Durand
Line’ in 1893 extending into the North as a frontier buffer
zone between British India and Russia controlled territory in Turkistan.
By 1905, Lord Curzon Viceroy of India, carved out the North
West Frontier Province from the triangle between Afghanistan
and then India to create another buffer zone.
It was this province that formed the bulk of the
area known as Baluchistan that
was to become an oppressed nation under the domination of the dominant
Punjabi nation of the later state of Pakistan.
Abdur Rahman was termed the Iron Amir for his crushing
of the non-Pushtuns, which fueled a bitter enmity that endures to today.
He also introduced the Divine right of kings – as against the tribal inspired
Loya Jirga election.
summarised the situation of British imperialism by the year 1916, in his
Persian Notebook:
"Afghanistan – a mountainous region. 624,000 sq Km. 4,450,0000 inhabitants.
Nominally she is completely independent. In reality, all foreign policy
is in the hands of Great Britain; the emir is on Britain’s pay-roll. Under
the Anglo-Russian treaty (August 31, 1907), Britain recognised freedom
of trade in Afghanistan and Russia recognized Afghanistan as being "outside
her sphere of influence". The British do not allow foreigners to enter
!! Afghanistan (!!!). Militarily the Afghans :should by no means by under-estimated
as adversaries. Britain treats them with the greatest caution. "In this
one sees the wisdom of Britain’s ‘velvet glove’ policy , for the British
could not behave to anyone more tolerantly and cautiously than they have
to him (The Emir of Afghanistan)";
V.I.Lenin; In "Notebooks on Imperialism"; Volume 39 "Collected Works";
Moscow; 1968; p. 727.
The Reign of Amir Amanullah 1919-1929: ‘Reform Monarchy’
Following First World War in which Afghanistan remained
neutral, the Russian Revolution in 1917 ignited the area around Turkestan
with anti-Soviet agitation. The then King of Afghanistan – Amir Habibullah
– attempted to form a "League of Free Muslim States In Central Asia". But
this was superseded by his murder. His son – Amanullah – took the throne.
He was already a committed nationalist. His Foreign Minster was appointed
quickly, and was Mohammed Tarzi who had founded the only newspaper in the
country. On 3 march 1919, Amir Amunullah
wrote to the viceroy offering commercial treaties, while on 13 April at
his Durbar, he declared:
"Afghanistan to be fully independent both internally and externally";
O’Ballance E: Ibid; p. 54.
When Amunullah criticised the British handling of security
and the Amritsar Massacre under General Dyer – of the Indian nationalists,
he moved Afghan troops to the frontier in 1919. British troops engaged
them in the Battle of Bagh in May. Enormous RAF air force inflicted casualties
did not deter Amunullah’s forces. The Third Loya Jirga (tribal confederation)
in history, proclaimed a Jihad against Britain. But massive reinforcements
from British India coupled with air attacks no Jalalabad and Kabul brought
about an armistice. However, given the tensions inside British India, the
British were at a disadvantage. The Treaty of Rawalpindi was signed in
August 1919, ceding the state of Afghanistan control of their foreign policy,
while Afghanistan recognised the Durand Line.
Initially Amunullah attempted to re-create the impetus
for an Islamic Central Asian Federation, wishing to bite off Soviet territory
in the Muslim Bokhara, Tartara and Turkestan areas. The Red Army under
General Frunze established control by subduing Tashkent. Amunullah
turned to establishing a modernised state. His model was Mustafa Kemal
of Turkey. He visited the Soviet Union, and in 1921 signed a Treaty of
Friendship with the Soviet Union and then a Treaty of Non-Interference
and Non-Aggression.
Lenin wrote to him as follows:
"May the desire of the Afghan people to follow the Russian example
be the best guarantee of the strength and independence of the Afghan state";
Cited by Hyman A: "Afghanistan Under Soviet Domination 1964-81"; New
York; 1982; p. 41; Cited from "Lenin on The National Liberation Movement
in the East" Moscow 1969; p.252.
Amunullah set out seriously to modernise the state,
improving the position on women, establishing secular schools, ordering
un-veiling of women’s purdah, and modernization of the land tenure system.
It was all for these reasons – that amounted to anti-imperialism - that
Stalin echoed Lenin’s favourable
view of Amunallah:
"The struggle that the Emir of Afghanistan is waging for the independence
of Afghanistan is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the monarchist
views of the Emir and his associates, for it weakens, disintegrates and
undermines imperialism";
J.V.Stalin; "The Foundations of Leninism"; April 1924; In "Works";
Volume 6; Moscow 1953; p.148.
However Amunullah’s 1928 decrees on purdah, sparked
a British inspired religious revolt under the reactionary Hazrat Shor
Bazar. Following Amunullah’s flight to Kandhar, Kabul fell to the Tajik
Bacha-I-Saquao (‘Son of a Water Carrier") a bandit leader. Very
quickly Nadir Shah, another
member of the Durrani Pashtun Royal family, began rallying tribesmen in
the North East. Nadir Shah received aid from the Gihlzai tribes and the
Hazrat of Shor bazaar (the foremost religious leader of Afghanistan), and
the British. By October Nadir Shah had seized power, and hanged Bacha.
Amanullah left for exile.
Nadir Shah reversed the reforms of Amanullah, instituting
very quickly a regime whose day to day rule was enforced by religious ulemas
and mullahs. Nadir Shah objectively served the interests of the reactionary
feudal landlords and the British imperialists.
Consistent with the views of Lenin cited above,
the Communist International characterised the fall of Amanullah as being
the result of a weak national bourgeoisie, a weak peasant reform programme,
and British manipulation and arming of Bacha:
"Comments in the communist press on the events leading up to the fall
of Amanullah … included the information that arms and money for the plot
were supplied by T.E.Lawrence; Amanullah had survived ten years
of British opposition because of Soviet friendship and the support of the
rising bourgeoisie; Raskolnikov on the other hand wrote that Afghanistan
had no bourgeoisie not even commercial (all trade was in Indian hands).
But there were ‘young Afghans’ inspired by Russian and India who supported
Amanullah; Amanullah had introduced bourgeois reforms without a bourgeoisie
to support him; their cost had fallen on the peasants, whom he had failed
to win over by agrarian reform";
In Degras, Jane Editor: " Documents of The Communist International
Volume 3:" London 1971; p.23. Cited From Inprecorr 19 April 1929;
8. Class Character of Afghanistan in the
Modern Era
Even by the 1980’s Afghanistan was one of the most under-developed
and backward countries in the world, with 40% of the population under-nourished
and an annual growth of national income of only 0.7%. (World bank figures,
Cited by Anwar R ibid; p. 136). The situation is well summarised by Barnett
"Afghanistan was among the world’s poorest countries, but it lacked
the grinding poverty of ex-colonial societies with a higher degree of capitalist
penetration. Its rural society still included a safety net based on an
ethic of asymmetrical reciprocity within kinship-based solidarity groups
(qawm). This solidarity was slowly being undermined by inroads of
the market and education but the process was much less advanced than in
neighboring countries. This was most manifest in some areas where property
rights came to depend on enforcement by the state, rather than being a
manifestation of local social relations. The state, which established private
property in land and pasture, assured Pashtun nomads and landlords access
to pasture and agricultural land in the largely non-Pashtun areas of central
and northern Afghanistan. The state also made possible the development
of absentee landlordism in the periphery of major cities. Before the mid-1950s,
an merchant class led the country’s economic development, but thereafter
the state nationalized the banking system and controlled the small industries
that developed."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
We below summarise the class
formations of the state of Afghanistan, from the early 20th
century, up to the modern era.
(i) A Weak National Bourgeoisie; and Foreign
ownership of small-scale industry:
The rapid disintegration of the Amanullah reformist
government, showed the objectively weak – even the non-existence - of a
national bourgeoisie. The Soviet ambassador to Kabul, F.F Raskolnikov,
wrote in 1929:
"The tragedy of Amanullah’s case lay in the fact that he undertook
bourgeois reforms without the existence of any national bourgeoisie in
the country".
Cited by Hyman, Antony: "Afghanistan Under Soviet Domination 1964-81";
London 1982. Cited p. 42;
And indeed the country had very little industry, that
could form the social base for any significant national bourgeoisie.
Even as late as 1978, what little industry there was, was in the either
State enterprises or in the hands of neighbouring Pakistani
bourgeoisie; i.e.; it was comprador
in character. What native bourgeoisie there was, in the main belonged to
the traditional industries of fruits and carpets:
"The share of industry in Afghan GNP was 17 %, which could…… meet 10-15%
of the home demand for textiles, sugar and so on. The bulk of the industrial
sector was in public ownership. Private manufacture of such goods as socks,
shoes, textiles, clarified butter, sugar and cotton ginning was mostly
controlled by foreign companies, many of them Pakistani. The Afghan ‘national
trader’ was confined to the traditional trade in dried fruits and carpets.";
Anwar, Rajah: "The Tragedy of Afghanistan": Ibid; p. 135.
Even these figures are misleading, since the main import-export
revenue was hidden, being at least 50% composed of smuggling (US
Army Area Handbook cited by Male B; Ibid; p.87). This illegal sector applied
also to the currency trade. Much of the commercial capital was in
the hands of Indians – mainly Hindus and Sikhs – who ran the currency
trade in illegal foreign exchange concerns in the bazaar, even after the
first Afghan bank was started in 1930. These foreign capitalist elements
were naturally closely related to the indigenous money lenders. These dominated
the countryside, and were largely the same individuals as the khan or landed
property owners. But as noted before, some sections of the more wealthy
nomads had transformed themselves into traders and merchants and they were
also money lenders.
This relationship gave rise to the alliance of
the tribal-feudal landlords and merchants of Kabul and Kandhar.
Attempts were made to develop industry, in the 1930’s
using government sponsored development led by the Bank Mili, but this remained
very small. Even under the regime of Sardar Mohammed Daud of 1953,
and with the aid of monies from the USA and Khruschevite USSR imperialists,
there was no real change (Male B; Ibid; p. 92). The actual industrial capitalist
remained a very small component of the Afghanistan picture:
"The number of workers in indigenous trades was greater than that of
industrial workers. In 1978, total industrial labour in Afghanistan was
around 40,000 nearly 70% of it in Kabul alone. Kunduz (Qanduz) with its
clarified butter and sugar factories employed 22% of the workers. In other
words industry … was confined to Kabul and Qanduz. 39% of the industrial
workers were associated with textiles and cotton ginning, 11 % with the
cement and minerals industry and between 7 and 9% with food processing,
construction, minerals and power-generated industries. In February 1986,
a survey of privately owned industry.. estimated 474 such units representing
11% of industrial production: the share of handicraft products was higher
than that of industrially produced ones".
Anwar, Rajah: "The Tragedy of Afghanistan": Ibid; p. 135.
Links to foreign capital were made from the end of the
Second World War in earnest Bilateral relation between the USA and Afghanistan
, were followed by the First Afghan-Soviet agreement for long term trade
in 1954. By 1981 Afghanistan owed the USSR government owed 1.49 billion
dollars. After 1968 a flourishing gas export trade to the Soviet Union
accounted for the largest foreign exchange revenue. But irrespective of
all this, the major result of all this was not a meaningful development
of wealth, but a huge foreign debt:
"The legacy inherited by the new government of 1978 was an immense
foreign debt. Debt servicing charges amounted to between 15 and 20% of
the current expenditure";
Male B; Ibid; p. 93.
The majority of the traders and capitalists were still
at the stage of merchant capital.
Naturally given the above statistics, the industrial
working class was very small amounting in 1978 to 40,000 as cited above.
Although industry in 1982 accounted for 21% of the GNP, it employed only
1.9% of the national workforce (Cited by Anwar R Ibid; p. 135). What industrial
working class there was, resided heavily in Kabul (70% of the work-force)
followed by Kunduz (22%) (Cited by Male B; Ibid; p. 94). Trade unions were
(iii) The City Petit-bourgeois
The majority of the governmental income was derived
from taxes on business and trade.
Land tax in 1966 was only 3.5% of the total national
tax, in contrast to customs duties on imports and exports which accounted
for 27 %. But although this required a petit bourgeois intelligentsia to
form – this was a also a very small section. As late as 1978, there were
no professional organisations of doctors, lawyers, journalists, teachers,
writers etc. (Cited Anwar ibid;; p. 137). The civil service in 1978 included
all salaried personnel from the government (including doctors and teachers
and lawyers) numbered some 100,000 in 1978 (cited Male B Ibid; p. 95).
Salary levels were very low, encouraging corruption. After the overthrow
of Amanullah, the clergy – the ulema and mullahs – were recruited to the
civil service as Muslim jurist and teachers. This led to a further reactionary
base, within a section that normally might have been wholly progressive.
(iv) Feudal Land Ownership with vestiges
of Tribal authority
The countryside houses some 88% of the total population
of Afghanistan (Anwar Ibid; p. 127). So any account of its class structure
must carefully delineate the powers in the countryside.
As described earlier, the oriental despotism was
the state form under the Afghan empire. But it became converted to a form
where feudalism was the mode of production but under a tribal form. This
social structure remained largely in place to the modern day, where the
Khan or feudal lord was both a landlord and also retained
tribal rights as a chief:
"In Afghanistan… the feudal lord or the Khan was very much a part of
the social and tribal system. He acted not only as the economic lord and
master of the peasants, but was at the same time their unquestioned military,
tribal, and administrative leader. The Khan’s elevated position was an
indisputable fact of tribal life…";
Anwar, Rajah: "The Tragedy of Afghanistan": Ibid; p. 132.
Of the landmass, only some 12% is cultivable, and of
this only 60% is in fact farmed due to either lack of water or restrictive
feudal practices. Land is highly concentrated:
"In 1978… 5% of the landowners were in possession of 45% of all cultivable
land. About 83% of owners held between 5-10 acres of largely uneconomic
land…. In 1978 there were thirty families in the country whose holding
consisted of between 500 and 50,000 acres of agricultural land. The number
of Afghan landlords affected by the 1978 reforms did not exceed 400. These
people owned about 20,000 villages.".
Anwar, Rajah: "The Tragedy of Afghanistan": Ibid; p. 130.
By 1978, very large accumulation of land ownership had
occurred as seen in the following table (from Anwar R; Ibid; p. 130).
Size Holding |
% Total Number of Landowners in country |
% of total cultivable land |
5-10 acres |
83% |
35% |
10-25 acres |
12% |
45% |
25-50,000 acres |
5% |
45% |
The crops were divided into five parts: land, water, labour, capital, and
seed. The peasant obtained only one-fifth of the yield therefore as the
land, capital, and seed were from the landlord and the water form the mir-i-aab
(the owner of the water). The peasant was largely of the same tribe as
his landlord and subject to an extra burden resulting from tribal obligations:
"Men belonging to the same racial stock and the same village have become
reduced to the lowly status of landless cultivators, the sole beneficiary
of whose back-breaking labour is the feudal landlord."
Anwar R; Ibid; p.130.
The famine and related deaths in the years 1969 to 1971
– whereby 500000 died in 1972 alone, further drove the peasant into indebtedness.
As the peasant’s indebtedness grew – rates of interest being 20-50% in
good times – the proportion of landless grew. They became transformed into
an agricultural proletariat who worked for payment in kind - or in cash.
This process was facilitated by the late entry of
tractors into the countryside, In 1968 there were only 400 private tractors
in Afghanistan. As this process accelerated, marginal lands were lost to
nomadic farming who were thereby brought into the cash economy. (Male B;
‘Revolutionary Afghanistan- A Reappraisal"; Ibid; p. 75). Even by 1978
however, there were still approximately 2.5 million nomads who were still
existing (Anwar Ibid; p.129). They are destined to enter the countryside
labour market as landless agricultural workers.
By 1978 agri-business – i.e.; capitalism
in the countryside – had been established in certain areas, e.g. around
Ghanzni (Male B: Ibid; p.76).
The ruling class of Afghanistan was the rural feudal
landlord class in alliance with the comprador capitalists linked to foreign
interests; aided by the small money capitalists and the illegal smugglers;
The small capitalist class was largely non-industrial
and largely comprador in character. Only an insignificant section was national
in character.
There was only a very small working class that numbered
only 400,000 of a total population of 15 million in 1978.
The vast majority of the population –13 million
or 86% - was rural, and was largely landless peasants.
The desperate need of the peoples of Afghanistan
was for a national democratic revolution
that would aim to liberate the country from foreign domination and carry
through the rural land reforms to liberate the peasantry.
Up to 1978, Afghanistan
was a semi-colony in thrall to several imperialisms, including USA imperialism.
A colonial type country is one which is industrially relatively undeveloped
and which is under the economic, and possibly the political, domination
of a Great Power - in the 20th century an imperialist country.
A Colonial-Type Country May Be :
1. A colony i.e. under the open direct political rule of a dominating
Great Power;
2. A semi-colony i.e. nominally independent but with its economic system
largely dominated and controlled for the benefit of the ruling class of
a dominating great Power;
or 3. A neo-colony i.e. a former colony which has become nominally
"independent" but which continues to have its economic system largely controlled
for the benefit of the ruling class of the same dominating Great Power
which formerly ruled it directly.
`The nominal "ruling class" of a semi-colony or of a neo-colony is one
which is dependent on the ruling class of the dominating Great Power.
Revolution In The Colonial-Type Countries.
Sooner or later the struggle for national liberation
from the domination of the Great Power concerned develops in every colonial
type country.
In the 20th Century, in general, the classes in
a colonial-type country which benefit by the national liberation
1. The working class
2. The urban petty-bourgeoisie
3. The peasantry and
4. The national bourgeoisie, that section of the capitalist class whose
whole interests are held back the domination of the Great Power.
In general, the classes in a colonial-type country which
have interests that would be harmed by the national liberation are:
1. The landlord class; and
2.The comprador bourgeoisie, i.e. that section of the capitalist class
the interests of which (mainly commercial and financial) are dependent
upon the domination of the Great power.
10. The Marxist-Leninist Strategy Of Revolution
In The Colonial And Semi-Colonial Countries
At the Second Congress of the Communist International,
held in Petrograd and Moscow from July 19th to August 7th, 1920 - Lenin
had outlined the Marxist-Leninist strategy of the socialist revolution
in countries that were either of colonial or semi-colonial nature. Lenin
had modified his own "Theses on Revolution in Semi-Colonial Countries"
in debate with Mabendra Nath Roy; (M.N.Roy). The Theses On The National
And Colonial Question Were Adopted At The 2nd Congress Of The Communist
International (CI), [Petrograd and Moscow : July 19th to August 7th, 1920].
The Theses were adopted only after intense study by The National and Colonial
Commission of the Congress. Lenin and Roy disagreed over whether, and how
much to ally with the national bourgeoisie.
Lenin’s view would prevail:
"The Communist International must enter into temporary alliance with
bourgeois democracy in colonial and backward countries, but should not
merge with it, and under all circumstances should uphold the independence
of the proletarian movement even if it is in the most embryonic form."
V.I.Lenin: "Preliminary Draft of Theses on the National and Colonial
Countries, 2nd Congress Communist International"; June 1920; in "Collected
Works", Volume 31, Moscow, 1966; p.150.
Both Lenin and Stalin advocated that if there was a
revolutionary bourgeoisie (i.e. a determined wing of the national bourgeoisie)
the task of communists was to link up with these elements in a revolutionary
united front:
"The task of the communist elements in the colonial type countries
is to link up with the revolutionary elements of the bourgeoisie.. against
the bloc of imperialism and the compromising elements of 'their own' bourgeoisie,
in order.. to wage a genuinely revolutionary struggle for liberation from
J.V.Stalin: "The Results of the Work At the 14th Congress of the RCP(B),"
in May 1925; in "Works" Volume 7, Moscow, 1954, p.108-9.
"The second deviation lies.. in an underestimation of the role of an
alliance between the working class (of a colonial type country) and the
revolutionary bourgeoisie against imperialism.. That is a deviation to
the Left , and it is fraught with danger of the Communist Party being divorced
from the masses and converted into a sect. A determined struggle against
that deviation is an essential condition for the training of real revolutionary
cadres for colonies and dependent countries of the East."
J.V.Stalin, "The Political tasks of the University of the Peoples of
the East", in May 1925; In Works", Vol 7. Moscow, 1954, p.154.
However, what if there was almost no national bourgeoisie?
Lenin had recognised that this was a serious matter for the world’s toilers:
"And one of the most important tasks now confronting us it to consider
how the foundation-stone of the organisation of the Soviet movement can
be laid in the non-capitalist countries. Soviets are possible there; they
will not be workers’ Soviets, but peasants’ Soviets or Soviets of working
V.I.Lenin: "Report On The International Situation & The Fundamental
Tasks of the Communist International; July 19th; 1920"; The
Second Congress of the Communist International; "Collected Works"; Volume
31; Moscow 1966; p. 233.
"Both in his speeches and his theses (at the 2nd Congress of CI - ed)
Lenin has in mind the countries where:
'There can be no question of a purely proletarian movement,' where,
'there is practically no industrial proletariat."
Why were the Supplementary Theses needed? In order to single out from
the backward colonial countries which have no industrial proletariat such
countries as China and India, of which it cannot be said that they have
'practically no industrial proletariat'. Read the "Supplementary Theses",
and you will realise that they refer chiefly to China and India...How could
it happen that Roy's special Theses were needed to "Supplement" Lenin's
theses? The fact is that Lenin's Theses were written and published long
before the Second Congress opened.. prior to the discussion in the Special
Commission of the Second Congress. And since the Second Congress revealed
the necessity of singling out from the backward countries such countries
as China and India the necessity of 'Supplementary Theses' arose."
J.V.Stalin: "Questions of the Chinese Revolution", "Works" May 1927;
Vol 9; Moscow 1953; p.236-238.
Therefore Lenin believed that the model of revolution
for Russia – the Soviet based revolutionary model of the soviet passing
through the national democratic revolution COULD be applied
to feudal conditions in the colonial and semi-colonial countries of the
world. Thus in the "pre-capitalist world" where there was "practically
no industrial proletariat". The model would need to be amended in one regard
- being made into a peasant Soviet primarily:
"Next, I would like to make a remark on the subject of peasants' Soviets.
The Russian Communists' practical activities in the former tsarist colonies,
in such backward countries as Turkestan, etc., have confronted us with
the question of how to apply the communist tactics and policy in pre-capitalist
conditions. The preponderance of pre-capitalist relationships is still
the main determining feature in these countries, so that there can be no
question of a purely proletarian movement in them. There is practically
no industrial proletariat in these countries. Nevertheless, we have assumed,
we must assume, the role of leader even there. Experience has shown us
that tremendous difficulties have to be surmounted in these countries.
However, the practical results of our work have also shown that despite
these difficulties we are in a position to inspire in the masses an urge
for independent political thinking and independent political action, even
where a proletariat is practically non-existent.
….. It will readily be understood that peasants living in conditions
of semi-feudal dependence can easily assimilate and give effect to the
idea of Soviet organisation. It is also clear that the oppressed masses,
those who are exploited, not only by merchant capital but also by the feudalists,
and by a state based on feudalism, can apply this weapon, this type of
organisation, in their conditions too. The idea of Soviet organisation
is a simple one, and is applicable, not only to proletarian, but also to
peasant feudal and semi-feudal relations. ….. the Communist International's
theses should point out that peasants' Soviets, Soviets of the exploited,
are a weapon which can be employed, not only in capitalist countries but
also in countries with pre-capitalist relations, and that it is the absolute
duty of Communist parties and of elements prepared to form Communist parties,
everywhere to conduct propaganda in favour of peasants' Soviets or of working
people's Soviets, this to include backward and colonial countries..."
V.I.Lenin: "Report on the Commission"; The Second Congress of the Communist
International; "Collected Works"; Volume 31; Moscow 1966; p. 243; or at:
As outlined above, in general the working
class should if possible exercise the leading role, even in the first
phase of the revolution (i.e. the national democratic revolution). But
what should be the strategy of Marxists-Leninists if there was no, or a
very small, or only a weak working class in the colony or semi-colony?
In this case, it was considered that the leadership
was to be exercised by the comrade working classes of the world.
In particular those of socialist states, if there were any. In fact,
the responsibility of the socialist state and its' proletariat, was outlined
clearly in the Theses adopted under Lenin's direction, at the Second
Congress of the Comintern. Without a significant working class in the colonial
country, leadership devolved to the Soviet state, and the working class
of the developed capitalist countries. In fact under this circumstance
it may be possible to successfully go through the first national democratic
revolution thought to the second phase the socialist stage without traversing
"If the revolutionary victorious proletariat carries on systematic
propaganda among them, and if the Soviet governments render them all the
assistance they possibly can.. the backward countries may pass to the Soviet
system, and after passing through a definite stage of development to Communism
without passing though the capitalists stage of development." V.I.Lenin:
"Report on the Commission"; The Second Congress of the Communist International;
"Collected Works"; Volume 31; Moscow 1966; p. 244.
Naturally each country’s particular circumstances should
be considered carefully:
"The nationally peculiar and nationally specific features in each separate
country must unfailingly be taken into account by the Comintern when drawing
up guiding directives for the working class movement of the country concerned."
Stalin J.V. "Notes on Contemporary Themes"; (July 1927); In Works;
Volume 9; Moscow; 1954; p.337.
Stalin, addressing the People's of the East had distinguished
by 1925: "at least three categories of colonial and dependent countries":
"Firstly countries like Morocco who have little or not proletariat,
and are industrially quite undeveloped. Secondly countries like China and
Egypt which are under-developed industries and have a relatively small
proletariat. Thirdly countries like India, which are capitalistically more
or less developed and have a more or less numerous national proletariat.
Clearly all these countries cannot possibly be put on a par with one another."
J.V.Stalin. "Political Tasks of the University of Peoples of the East."
May 18. 1925. Works Vol 7; Moscow; 1954; p. 149
Of course in 1920, the revolutionary wave impelled Lenin
and his comrades, to see the possibility of imminent world revolution.
What did Stalin see as the possible scenarios, at a later stage? What about
those countries where Stalin saw "little or no proletariat"?
Here Stalin adhered to the Colonial Theses, where
it was argued that the socialist country and its proletariat would have
to exercise leadership. He had already pointed out:
"Lasting victory cannot be achieved in the colonial and dependent countries
without a real link between the liberation movement in these countries
and the proletarian movement in the advanced countries of the world".
Stalin; "Tasks of the University of the Peoples of the East"; Ibid;
p. 148.
Now, he insisted the immediate task in countries like
Morocco, was to weld a "united national Front against imperialism":
"In countries like Morocco, where the national bourgeoisie has, as
yet, no grounds for splitting up into a revolutionary party and a compromising
party, the tasks of the communist elements is to take all measures to create
a united national front against imperialism. In such countries, the communist
elements can be grouped into a single party only in the course of the struggle
against imperialism, particularly after a victorious revolutionary struggle
against imperialism." Stalin; "Tasks of University of Peoples of East";
Ibid; p. 149.
Stalin pointed out that the National Bourgeois Democratic
Revolution, could be undertaken by even a relatively small national capitalist
class, such as in Turkey. Stalin emphasised
that the "main axis" was the agrarian movement, and that this was halted
by Kemal Ataturk:
"The characteristic feature .. of the Turkish revolution (The Kemalists)..
is that it got stuck at the "first step", at the first stage of its development,
at the stage of the bourgeois liberation movement, without even attempting
to pass to the second stage of its development, the stage of the agrarian
Stalin; "The International Situation & The Defense of the USSR";
August 1 1927; "Works"; Volume 10; Moscow 1954; p.16.
But in Turkey, the party that represented the nascent
bourgeoisie, the Committee for Unity & Progress, had from 1908 onwards
consciously nurtured its own class:
"Fostered a Turkish entrepreneurial class by encouraging the formation
of commercial companies. The Revue de Turquie, published in Lausanne in
September 1918, listed some 80 joint-stock companies set up since (1914).
The list included major concerns such as the Ottoman national bank with
capital of 4 million lira.. By the end of the war, …. (there) was the emergence
of a national economy dominated by Turks and the appearance of a new class
which they described as bourgeoisie";
Ahmad, Feroz: "The Making of Modern Turkey"; London; 1993; p. 45.
The situation of Afghanistan was even more precarious. Scenarios
of revolutionary transformation that depended upon:
(i) the existence of a revolutionary working class movement in the
developed capitalist countries and/or
(ii) the existence of a socialist state,
were temporarily impossible following 1953 and the death
of Stalin. There is little doubt that in the absence of both these factors
– the possible avenues for a country such as Afghanistan – towards socialism,
are much bleaker. Contrary to the possibility in 1920, a phase of capitalist
development was not likely to be avoidable by the Afghanistan people.
Moreover this was only likely to occur in a comprador
fashion changing the possible development of Afghanistan.
Moreover, the tasks were further complicated by
three factors: The multi-national
character of the state, with several proto-nationalities developing; and
the intense geo-political importance of Afghanistan; and the failure to
develop a Marxist-Leninist party free of revisionism inside Afghanistan.
11. Later Attempts to Develop the Afghani
Bourgeoisie – Reliance on either the USA or Khruschevite Revisionist Led
In these weak circumstances, it is not surprising
that the national capitalist classes were forced into submitting to a ‘alliance’
or dependence upon one or other foreign imperialism. It is true that attempts
were made to minimise this, and attempts were made to balance one imperialism
against another. But this was ultimately futile.
After the failed Amunallah reforms, Afghanistan
was ruled by Nadir Shah who established a new line of kings, down
to Zahir Shah. Nadir Shah ascended the throne following Nadir Shah’
s assassination in 1933. Under the ensuing monarchy, some progressive movements
began to develop. In the rule of Shah Mahmood (1946-52) the developing
intelligentsia formed the Tehrik-I-Naujawanan-baidar (TNB) (The
Movement for The Enlightened Youth) declared a programme that called for
liberal democracy. This was suppressed in 1953. Around this grouping, several
later activists were initially radicalised.
As imperialists vied for their positions in the
Indian sub-continent, Pakistan became closely linked to the USA. Over this
period, Sardar Daud Khan became
the Prime Minister to his cousin Zahir Shah
- who was monarch.
Daoud tried hard to strike a middle path between
USA and USSR imperialism. But the USA insisted that he sign an anti-Soviet
pact, at which Daoud balked. Moreover the USA pushed Afghanistan to recognise
the Durand Line (See above) which had partitioned Pachunistan between Afghanistan
and Pakistan. The USA Eisenhower
administration advised Daoud to negotiate with Pakistan. As Le Monde put
"At the beginning of his premiership, Daoud asked the US to mobilize
nd equip the military forces of Afghanistan. The US made it subject to
Afghanistan joining CENTO (The Baghdad Pact). Daoud despite the fact that
he was an anti-Communist, did not accept the proposal … and instead asked
for military assistance from the USSR";
Cited Anwar Ibid; p. 33.
Therefore, Daoud and King Zahir Shah moved to establishing
Afghanistan as a comprador state on behalf
of the USSR Khruschevite neo-imperialists. Daoud found himself
therefore aligned more with the USSR.
In January 1954 the first Afghan-Soviet Agreement
was signed, involving long term credit. In December 1955 Bulganin and
Khruschev singed in Kabul an ‘aid’ agreement for $100 million – then "the
largest amount of aid committed by the USSR outside the Soviet bloc"; (Male
Ibid; p. 28). By 1981, Afghanistan owed the USSR more than 1.49 billion
dollars (Cited Anwar Ibid; p. 35).
In 1956 a major treaty was signed that specified
the modernization and rearmament of the Afghan army (See Anwar Ibid; p.35-36).
This involved training of the officers in the USSR. It was this that created
the bedrock of an overwhelmingly pro-USSR faction within the Afghanistan
military leaders and corps. The first Five-Year development plan was launched
in 1956, and essentially laid the foundation for Afghanistan’s industry.
It was only in 1964 that King Zahir Shah, following
a Special Commission recommendation, allowed that there should be broadened
political representation, in the form of elections to the Wolesi Jira (the
Lower House). This spurred the development of the PDPA.
12. Early Progressive Organisations And
the Formation of the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA)
The earliest progressive formations inside Afghanistan
seem to have coalesced around the period of "Wish-I-Zalmaiyan – or "Awakened
Youth" – in 1947. Despite putting out some papers like "Watan" (Homeland),
and "Nida’-yi-Khalq" (Voice of the People); and Angar (Burning Embers)
– its activity was mainly based at Kabul university.
When in Daoud became Prime Minster in 1953 all these
papers and movements who had been agitating for a liberal constitutional
democracy were suppressed. This drove many of the leaders into a more Marxist
The PDPA was formed on January 1 1965. The
leadership consisted of members mainly from the middle-class intelligentsia
and civil service, but mainly were teachers.
Nur Mohammed Taraki
came from a family of shepherds; and who became later a
clerk in Bombay where he became attracted to Marxism; moving back to Kabul
he became a low civil servant (Male B ibid; p. 24). Despite having worked
in Angar openly, he was sent as an attaché in the Afghan embassy
in the USA – from where he was recalled for an open attack on the monarchy;
and given low ranking civil service appointments. He wrote progressive
Hafizullah Amin
was the son of a low ranking Ghilzai civil servant in the countryside,
he became a teacher (Male B ibid; p. 21). He was especially effective in
organising teachers and women.
Babrak Karmal,
was a member of the Durrani Pashtun aristocracy, with close links to the
royal house; (Male B ibid; p. 22); he was especially effective in organising
the Kabul Students union and radical youth. He is said to have been brought
to an understanding of Marxism by Mir Akbar Khyber. Of the Military
Academy Together they would form the "Parcham"
(Flag) faction of the PDPA.
From the beginning the PDPA professed the programme
of the proletariat:
"In the last two years we have fully understood the ideology of each
other and our path is explicitly clear. We know that we are struggling
for some classes against some classes and that we are going to build such
a society on the basis of social principles in the interest of the toilers
and void of individual exploitation";
Cited by Male Ibid; p. 36; Address to the First Congress of the PDPA
January 1965; Kabul Times.
"The foundation stone of our party rests on those classes which produce
material and moral wealth. But all the wealth is used up by the parasite
and exploiting classes. If our party could get the toilers and their intellectuals
together, and teach them the ideology of the workers and get them untied
on the basis of this ideology it would then be certain that our dear Afghanistan
will be revived from all hardship and suffering";
Taraki; Address to the First Congress; Cited Male Ibid; p. 37.
Hafizullah Amin was in the USA when the PDPA was formed,
and he established a solidarity group there. However in the interim a Central
Committee of 11 was formed, with Taraki as Secretary General, and Babrak
Karmal became the Secretary of the Central Committee. The party was still
Early on various factions split off on ethnic grounds.
But a more fundamental difference remained within the party until the later
split of 1965. In the 1965 elections Babrak Karmal together with Dr. Anahita
Ratebzada (his companion, married to Dr. Qamruddin surgeon to the Royal
household) were elected to the Wolesi Jirga (Parliament).
Verbal attacks upon government in parliament, escalated tensions and student
riots occurred in 25 October 1966 where 3 students were killed. The Wolesi
Jirga was adjourned.
At this stage two positions crystallized, around
what attitude to take to the Zahir Shah regime. Amin and Taraki – organized
around Khalq (The People); and
Babrak Karmal and Mir Akbar Khyber around Parcham
(Flag). Karmal was attempting to make an opportunist pact
with the monarchy.
The manifesto of the Khalq was issued in
April 1966 and it:
"Identified the economic and political hegemony of the feudal calls
as the source of Afghanistan’s’ misery and backwardness, and saw the immediate
solution as the establishment of a ‘national democratic government’ – founded
on " an national united front of patriotic, democratic progressive forces,
viz. Workers, peasants, progressive elite, artisans, small bourgeois (small
and average landowners) and national bourgeois (national capitalist) who
are struggling for national independence, popularisation of democracy in
social life and making the ant-imperialist and feudalist democratic movement
Cited Male Ibid; p. 41-42.
It also pointed out the:
"Primary objective of creating a socialist society which is imperative
for our social accomplishment";
Cited Male Ibid; p. 42.
Karmal and Parcham on the other hand wished to:
"assure the king that we are not Communists";
Cited Male Ibid; p. 43.
Unsurprisingly, Karmal through his contacts in government
managed to arrange for Parcham to be published publicly. Khalq remained
a banned paper. Babrak Karmal went on to make a speech in the Wolesi Jirga
("House of the People"; Parliament with 216 elected members – there was
also a Mesharnao Jirga – an Upper House of 84 members largely appointed
by the king) heavily extolling the King as:
"The most progressive king of Asia… (affirming) his sincere and abiding
faith in the ling" and praising the budget presented by the Ministry on
the grounds that King Zahir Shah had himself devoted time to its preparation";
Male B; Ibid; p. 44.
When Karmal proffered his resignation to the Central
Committee it was accepted and an ensuing split
in 1967, left two groups both claiming the name of the PDPA.
There was another faction of the PDPA that was never
quite as important, this was the military faction led by Abdul Qadir
– which was never as important as the other two factions.
The Khalq faction represented the joint interests
of the working class, peasantry and the national capitalist class. Due
to the weak working class, it was dominated by the perspective of the national
capitalist class.
Parcham now had come to represent the interest of the
feudal and monarchist landowners.
Independent commentators noted the divergence:
"Parcham … have calmed down appreciably… Babrak and Parcham appear
to be agreed that a milder evolutionary approach to socialism is to be
preferred to violent overthrow. Parcham believes that all sectors of the
Afghan population can contribute to the defeat of "feudalism and imperialism"
and promotes the creation of ‘United Democratic Front’ to work for a change
within the constitutional system."
Dupree L: Cited by Male B: Ibid; p. 47.
However, both factions of
the PDPA were supported by the USSR revisionists of the former USSR:
"Even prior to the coup at least three distinct organised groups can
be identified, each with their own separate links to the Soviet state:
the Khalqi faction, and the Parcham faction, formally reunited within one
PDPA in 1977, and a third body, a separate military faction headed by Abdul
Qadir, that was not formally acknowledged. If the first two had links with
the international communist movement, via the Iranian Tudeh Party, and
the Pakistan and Indian communist parties, and directly to the International
Department of the CPSU in Moscow, the third had direct ties to the GRU,
the Soviet military intelligence apparatus. The main party leaders-Taraki,
Khaibar and Karmal--also had direct contacts with the Soviet embassy in
Halliday, Fred & Tanin , Zahir In Europe-Asia Studies, Dec98, Vol.
50 Issue 8, p1357. A version is to be found at:
Halliday; p. 5/38.
Objectively, both these
PDPA factions had a pro-USSR comprador under-pinning that
did not fail to exert its long term influence.
Briefly during this period, two Maoist
pro-Chinese organisations arose also:
In general pro-Chinese groupings were fostered
to resisted "Pashtunistan" – which also therefore supported Pakistan.Pakistan
had long resisted any attempt to weaken its territorial integrity, by denying
the nation of "Pashtunistan" otherwise
known as North West Frontier Province, or the lands that had been confiscated
by the Duran Line British partition.
One was Shola-I-Javid (Eternal Flame) edited
by Dr. Rahim Mahmoudi and Dr. Hadi Mahmoudi. Correspondingly their
politics were anti-Pushtun.
Another pro-Chinese Maoist organisation was Setem-I-Meli
(Against national oppressions) led by Taher Badakhshi – by origin
a Tajik. It came to represent the views of minorities who perceived themselves
to be oppressed by the Pashtuns.
From 1969, the regime of Zahir Shah turned more
overtly reactionary and closed down Parcham as well. It was during this
period that the active mobilisation of the mullah forces was encouraged
by the government (Hyman A; Ibid; p.61). Many religious parties were formed
by the pre-eminent religious family of mullahs – the Mujaddidi family
– led by the Hazrat Sahib of Shor Bazaar. They formed the head of
the conservative group in Parliament. Fundamentalist Islamic groups heavily
influenced by the Egyptian movements were founded, knows as Ikhwan
al-Muslimin ("Muslim Bretheren" or ‘Young Muslims’) and the Jama’at-i-ismlami
of Maulana Abu’l A’la Maudoodi of India.
A liberal progressive party – the Progressive
Democratic Party – led by Maiwandwal – also was formed.
A large Social Democratic party was formed
as well known as the Afghan Social Democrats, led by Engineer
Ghulam Mohammed Farhad – proclaimed a Greater Afghanistan including
Pushtanistan. Both these parties objectively represented the national capitalist
However in the 1969 elections both Parcham and Khalq
obtained seats.
The PDPA programme enabled the election of
Hafizullah Amin under the slogan of a United Front:
"The PDPA decided that all progressive, democratic and national forces
be united under a single banner of united front composed of patriotic elements
to protest against the Zahir Shah regime";
Male Ibid; p. 49.
Karmal and Parcham rejected any United Front.
13. The regime of Sardar Mohammed Daoud
1973-1978 – A Pashtun Dominated Comprador state.
When King Zahir Shah displaced his cousin Daoud
from the Prime Ministership in 1963, the King turned the state increasingly
to the right. He refused to devolve any power, and dismissed in turn five
nationalist prime ministers. In this turn, the army leaders became restless
and regretted the ensuing change away from the USSR.
After all, they had been often in the past sent
for training there, during the time that Daoud had been Prime Minister.
Many of the army elite saw themselves as committed to modernisation. A
pact now emerged between ex-Prime Minister Daoud, Babrak, and the higher
army leaders:
"Knowledgeable circles in Kabul regarded Parcham as Sardar Daoud’s
own "communist party";
Male, Ibid; p. 53.
This led to an army-led coup in 1973. The character
of the coup, which placed Daoud as a President of a Republic, was that
of a putsch aimed to establish a constitutional democratic republic. This
aimed to establish a land reform,
which would pit Daoud against the feudal and monarchist landowners:
"Land ceilings were fixed at 20-40 hectares for irrigated and dry land
respectively – less relatively high to the average landholdings. Compensation
was to be paid at an interest rate of 2% - payable over the next 25 years-
payable by peasants buffeting from the reform. A full year was to elapse
before this decree was to be applied ".
Hyman; Ibid; p. 65.
However objectively as has been pointed out, the
national capitalist class was extremely weak. It had therefore from
the beginning sought out aid in the form of ‘alliances’ – in reality dependence.
It has been described that an early turn to the
USA was rebuffed by insistence from the USA that Afghanistan come into
CENTO and repudiate the notion
of "Pashtunistan". Subsequently, the first Daoud premiership had turned
to the USSR. Now, in the second period of Daoud’s government, at first
he again attempted obtain aid from pro-USA sources such as Iran:
"The Shah of Iran began to drop hints in 1973 of massive offers of
aid to Daud, who after some initial hesitation, signed a billion dollar
loan agreement with Tehran….. However .. no more than $ 10 million was
handed over as a part of the Treaty of Hilmand."
Anwar Ibid; p. 77.
In the interim, Daoud’s moves to progressive democratic
reforms prompted the Muslim clergy to organise resistance. During
this period, many Islamic Fundamentalists fled to Pakistan. This was exploited
by Pakistan whose leaders were anxious to prevent any separation of parts
of Pakistan.
Pakistan’s President
Zulfakir Ali-Bhutto began to organise camps of Islamic guerillas
along the border. They were led by Burhanuddin
Rabbani and Gulbuddin Hekmatyr – originally from Kabul University.
These were aimed to resisting the attempts of the Afghanistan national
bourgeoisie to fan the nationalist movements in Northern Pakistan of the
Pathan and Baluch regions of Pushtunistan.
From 1953 on, Daoud had been at the forefront of
agitation for separation of these territories - originally ceded to British
India in the Third Afghan War - reverting to an independent Pashtunistan
(Hyman Ibid; p. 67-8). Naturally the Pakistan government had a vested interest
in this area, especially since the secession of Bangla Desh:
"Baluchistan was to become
the largest province of West Pakistan, but the least populated, with some
40% of its area but a mere 4% of its population. Its social structure was
dominated by nomadic tribalism, and the tribal chiefs dominated the tribesmen.
The British had entered the regions inhabited by Baluch simply to control
the frontier with Afghanistan. … A national consciousness (had awoken)
during the 30’s and 40’s and the high point of this was Bizenjo’s speech
in the Kalat Assembly. But the military intervention of the Pakistani army
in 1948 was to inaugurate a forced integration with the Pakistani state."
Ali, Tariq; "Can Pakistan Survive" The Death of a State"; London 1983;
p. 116.
After the National Awami
Party of Pashtuns and Baluchis formed a government in Baluchistan
in 1973, the Pakistan government of the Pakistan
People’s Party dismissed the government. This provided Daoud
with a pretext to establish a camp for Baluchi guerillas. Daoud was attempting
to create a fused Afghan society-nation by simply ignoring all the other
national questions (Hyman Ibid; p.68-69). This served the interests of
the Pashtun majority, which under Daoud wished to exert a national domination
over a modernized state of Afghanistan.
Correspondingly Daoud’s regime withdrew support
of even minor reforms aimed at the non-Pushtuns in the smaller nationalities.
Thus Daoud closed down radio stations operating in the Turkic language
aimed at the northern minorities. A provincial re-organisation in the East
reduced the number of provinces from 28 to 26 suppressing some ethnic groups.
Although the Pushtun military elite and Tajik predominance of the administrative
elite was eroded, ultimately Pashtun nationalists still dominated the army.
Daoud had been initially pro-USSR also, but his
switch to the USA, was prompted by the failure of the USSR government to
support the development of a "Free" Pushtunistan.
Instead Brezhnev
preferred to support Bhutto and Pakistan. Bhutto had coopted the main leaders
of the Baluchi movement into governing rule within Pakistan. Moreover Bhutto
convinced Brezhnev that the further break-up of Pakistan was at that time
a dangerous step. Bhutto returned
from the Soviet Union in 1978 saying:
"I have cut the string which flew the Afghan kite";
Cited Anwar Ibid; p. 81.
Daoud was forced to negotiate with Bhutto, who himself
was succeeded by Zia Ul-Haq,
who took power in a coup. Henry Kissinger
duly arrived in Kabul to cement the USA bond. When Daoud under pressure
from the King Zahir Shah, acceded to Pakistani President Zia ul-Haq’s demand
to curtail support of the Baluch and Pashtun militias, he sealed the change
to the USA masters. This quickly meant that the army’s leading echelons
– trained in the USSR – re-thought their support for the regime, which
was therefore undercut.
Although some Parcham leaders were appointed to
government after the coup, Karmal was left outside. Again, the Parcham
faction tried to find an easy berth in government. But a formal break between
Karmal and Daoud, became inevitable in part due to Daoud’s increasingly
pro-USA stance.
Karmal had as we have seen, allied himself and
Parcham to the USSR.
The Republic as proclaimed by Daoud, was welcomed
by Khalq as well.
However Khalq was ignored by government, and continued
underground work and publication. All press – including the Islamic fundamentalist
press - was shut down by Daoud in 1977.
During this period, the Khalq
leading circles, developed the strategic position of a
"short cut" that relied on the military – and not
the working class or the mass of toilers. Its own writings
proclaimed that:
"Comrade Taraki had appraised Afghan society on a scientific basis
… since the 1973 coup that it was possible for Afghanistan for the people
to wrest power through a short cut as the classical way in which the productive
forces undergo different stages to build a society based on socialism would
take a long time. This short cut would be utilised by working exclusively
within the armed forces,. Previously the army was considered as the tool
of dictatorship and despotism of the ruling class and it was not imaginable
to use it before toppling its employer."
Male Ibid; p. 56.
Accordingly the Khalq party, especially guided by Hafizullah
Amin, devoted considerable time to lay the foundations of their cadre in
the army, in order to organise a coup. During this period, the Parcham
faction having been rejected as a strong parliamentary force by Daoud,
now re-joined Khalq. The two factions retained however their separate organisational
This strategy is correctly termed a "revolution
from above" by academic observers such as Trimberger EJ (See "Revolution
From Above"; New Brunswick NJ, 1978 and Halliday F (See Halliday, Fred
& Tanin , Zahir In Europe-Asia Studies, Dec 98, Vol. 50 Issue 8, p1357.
A version is to be found at:
Although this overall characterisation is correct,
it ignores any understandings brought by previous Marxist-Leninist discussions
on the matter. As discussed above, the Comintern, Lenin and Stalin had
explicitly discussed the objective revolutionary conditions under which
countries with an extremely small working class could or could not undergo
the national democratic revolution moving into the socialist revolution.
Under pressure from the USSR, concerned about the
drift of Daoud to the USA, the two main factions of the PDAP – the Khalq
and the Parcham re-united from negotiations begun in 1975. But their apparatuses
were kept completely separate. A deal was brokered by the Iranian Tudeh
leader Ehsan Tabari, and two central committees were merged in 1977.
14. The 1978 Saur (Month of Taurus the Bull
[April]) Revolution
The signal for the coup was the murder of Mir
Akbar Khyber , the theoretician of the Parcham faction. In the unrest
following, the leading members of the PDPA were arrested. Plans had already
been made for a coup – planned for July-August 1978, and it was brought
forward by two months. Hafizullah Amin had infiltrated the army and was
able to lead the coup; and he then physically liberated both Taraki and
Babrak Karmal from prison, while en route to seizing Radio Afghanistan.
There they announced the successful coup. The Khalq faction of the PDPA
had, virtually alone, coordinated the coup, while the Parcham faction had
almost no knowledge of the plans for it.
The coup resulted in power being seized by
a class alliance led by a faction of the national capitalist
class; this class was in alliance with:
Those elements of the pro-feudal classes who were willing to be comprador
to the USSR – these were politically represented by the Parcham faction
of the PDPA;
A small and ineffectively organised working class who had no separate
organizational backing; A large un-organised peasant and toiler population
who had no separate organisational backing.
In addition, the class take-over of the state enabled
a tribal change in state power also. The coup displaced the
Mohammadzai Durrani Pashtuns by the Ghilzai Pashtuns. The Government
was headed by Taraki – the leader of the Khalq. But both members of Parcham
(including Babrak Karmal) and members of Khalq (including Hafizullah Amin)
shared leading posts in the government. Nonetheless, the programme of the
new government was one of promoting elements of a national democratic revolution
that would attack the fundamentals of a feudal regime:
"The broader social consequences of the Khalqi regime were also significant:
it marked the end of the domination of the country by the Mohammadzai Pashtuns,
who had long ruled in a coalition with Persian speakers in a secondary
position. For the first time in over two centuries of Afghan history, the
Ghilzai Pashtuns took control of the state. This did not, however, help
the regime to maintain relations with the Pashtun tribes: the latter were
angered by changes such as the reform of rural mortgages and debts (Decree
no. 6), reform of marriage and the bride price (Decree no. 7), land reform
(Decree no. 8) and the literacy campaign. The reforms were designed to
broaden the base of the regime: in the event, they provoked greater opposition.
Not only were the reforms ill-considered, but they were also coercively
Halliday & Tanin; Ibid: p.6/38; A version is to be found at:
These reforms were targeted at ensuring a form of primitive
state democracy. We use the term a form of "primitive state
democracy", because the state set up was of a markedly repressive nature
with a very active secret police that crushed any political opposition.
The strategic goals of the government were to undercut the power of the
feudal landowners, the Muslim ulema, and the monarchists. This served the
interests of a broad class alliance that included the small working class
and the large mass of toilers, who were being led by the national capitalist
class. The enemy was spelt out in the programme, entitled "Basic
Lines of Revolutionary Duties of the Government of the Democratic Republic
of Afghanistan". This considered that Afghanistan was:
"A feudal socio-economic system, the basic contradictions being between
the feudal class and the peasants on the one hand the people of Afghanistan
and imperialism on the other. The poverty and misery of the Afghan people
were attributed to the economic and political hegemony of the feudal class.
(Which) consisted of ‘compradores, hoarders, big businessmen, corrupt bureaucrats,
monopolists, and international imperialists."
Cited Male Ibid; p. 108.
The goal was to build a:
"National united front of patriotic democratic progressive forces, viz
workers, peasants, progressive elite, artisans, small bourgeoisie (Small
& average class landlords) and national bourgeois (national capitalists)
under the leadership of the PDPA.. (With a) strategic objective of (founding)
a national government to abolish the old feudal and pre-feudal relations";
Cited Ibid; Male p. 108.
The allies identified were :
"workers, peasants, officers, and soldiers, craftsmen, intelligentsia,
patriotic clergy, toiling nomads, small and medium, classes and strata,
i.e. businessmen and national entrepreneurs"; Cited Male; Ibid; p. 108.
The Decrees were aimed to improve the lot of
the poorest sections of society:
Decree no 6 aimed to break the terrible burden of debt leading
to loss of land for the peasant;. It was far reaching:
"Zeary (Agriculture Minister -Ed) estimated that it benefited 81 %
of rural families, returning the land of those who had lost it to money
lenders, and allowing all peasants and small landowners the chance of making
a decent livelihood";
(Male p.109-110);
The land assessments were based on cadastral survey
(i.e. land tax records) by the Wolesahi Committees; working with Peasants
Assisting Funds and Peasants Cooperatives.
Decree no. 7, severely restricted the practice
of maher (bride price) and set a minimum age for marriage of 16 for girls
and 18 for boys, These were especially liberating for those most subject
to tribal feudal reactionary values.
Decree No.8 – on land re-distribution took
much longer. But it was declared complete by 1979 July – within 6 months.
A ceiling of 30 jerebs (15 acres) of prime irrigated land or equivalent
– only affected a small minority of landowners but was able to redistribute
half the arable land to the "deserving" families – defined as those owning
ten jeribs or less, who made up 81% of the population (Male ibid; p. 112).
These fundamental decrees were buttressed by educational
reforms, and judicial and bureaucratic controls.
Opposition naturally arose
from the ulema and big landlords, and tribal leaders.
15. The "Eid Coup" – The Break-up of the
Ruling Alliance
Although the Parcham faction quickly supported the Khalq
led coup, differences continued. Given the subsequent events it appears
that the dividing issue was the degree
to which to turn state dependency to the USSR.
The Parcham led by Babrak Karmal was the strongest
supporter of this strategy while Hafizullah Ali of the Khalq faction, was
the strongest opponent of this:
"Amin was concerned to press three points: the independence of the
Afghan revolution; Afghanistan’s commitment to non-alignment and its need
for "aid without strings" for all possible sources and the government’s
determination to press ahead with rural reform that would destroy the tribal-feudal
authority structure";
Male Ibid; p 131.
"Afghanistan was interested… in friendship with all countries that support
the Saur Revolution with a spirit of friendship and the utilisation of
economic assistance rendered to Afghanistan …. With no regard to the socio-economic
system of the aid-giving country, provided that the aid is unconditional
and in accord with the principle of non-interference."
Amin Cited by Male Ibid; p. 132.
In the middle to some extent was Taraki of the Khalq
By July 1978, the Parcham leaders had been side-lined,
by the strategy of sending them to be ambassadors abroad. Parcham correspondingly
made plans for a coup to coincide with the Eid holidays which marked
the end of Ramadan. The plans for the "Eid Coup" were discovered
and Amin expelled several Parchamites and arrested some officers.
In the midst of this the Islamasicists led
by the reactionary mullahs and ulema began also to organise, finding some
support within the armed forces also:
"However, the influence of the Islamist groups increased after April
1978, seemingly as a reaction to the …………. the impact of the regime's reforms.
The sympathy of non-Khalqi officers towards the newly formed resistance
movement, mainly consisting of Islamist groups, was a factor in the mutinies
that became more prevalent: that in Herat on 16 March 1979 was followed
by revolts in Jalalabad, Asmar, Ghazni and Nahrin and, in August, by that
in the Bala Hisar citadel in Kabul. Each revolt was followed by arrests:
Amin sought to remove ‘counterrevolutionaries' from the armed forces and
place his own men in key positions." Halliday; p. 7/38; Ibid.
Following the temporary defeat of the Parcham faction,
Taraki who had been a founding member of the PDPA and had sided with the
Khalq faction, also reverted to a more overtly comprador position to the
USSR state.
Accordingly, Amin was increasingly challenged over
this period by Taraki who came to another peace with Parcham – many of
the leaders of which were abroad in counters of the Warsaw Pact. The Parchamites
kidnapped the USA ambassador Adolph Dubs - in a ‘mysterious" attempt
to besmirch Amin, which was successful (Male Ibid p.148). The USA withdrew
its support for Amin, and stopped all aid (Male Ibid; p. 154).
In addition very close in time to this, the rebellion
at Herat noted above, led by Islamic fundamentalists
broke out in March 1979. USSR advisers were especially sought out and massacred.
Herat is in a predominantly Shi’i area, close to the Iranian border. This
rebellion was supported by Pakistan and Iran –
both in effect comprador states of the USA.
Pakistan’s state basis is generally well understood.
That of Iran is not so immediately clear. The situation of Iran was complex
being one of a class alliance between representatives of the pro-USA comprador
and feudal classes led by Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomenei and the national capitalist class led by Abolhassan
Bani-Sadr (See Compass article: War By Proxy"; October 1980;
at:). The USA was attempting to destabilize the Taraki PDPA government.
This policy was articulated by Presidential National Security Adviser Zbigniew
Brezhniski as: "Sowing shit" in Russia’s backyard";
Cited Male Ibid; p. 173.
The vehicles for this policy, were the numerous
fundamentalists Islamic groups.
Of these the most important included:
the Jamaat-I-Islamiled by Buhanuddin Rabbani and Sigbhatullah
Mujaddidi, based in Peshawar, the Hizb-I-Islami led by Gulbuddin
Hekmatyr; the National Islamic & Revolutionary Council led by Syed
Ahmed Gailani (who concentrated on organising the Hazara); and the
Nuristan Front led by Mohammad Anwar Amin who organised in Kumar,
Nuristan (Male Ibid; pp.171-174; & Hyman Ibid; p. 125).
Pakistani secret services aid to the Afghan fundamentalists,
in reality were channeling the USA support, and was critical in this period.
The rebels managed to incite riots inside Kabul itself. The rebel activity
led to an even heavier Soviet military presence.
Having succeeded in isolating Hafizullah Amin
by provoking the USA to cut ties, Parcham and Taraki, met in Moscow, and
launched a plot to assassinate Amin.
This had the open approval of the USSR Ambassador
Pusanov (Male Ibid; p. 185).
Despite the plot, Amin survived and took power from
Taraki in a counter-coup in September 1979, becoming Secretary-general
of the PDPA and President of the Revolutionary Council. Taraki shortly
afterwards, was later murdered. Amin then began a purge of the Army pro-USSR
"After the elimination of all non-Khalqi elements, Amin began his last,
and fatal, struggle, this time against those Khalqi officers whom he suspected
of not supporting him. This led to opposition by a group of Soviet-educated
officers, who were encouraged by Moscow's concern at Amin's "adventurism'."
Halliday; Ibid; p. 6/36.
Meanwhile, preoccupied by the Herat Uprising,
Amin had no choice but to seek further "aid". He attempted to engage the
USA again, and entered negotiations with the USA stooge Pakistani state
led by General Zia ul Haq. At
this stage, the USA government provoked a series of events in Iran aimed
to unseat the alliance of the Iranian comprador and landlord classes and
national bourgeoisie – and enable a military dictatorship of the comprador
agents. This resulted in the taking of hostages at the USA embassy. Following
this, Iran cancelled all treaties with both the USA and the USSR. As the
USA led by President Carter
mobilised troops and naval forces in the Arabian Sea, the USSR pushed Hafizullah
Amin for bases in the Herat area, at Shindbad. Amin refused (Cited Male
Ibid; p. 203).
The stage was set for the USSR’s open invasion of
Afghanistan authorized by Leonid Brezhnev.
16. The Comprador USSR Presidency of Babrak
As early as 7 December USSR troops were placed on alert
on the Afghanistan border. On 20 December following a failed attempt to
poison Amin and remove him without harm, the USSR troops entered the country
and on December 27th December Amin was murdered. Karmal had
entered the country secretly in October, and was installed into power by
USSR troops. He made the announcement on radio on the night of 27th
December, declaring himself a follower of Taraki. He named Dr.
Muhammed Najibullah as General Secretary of the Party.
The PDPA held its 9the Congress under Karmal’s presidency
and announced increased USSR aid that would fund 70% of a Five-year plan
aimed at increasing industrial production by 38% and agricultural production
by 14.6% (Cited Anwar Ibid; p. 206).
The character of the new state was now quite un-equivocally
a comprador state to the USSR, with
an invading and occupying army in place. However another aspect of it was
the change within the leadership from the Ghilazai Pushtun back to the
Durrani Pushtun.
"The change of regime at the end of 1979 also produced a shift in ethnic
composition. The Khalqi era of Pashtun Ghilzai domination, evident in leadership
and party as a whole, ended. The Khalqis had not only tried to pursue a
new ethnic policy, but had tried to replace the Persian language with Pashtu:
in contrast to all previous Afghan leaders, Taraki made all his speeches
in Pashtu. Under Babrak Karmal, the regime moved back to the status quo
ante: Pashtun domination persisted within the new coalition, but it incorporated
a Persian-speaking Kabuli milieu. In an unprecedented step Karmal appointed
Sultan Ali Kishtmand, a member of the minority Hazara community, as prime
minister. Although the party leadership continued to have strong Ghilzai
Pashtun representation, the Pashtun membership of the party as a whole
was much lower, around a third, while over half the members were now Tajiks,
a proportion far higher than their one-third representation in the population
as a whole. The ethnic composition also reflected demographic changes brought
about by the war and emigration."
Halliday; Ibid; p. 9/36
The USSR occupation was oppressive and rapidly
inflamed all elements of the country. But in the absence of independent
working class leadership – the initiative was seized by the reactionary
Islamic elements, supporters and members of the old feudal landowning
A Jihad
was launched in 1979, proclaimed by the National
Islamic Front. Jihad means holy war, but as originally defined
by Prophet Muhammad – it was divided into the "greater Jihad" – meaning
an internal personal search for salvation and self-improvement; and lesser
jihad – the rebellion against unjust temporal rulers (Rashid Ahmed: "Jihad
-The Rise of Militant Islam In Central Asia"; New Haven; 2002; p.2). It
is now most commonly used to mean the "lesser jihad". The Afghanistan Islamic
fundamentalists remained largely – but not entirely, organised out of Pakistan.
They continued to wage guerilla war on the Afghanistan State. Several groupings
were formed. Seven major ones united as the Peshawar
Seven – being their base. These included:
Hizb-I-Islami Afghanistan (HIA) led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
also known as the Akhwanul Mulimin (Muslim brotherhood); this was the largest;
The Jamiat-I-Islami (Islamic Association) led by Burhanuddin
Hizb-I-Islami (HI) led by Younis Khalis;
Islamic unity for the Liberation of Afghanistan (IULA) led by
Abdur Rasaul Sayaf;
Harkat-I-Inquilabi Islami (Islamic revolutionary Movement) led
by Mohammed Nabi Mohammadi;
Mahaz-I-Milli Afghanistan (National Islamic Font) (NIFA) led
by Mohammd Gilani and Jabhe-ye Nijate Milli Afghanistan (National
Liberation Front) led by Sibghatullah Mujadidi.
These were all led by Durrani Pashtuns. This coalition
divided into two broad groups by 1983 – the Traditionalists (where the
influence of the ulemas was more dominant – preserving traditional tribal
structures such as the Jirga) and the Fundamentalists.
In total it is thought the Mujahadeen were some
100,000-200,000 members strong.
By February 1980, a national Islamic anti-government
movement called Allah-au-Akbar (God is great) was organised, and
held major rallies.
Karmal was soon faced with not only the disgust
of the population at large, but also internal resistance from the old Khlaqi
elements who resisted Parchamite attempts to exact revenge. In particular
the army. Although these elements contained a large pro-USSR comprador
faction, they also contained a strong nationalist faction that had been
fostered by Hafizullah Amin.
"The presence and conduct of Soviet forces also had conflicting results:
while it helped to protect major cities and lines of communication, it
inevitably provoked patriotic resentment amongst Afghans. It was also widely
felt by Afghans that they were acting under Soviet orders. As a consequence,
the army, in the initial period after the invasion, lost a considerable
number of its officers: they either went over to the opposition or left
the country";
Halliday Ibid; p. 10/36.
They wished that the state defenses and apparatuses
were turned over again to Afghan representatives. They were led by Sarwari,
and Karmal simply exiled him as an ambassador to Mongolia. (Anwar; Ibid
p.210). But an army mutiny on 27 December 1980 signaled the bitterness
of the struggle. By 1984 the number of USSR troops stationed in Afghanistan
was 150,000 and in addition there were 10,000 non-military "advisers" (Anwar
ibid; p,. 223). .
In an attempt to widen his base of support, Karmal
attempted a widened recruitment of the PDPA. He revealed that till then
in 1981, there had been virtually no peasants or workers as member of the
"The absorption of a considerable number of workers and peasants is
a new phenomenon in the history of the Party";
Cited Anwar Ibid; p. 214.
But despite this:
"The PDPA remained a party of urban educated recruits and of personnel
in the armed forces and the KhAD (the secret service): an estimated 60%
of the armed forces and 99% of KhAD were PDPA members."
Halliday Ibid; p.8/36.
So, a retreat of the national democratic revolution
was signaled by a series of exemptions to the agricultural reforms of the
Taraki-Amin government (Anwar Ibid; p. 215). He offered the return of the
landlords confiscated lands on condition of a cessation of anti-government
activities. By 1983 an amnesty was being offered to rebels.
A Loya Jirga was held in 1985 that was heavily packed
with representatives of the traders, big businessmen and tribal chiefs
(Anwar Ibid; p., 221).
In reprisal at the Soviet take-over of the
Afghanistan state, the Carter
USA government promulgated the Carter Doctrine
that described the Persian Gulf as "integral to American strategic interests"
(Cited Anwar Ibid; p. 199). As Afghan refugees entered into Pakistan, numbering
80,0000 by 1979 (Anwar Ibid; p., Pakistani aid to the Islamic rebels escalated
sharply, financed by the USA. By now the Mujahhadeen
– were well developed and had split into numerous warring factions. By
"They US had invested nearly 625 million dollars in the Afghan rebels,
In that year alone, the Reagan administration provided them with 250 million
dollars…… The Washington Post reported .. "this is the largest CIA military
support application since the Vietnam war";
Cited Anwar Ibid; p. 232.
A close liaison between the Chinese Government led then
by Deng Xiao-Ping, and the USA
ensured exchange of vital information.
In the midst of all this, the USSR was aware that
the PDPA was simply not convincing the masses:
"At a meeting of the CPSU Politburo in 1986. Marshal Akhromeev
pointed out that the Kabul regime now had substantial military forces at
its disposal: 160 000 in the army, 115 000 in the Sarandoy (Gendarmerie)
and 20 000 in the security organs. The problem, he argued, was that military
strength was not matched by political results: "At the centre there is
power, but in the provinces it is not there. We control Kabul and the provincial
centres, but we cannot establish authority in conquered areas. We have
lost the struggle for the Afghan people. A minority of people supports
the government". Deputy Foreign Minister Vorontsov went further:
quoting PDPA Politburo member Salih Muhammad Ziari, Vorontsov pointed
out that the rural population, who made up 80% of the population, had gained
nothing from the revolution. According to Ziari only five million out of
18 million Afghans were under the control of the government, and of these
three million were in the cities. In many cases, peasants in the rebel-controlled
areas were better off than those under government control."
Halliday Ibid; p.14/36.
By December 1984, Izvestia
carried the first official admissions that:
"There were serious casualties and shortage at Soviet garrison in Afghanistan".
O’Ballance E: Ibid p. 135.
By 1986, although there were no official figures, it
was thought that the number of USSR personnel "missing in action" exceeded
400 (O’Ballance Ibid; p. 160).
17. Gorbachev and Najibullah – A Change
of Guard
As Karmal failed to appease either the nationalist army
officers or the Afghan Islamacists forming the Mujahhadeen, the Soviet
social-imperialists looked to other leaders. They first tried to wean
Karmal into a more overt opportunism:
"It was against this background that Gorbachev summoned Karmal
to Moscow in October 1985 and, to the latter's apparent amazement, told
him of a change of Soviet policy: By the summer of 1986 you will have to
begin to defend yourselves. We shall help, but with arms, not soldiers.
If you want to survive, broaden the base of the regime, forget about socialism,
share power with those who have real influence, including with mujahidin
leaders and organisations that are at the moment opposed to you, revive
Islam in the laws ... operate on the basis of traditional authorities,
and try to act so that the people will see that it is getting benefits
from your revolt. Also, turn the army into an army, increase payments to
officers and mullahs. Encourage private trade--you are a long way from
creating any other kind of economy."
Halliday; Ibid; p.24/36
But Karmal refused to modify his approach. When Gorbachov
came to power in 1985, he fostered Dr Mohammed
Najibullah. At the 19th PDPA Plenum of the Central
Committee, Najibullah took control. Karmal was forced to resign as President
by November 1986. Attempts at conciliation, and grants of money and land
continued, aimed at defusing discontent:
"Najib's regime was the attempt to broaden its rural base, not, as
under Karmal, by seeking to recruit tribesmen to the PDPA but by a more
traditional policy of inducements (arms and money). Initially proclaimed
as the policy of "National Reconciliation" in January 1987, this initiative
was accompanied by offers of cease-fires and longer-running truces."
Halliday Ibid; p.16/36.
Najibullah offered a "national government" to
the Mujahhadeen, who rejected any such advances. However continued discussions
– including with the ex-King Zahir Shah, led to interest in the
Mujaheedin. However the USA was anxious to sabotage any such peace. The
USA State Department report of
1987 typified the USA strategy:
"Teaching the Soviets a lesson in Afghanistan, the Mujahhadeen resistance
will remain steadfast… They are prepared to fight for a decade or more";
Anwar Ibid; p. 250; Ibid.
In a 1998 interview with Zbigniew
Brzezinski, (National Security Adviser, Le Nouvel Observateur,
Paris, 15-21 January 1998) he made clear that the CIA's intervention in
Afghanistan preceded the 1979 Soviet invasion, under the Carter Administration:
"Question: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated
in his memoirs ["From the Shadows"], that American intelligence services
began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention.
In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter.
You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct?
Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history,
CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the
Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly
guarded until now, is completely otherwise Indeed, it was July 3, 1979
that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the
opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote
a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion
this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention. ……. We didn't
push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability
that they would.
Question: When the Soviets justified their intervention by asserting
that they intended to fight against a secret involvement of the United
States in Afghanistan, people didn't believe them. However, there was a
basis of truth. You don't regret anything today?
Brzezinski: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent
idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and
you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the
border, I wrote to President Carter. We now have the opportunity of giving
to the USSR its Vietnam war. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to
carry on a war insupportable by the government, a conflict that brought
about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire."
Copyright, Le Nouvel Observateur and Bill Blum."
Accordingly, the USA, and its various allies in the
Middle East and Pakistan, were all stoking the anti-PDPA coalition of the
various Mujahadeen (holy warrior):
"Among the more potent weapons the U.S. supplied to the Mujahadeen
were shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles which helped counterbalance
the effectiveness of Soviet combat helicopters. ….. The Islamic Republic
of Iran, along with many other Muslim nations and groups, gave aid and
sent volunteers to aid the Mujahadeen. Among these Islamic volunteer fighters
was a Saudi millionaire named Osama bin Laden; he and the other
Arab volunteers came to be known as "Afghan Arabs", and they would
later play significant roles in Islamic guerrilla wars in Algeria, Egypt,
Bosnia, Tajikistan, Chechnya and in attacks on American and other Western
As the USSR burdens mounted, the pressures of
the USSR home population against an un-popular imperialist war rose. On
25 April 198, General Lizichev
– head of the USSR Armed Forces Political Directorate announced in Tass
"Since December 1979 USSR casualties in Afghanistan were ’13,310 killed
in action; 35,478 wounded; and 311 missing in action". These figures were
lower than most ‘guess-timates’ by Western analysts";
Cited O’Ballance ibid; p. 183.
The USSR wished to withdraw,
and forced Najibullah to the negotiating table in the Geneva Accords
of 1998:
"He was summoned to Moscow twice in 1987 for discussions with Gorbachev,
and in April 1988 Gorbachev flew to Tashkent, .. to convince Najib to sign
the Geneva accords that led to a Soviet withdrawal even without a US agreement
to cut off weapons supplies to the mujahidin.."
Halliday; Ibid; p.25/36
"By 1988, the dragging war and internal changes in Soviet politics prompted
Moscow to agree to the 1988 Geneva Accords, which led to the withdrawal
of the Soviet army in February of 1989. By this time, nearly five million
Afghans had fled to Iran or Pakistan and lived as refugees. The war in
Afghanistan was over for the Russians, but not for the Afghans, who continued
their civil war."
So the Civil War continued – but without the USSR
troops. Following this the PDPA quickly split up into numerous factions.
Part of the fall of the Najibullah regime was linked to the tribal conflicts
between Pashtun and non-Pashtun elements. When the USSR further stopped
sending financial support in 1991, Najibullah was forced to resign, as
a number of anti-Pashtun elements had by now combined together:
"Najibullah himself (said) after his fall, (that) it was General
Baba Jan, … who in the end turned against him. … Baba Jan's were among
a group of non-Pashtun armed forces units that, in April 1992, defected
a couple of days before the fall of the regime, in an alliance with the
guerrillas of Ahmad Shah Masud. The catalytic moment, however, did
not occur in Kabul at all, but in the north: this was the rebellion earlier
in 1992 of the northern commanders, Dostom and Momin, following
the nomination by Najibullah of a Pashtun commander to replace General
Momin, commander of the Hairatan garrison. If there was a moment when
the regime entered its final crisis, this was it. Dostom, Momin and the
Ismaili forces under the Naderi family then began to form an alliance with
Masud and Shi'ite groups. This then provoked the disaffection amongst generals
in Kabul who began to make their own deals with guerrilla forces."
Halliday Ibid; p.18/36.
"the demise of his regime was associated with the emergence, at three
separate points, of intra-regime disputes: the Tanai, Khalqi, attempted
coup of March 1990, the revolt of the Uzbek militia under General Dostom
in January 1992, and, finally, the fragmentation of the armed forces into
Pashtun and non-Pashtun elements in April. The Pashtun elements who broke
ranks in April included the Defence Minister, Aslam Watanjar, the
Interior Minister, Raz Mohammad Paktin, the vice-president, General
Rafai, and General Asak: they took the Sarandoy and the main
Khalqi military into an alliance with Hekmatyar's Hizb-I-Islami.
On the non-Pashtun side the mainly Tajik and Uzbek forces were under
Generals Dostom and Momin in the north, the Ismaili forces
under General Mansur Naderi, and Generals Nabi Azimi, deputy
minister of defence, Asef Delawar, chief of the general staff, and
Yor Mohammad, number two in the security forces, and Baba Jan in
the Kabul region. These elements sided with Masud, and later
the Shi'i Hizb-i Vahdat during the final days of the regime in April
1992. The pro-Tajik forces also included PDPA civilian elements:
these were Parchami elements in the executive council of the party
such as Karmal's brother, Mahmud Baryalai, and cousin and foreign
minister, Abdul Wakil, as well as Najib's three party deputies Farid
Mazdak, Najmuddin Kawiani and Suleiman Laiq, and significant parts
of KhAD……" Halliday Ibid; p. 18-20/36.
On April 15, 1992, Kabul finally
fell to a rebel Mujahadeen offensive.
18. The Economic Status of Afghanistan
At the End of the Soviet Comprador regime
Under the rule of Najibullah, the most overt manifestation
of a neo-imperialist USSR comprador state had been set up. Moreover this
was within the confines of a continuing intense guerrilla war, imposing
a stringent further limitation on development. This all did have however,
one further predominant economic effect. Before the Soviet occupation,
the cash economy had been minimal:
"As late as 1972, economists estimated that the cash economy constituted
slightly less than half of the total. This figure probably increased later
in the 1970s, as a result of the expansion of the national market after
completion of the nation-wide ring road and a rise in remittances from
labor migration to Persian Gulf countries after the 1973 oil price rise".
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
Over the period of the Soviet occupation,
"During the Soviet occupation (1979-1989) …. a number of new phenomena
also emerged:
dependence of competing leaders on opposing flows of politically motivated
military assistance;
growing dependence of the population for subsistence on politically
motivated humanitarian aid;
destruction of the rural subsistence economy through counter-insurgency;
rapid urbanization, including internal displacement to Afghan cities and
the flight of millions of mainly rural refugees to camps and cities in
Pakistan and Iran; the consequent creation of refugee-warrior communities
in Pakistan and Iran and of a region-wide Afghan Diaspora; and
the rapid monetization of the economy."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
All these resulted by the end of Najibullah’s era -
in the following situation of an utter destruction of the infra-structure
– both rural and urban of the state:
"By the Soviet withdrawal, nearly all of Kabul’s food and fuel was
donated by the USSR and distributed by the government through a coupon
system. …………
A different culture of dependency developed in the other sector of
the society, with different social effects. Soviet counter-insurgency devastated
the rural economy in much of the country (Swedish Committee for Afghanistan,
1988: 37). Rural trading networks were also badly disrupted, and food production
fell by half to two thirds. The destruction not only impoverished the rural
population but also weakened the elites whose power depended on control
of agricultural and pastoral resources. In some areas, notably the irrigated
plains north of the Hindu Kush under government control, the government
pressured the peasants to grow cash crops such as cotton and sugar beets
for sale to government factories, increasing dependence on the state, as
well as the role of cash in the economy."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
Naturally under these circumstances a large émigré
refugee population fled the ravaged country:
"Much of the rural population fled, largely to Pakistan and Iran, where
it depended on international aid. …….. In Pakistan, access to aid was largely
controlled by the Islamic parties recognized by the Directorate of Inter-Services
Intelligence (ISI) as recipients of US- and Saudi- supplied military assistance.
The humanitarian aid thus funded a stable rear base for the mujahidin,
just as the Soviet aid to Afghan cities constituted a stable base for the
Soviet-supported regime. It was in these refugee warrior communities that
Afghans also came in contact with the international Islamist groups, mainly
Arab, who supplied both humanitarian and military aid, as well as fighters."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
19. The Wars of the Mujahadeen
Now the civil war became intense as the various groups
and factions of the Mujahadeen began a long lasting war. The lines of division
were complicated by ethnic, tribal and religious affiliations:
"While the different rebel factions were united in their goal of ousting
the Soviets and the Communist Kabul regime, they were quite different from
one another. Groups represented distinct geographic regions of the country,
while others represented ethnic or religious groups. The four main ethnic
groups are the Pashtuns, from the south and west, and the Tajiks
and Uzbeks who dominate in the north and east. Also, the Hazari
minority accounts for most of the country's Shiite Muslims. Pashtuns, Uzbeks
and Tajiks are mostly Sunni Muslims. The Taliban began in the Pashtun
area of Kandahar, while the forces of Rabanni and Massoud are primarily
Tajik. Dostum is from the Uzbek region around the city of Mazar-i
Sharif. "
When Kabul – the central seat of Pashtun power for 300
years – fell to the Tajik led forces of Rabbani & Masud, this further
fueled the on-going civil war:
"Much of Afghanistan's subsequent civil war was to be determined by
the fact that Kabul fell, not to the well-armed and bickering Pashtun parties
based in Peshawar, but to the better organized and more united Tajik forces
of Burhanuddin Rabbani and his military commander Ahmad Shah Masud and
to the Uzbek forces from the north under General Rashid Dostum. It was
a devastating psychological blow because for the first time in 300 years
the Pashtuns had lost control of the capital. An internal civil war began
almost immediately as Hikmetyar attempted to rally the Pashtuns and laid
siege to Kabul, shelling it mercilessly."
Rashi Ahmed: "Taliban: Militant Islam & Fundamentalism In Central
Asia"; New Haven 2000; p. 21.
The situation was one of a virtual disintegration with
geographical ‘fiefdoms’ across the country:
"Afghanistan was in a state of virtual disintegration just before the
Taliban emerged at the end of 1994. The country was divided into warlord
fiefdoms and all the warlords had fought, switched sides and fought again
in a bewildering array of alliances, betrayals and bloodshed. The predominantly
Tajik government of President Burhanuddin Rabbani controlled Kabul, its
environs and the north-east of the country, while three provinces in the
west centering on Herat were controlled by Ismael Khan. In the east on
the Pakistan border three Pashtun provinces were under the independent
control of a council or Shura (Council) of Mujaheddin commanders based
in Jalalabad. A small region to the south and east of Kabul was controlled
by Gulbuddin Hikmetvar. In the north the Uzbek warlord General Rashid Doumn
held sway over six provinces and in January 1994 he had abandoned his alliance
with the Rabbani government and joined with Hikmetyar to attack Kabul.
In central Afghanistan the Hazaras controlled the province of Bamiyan.
Southern Afghanistan and Kandahar were divided up amongst dozens of petty
ex-Mujaheddin warlords and bandits who plundered the population at will.
With the tribal structure and the economy in tatters, no consensus on a
Pashtun leadership and Pakistan's unwillingness to provide military aid
to the Durranis as they did to Hikmetyar, the Pashtuns in the south were
at war with each other."
Rashid Ahmed: "Taliban: Militant Islam & Fundamentalism In Central
Asia"; New Haven 2000; p. 21.
An attempt was made to weld together the differing factions,
under an umbrella Islamic Council of Mujahadeen, but this excluded
Shi’ites and the faction led by Hekmatyr. This led to attacks from Hekmatyar
upon the Kabul base of the new Government:
"Several rebel groups formed a governing coalition, called the Islamic
Council of Mujahadeen and elected elected Rabanni as the Interim President
of Afghanistan for a term of one year, beginning in 1992. He held onto
the office until the Taliban seized Kabul in 1996. This council excluded
the parties of the … the Shiites, as well as the armed group called Hizb-i
Islami, which was led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. During the Soviet
war, the Hizb-i Islami was one of the factions supported by neighboring
Pakistan and also received significant weaponry from the United States.
Hekmatyar's guerrilla career began even before the PDPA coup; his rebel
group carried out attacks on the regime of President Daoud as well. Hekmatyar
did not accept his exclusion from the new government and sporadically bombarded
Kabul with artillery for nearly three years. January, 1994 found Hekmatyar
forming an alliance with General Abdur Rashid Dostum in an attempt
to overthrow President Burhanuddin Rabbani (who led the Jamiat-e Islami-e
faction in the Soviet war) and his defense minister, Ahmad Shah Massoud.
Dostum began his career as a "warlord" in command of the ethnic Uzbek Junbish
militia in northern Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation. He joined
forces with Najibullah in 1985. By 1992, he had moved back to the Mujahadeen."
Hekmatyr was driven back. In the general chaos of the civil war, the war-lord
regimes were set up, while many of the toiling masses were simply slaughtered:
"In the fighting that followed, nearly 25,000 civilians died in Kabul.
One-third of the city was destroyed. Hekmatyar's forces were forced out
of the Kabul area in 1995. While Hekmatyar was attacking from outside the
city, other factions also battled each other. Two groups, the Hizb-i Wahdat
and another Mujahadeen faction, the Ittihad-i Islami, engaged in urban
warfare in Kabul which led to thousands of deaths and disappearances. By
1994-1995, the various armies and militias of the former Mujahadeen fought
each other throughout the country and ruled their areas of control as if
they were warlords. In effect, Afghanistan had no central government to
speak of."
20. The Economy of the Mujahadeen War-Lords
The Mujahadeen leaders themselves obviously exerted
themselves for both ideological and economic goals. What were these economic
goals? There were at least four main sources of revenue that enabled
the leaders to transform themselves into a new
elite dealing in:
The arms trade, the humanitarian foreign
‘aid’; opium trade, and the smuggling and money-laundering trade.
In this process all the old rural feudal structures
were destroyed as a new elite arose that had little connection to the
old landlords. As a further consequence of this rural erosion, in the absence
of any sustained safe growth of the towns, an illicit cash economy
arose. This in turn drove a hyper-inflation with the injection of
huge amounts of cash into the economy.
Fairly soon both the party leaders of the Mujahadeen,
and their commanders at a lower level, were allied to corrupt Pakistani
officials, and all were investing much of their money overseas:
"This segment of the population came under the control of two
related elites: the mujahidin party leaders outside the country and the
commanders inside the country. Both became important economic actors, displacing
both the prewar state and the notables, mainly landowners, who had dominated
village life. The party leaders were completely dependent on foreign aid
initially, but some of them succeeded in turning it into personal fortunes.
Some of these were invested abroad (in London real estate, Australian tire
factories, etc.), but some was laundered into the regional war economy,
especially into arms and drug trafficking and other forms of smuggling.
Within Pakistan, both officials of the mujahidin parties and Pakistani
officers involved in the arms pipeline became rich." Barnett Rubin; Political
Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In: AFGHANISTAN RESOURCES: at:
Neither for the ‘humanitarian aid’ nor for the arms aid was there any degree
of accountability:
"A considerable amount of cash was transferred directly through multiple
channels to pay for the expenses of war, and there was never the slightest
degree of accountability for these transfers. The humanitarian aid that
supported the 3-4 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan also passed through
many international, Pakistani, and Afghan hands before reaching its intended
beneficiaries. Intermediaries … skimmed off cash and resold commodities.
Profits from both the arms trade and the humanitarian business were laundered
through various avenues, including the Bank of Credit and Commerce International,
the Dubai-based, Pakistani-owned institution that collapsed in 1992. But
the arms pipeline itself was also porous. Arms were sold off at all stages
of the pipeline by both Pakistanis and Afghans, feeding the existing large
arms markets in the area.. The transport of the arms and supply of goods
to the refugees directly expanded the existing infrastructure for smuggling
and money laundering."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
Trade had long been compounded by smuggling. Arm trading was a natural
additional pay-load for the smugglers:
"While the arms were delivered to mujahidin parties by Pakistan
military trucks (which were also used for smuggling on return trips), the
arms and other supplies were then transported to the border region, and,
where possible, into Afghanistan, by private trucks, the same fleet that
was used for the drug trade and other smuggling, ….. The basis for Pakistani-Afghan
smuggling had long been the Afghan Transit Trade Agreement (ATTA). Under
this agreement, a variety of listed goods could be imported duty-free in
sealed containers into Pakistan for onward shipment to land-locked Afghanistan.
Much if not most of the goods were instead sold in smugglers’ markets (bara
bazaars) in Pakistan. …..The trucks used in this lucrative trade were in
turn converted for the arms and drug trade, which in turn made more money
available for investment in smuggling linked to the ATTA."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
The commanders of the Mujahadeen quickly enriched
themselves. They were not the same as the old landlord class, but quickly
established their own bazaars insisting on levies of ‘protection’ from
the more wealthy and simply Islamic taxes such as "zakat and ushr" from
"the main economic actors were the commanders. …. these commanders
were by and large not the "traditional" (i.e. tribal or landowning) elites
favored by the royal regime, which had been weakened by destruction of
the rural economy, but a group of new elites that benefited from US, Pakistani,
and Saudi policies of supporting only Islamist parties rather than the
nationalist former elite". Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and
Peace in Afghanistan; In: AFGHANISTAN RESOURCES: at:
"Some commanders originated outside the mujahidin party structures and
launched local insurgencies initially relying on local resources: zakat
and ushr (Islamic taxes) levied on agriculture, flocks, trade, and
wealth, and "contributions" from traders and other wealthy individuals,
as well as the plundering of government supplies. As the war intensified,
however, commanders increasingly depended on foreign aid relayed by the
parties, and subsequently they too became more autonomous from local society."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
These commanders naturally wished freedom to develop their own economic
base away from the party leadership:
"The commanders sought economic strategies that would increase their
autonomy from the party leaderships as well. In a number of areas far from
the Soviet-controlled main roads they established bazaars selling items
mainly imported from Pakistan and Iran. They also provided security to
traders in return for tribute. Where possible they sought aid from Western
or Islamic humanitarian organizations engaged in cross-border assistance
from Pakistan. Such aid provided services and employment that increased
resources under their control as well as their prestige."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
Even during the occupation of the USSR, some of the
war-lords were granted privileges. Thus Ahmad Shah Massoud – the
only Mujahadeen who ever had a "Truce" with the USSR – also had
a trading relation with the USSR:
"Starting in 1987, after the introduction of Stinger missiles and the
Soviet decision (still secret) to withdraw, and a consequent change in
military tactics, roads became much more secure. …..Ahmad Shah Massoud,
the "Tajik" commander in northeast Afghanistan who built up the most extensive
resistance organization inside the country, controlled the emerald and
lapis lazuli mines of his native valley, Panjsher. He levied a tax on each
shipment of gems. After 1984 or so, Massoud also apparently enjoyed a protection
income from the Soviets: he allowed convoys from the USSR to pass by his
area to Kabul unmolested in return for a share of their content. At the
same time, smaller commanders could accept the monetary payoffs offered
by Kabul without renouncing their local power or allowing government administration
into their areas."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
Opium production was a huge monetary boost, and
was closely tied to the destruction of the old rural nexus of relationship
and the development of a cash economy. In addition because of the returns
on a ridiculously easily grown crop, credit ("salaam") was readily forthcoming
to the impoverished peasant:
"In some areas they pressured the peasants to grow opium, a cash crop
they could tax. It was also during this period that the production of opium
started to increase. The production of opium was related to one of the
major macro-economic changes induced by the war: a rapid increase in the
supply of money, which, combined with the destruction of the much of the
subsistence economy, induced an apparently large, if as yet unmeasured,
monetization of economic and social relations, as well as hyper-inflation.
The foreign supporters of the mujahidin supplied them with millions of
dollars in cash, and the associated smuggling enterprises in Pakistan produced
large cash profits that had to be laundered".
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
"The ease of marketing opium made it an obvious target for taxation
and predation by local power holders. Equally important, however, is that
unlike any other crop available to the peasants, its cash value as an export
was so certain that the buyers – commanders or international syndicates
– would advance credit for it in advance of planting under a system known
as salaam. The Afghan peasants receive a mere fraction of the eventual
street value of the opium. In the provinces with the highest yield (Farah,
Qandahar, Nimroz, Helmand), the income per hectare from opium is less than
2.5 times that from wheat, and in some it is substantially less than that.
But a peasant who plants opium can obtain a cash advance to see his family
through the winter, even if the implicit annual interest rate in the salaam
system (estimated at as high as 100 percent) substantially lowers the realized
income. Opium substitutes for credit as well as income and is thus one
of the few reliable alternatives to dependency on humanitarian assistance."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
The withdrawal of the USSR troops led to an intensification
of the cash economy since the Government now had no basis for obtaining
services other than pure cash, while its main trading partner had withdrawn
"The Kabul government, however, accelerated the emission of currency
after the decision to withdraw Soviet troops. Not only did the government
have to pay for expanded security forces, including militias recruited
on a strictly mercenary basis, but it also lost its principal sources of
revenue. Soviet aid declined, and natural gas revenues fell after 1986,
due to poor maintenance and lack of investment, and ended when the Soviet
troops left, taking with them the technicians who ran the gas fields. Money
supply data published by the IMF shows that beginning in 1987 and until
the fall of Najibullah the value of banknotes in circulation increased
by an average of 45 percent per year. Observers spoke of food prices rising
by factors of five or ten. The Afghani rapidly lost value against the dollar,
trading at 1000 to the dollar, or about twenty times the official rate,
by the summer of 1991."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
All this enabled the continuing civil war to rage on, despite the obvious
toll it was taking:
"As a result of these opportunities, commanders substantially expanded
their autonomy from the parties, from Kabul, and from the local population
during the period after the Soviet withdrawal but before the fall of the
Najibullah government. Different commanders made different use of this
new situation. A few (Massoud, Herat commander Ismail Khan)
used these resources, as well as Western and Islamic humanitarian assistance,
to build territorially based institutions inside the country. Gulbuddin
Hikmatyar, the extremist then favored by Pakistani intelligence, used
revenue from the drug trade to build up an enlarged military force based
in Pakistan and south of Kabul. Others enriched themselves through payoffs,
investment in trade, and predation, especially collection of arbitrary
tolls on trade passing through their area. Battles broke out from time
to time over control of key trade routes, in particular those used for
the transport of opium. The war economy, like the political structure,
remained largely fragmented among small, largely predatory actors each
of whom maintained an interest in sustaining the chaos that permitted his
predation. At the same time, the overall lack of security of both person
and property blocked the expansion of even this criminalized economy."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
The Kabul regime led by the alliance of Masood
and Rabbani could not last long in these circumstances. There was no possibility
of establishing a country-wide, unitary and stable state:
"The fall of the Soviet-supported government of Najibullah in
April 1992 brought mujahidin groups, and in particular Massoud, to power
in Kabul, but rather than establish a new form of state power that would
provide the conditions for peacetime economic development, the new Islamic
State of Afghanistan reinforced the growing pattern of regional-ethnic
war economies embedded in transnational networks. Despite its name, the
new power enforced virtually nothing Islamic, did not organize itself as
a state, and covered only parts of Afghanistan. …Pakistan supported and
instigated attacks on Kabul by Hikmatyar and others, assuring that the
authorities could concentrate on little but military affairs. An uneven
pattern of regional consolidation partly replaced the previous fragmentation,
but no power could create a national state or market. Massoud’s organizational
power enabled him to occupy and hold Kabul (or most of it), but he could
not extend his direct control beyond parts of the city and the northeastern
region that constituted his ethnic base. The fall or defection of former
regime forces to local mujahidin groups in the rest of the country effectively
removed the last obstacles to warlordism and economic predation. ……………….
The blockade of the southern and eastern routes into the city by Pakistan-supported
forces, first Hikmatyar and then the Taliban, impeded the commercial supply
of food."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
The destruction of the feudal
landlord based economy and its replacement by a cash economy had been achieved.
But this had been achieved
in a manner that had destroyed any working class base, and had even destroyed
the peasant base.
character of the new comprador economy was one of an illicit nature heavily
dependent upon foreign imperialism – mainly USA imperialism operating via
its Pakistani stooges.
21. The Rise, Ideology and Backers Of the
It was during this intense civil war and chaos that
the Taliban was formed in 1994. The word derives from the singular of Talib
– meaning Islamic student – "one who seeks knowledge". This reflects their
background – the madrassas (Islamic schools) that had proliferated, especially
in the area of Peshawar and Quetta of Pakistan. These disillusioned ex-Mujahadeen
and students became quickly dominated by Mullah
Mohammed Omar. He was originally born near Kandahar in a
village in 1959, the son of poor, landless peasants. Ethnically he was
a Hotak tribesman, of the Ghilzai branch of the Pashtuns. He had joined
the Hizb-I-Islami led by Maulvi Younis Khalis, and fought under
Commander Nek Mohammed against the Najibullah government and USSR
troops. This network was based on the Durrani tribesmen.
Their initial apparent agenda derived from an expressed
wish for the restoration of peace, disarmament of the population, and to
enforce Sharia Law (i.e. an Islamic derived law, usually justified
as being derived from the Koran – although this is often contested by differing
Islamic scholars). While the large majority of the madrassa students were
indeed feeling this way, the political economy of the Taliban shows it
to have been a comprador force on behalf of the USA imperialists and their
Pakistani stooges. (This is discussed in more detail below). The ideological
basis of the Taliban movement was unique, but can be traced to the Deobandi
movement: an Islamic trend that by origin in India – was an "adaptive"
reaction to the British oppression.
Although Rashid below terms this "progressive"
– it is viewed by Marxist-Leninists, as a form of accommodation and modernisation
whilst retaining the reactionary nature of Islam:
"But they did have an ideological base - an extreme form of Deobandism
which was being preached by Pakistani Islamic parties in Afghan refugee
camps in Pakistan. The Deobandis, a branch of Sunni Hanafi Islam
has had a history in Afghanistan, but the Taliban's interpretation of the
creed has no parallel anywhere in the Muslim world. The Deobandis arose
in British India, not as a reactionary but a forward-looking movement that
would reform and unite Muslim society as it struggled to live within the
confines of a colonial state ruled by non-Muslims. Its main ideologues
were Mohammed Qasim Nanautawi (1833-77) and Rashid Ahmed Gangohi
(1829-1905), who founded the first madrassa in Deoband in central India.
….In the aftermath of the Indian Mutiny (of 1857) several philosophical
and religious trends emerged amongst Indian Muslims in a bid to revive
their standing. They ranged from the Deobandis to pro-Western reformers
who set up colleges such as the Aligarh Muslim University based
on the British model which would teach Islam and the liberal arts' and
sciences, so Muslim youth could catch up with their British rule and compete
with the growing Hindu elite. All these reformers saw education as the
key to creating a new, mode Muslim. The Deobandis aimed to train a new
generation of learned Muslims who would revive Islamic values based on
intellectual learning, spiritual experience, Sharia law and Tariaqath or
the path. By teaching their students how to interpret Sharia, they aimed
to harmonize the classic Sharia texts with current realities. The Deobandis
took a restrictive view of the role of women, opposed all forms of hierarchy
in the Muslim community and rejected the Shia - but the Taliban were to
take these beliefs to an extreme which the original Deobandis would never
have recognized."
Rashid: "Taliban"; Ibid; p. 88.
By 1967 the Deobands had established 9,000 Deobandi
madrassas across the Indian sub-continent including in Afghanistan. But
in Pakistan they developed apace after 1947. They set up the JUI – a religious
moment only – to propagandise. But in 1962 they became overtly politicised
as a party:
"In 1962 its leader in the North West Frontier Province Maulana
Ghulam Ghaus Hazarvi turned the Jamiat-e-Ulema
Islami (JUI) into a political party, as a result of which
it quickly split into several factions. Maulana Mufti Mehmood, a
dynamic leader, took over the Pashtun faction of the JUI in the NWFP and
remoulded it in a populist form. Mufti Mehmood's JUI played a leading role
in the 1970 elections mobilizing support against military rule. He propagated
a 22-point Islamic agenda, which included a progressive social programme,
and a strong anti-American, anti-imperialist stance."
Rashid: "Taliban"; Ibid; p. 89.
It was this organisation that was to influence the Taliban,
through the madrassa movements. An early link to the Pakistani secret service
the ISI was established through this. The focus on the madrassas was to
lead to trumping the larger rival groups led by Hikmetyar, despite the
JUI being initially minimised by the ISI:
"During the 1980s Pakistan's Afghan policy was conducted with the help
of the Jamaat-e-lslami and Hikmetyar's Hizb-e-Islami, who
were also the main rivals of the JUI inside Pakistan. The ISI's
connection with the Jamaat-e-Islami was an important policy instrument
in the distribution of aid to the Mujaheddin. The JUI, which was now run
by Mufti Mehmood's son, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, was given no political role
and the small pro-Deobandi Afghan Mujaheddin groups were largely ignored.
However, the JUI used this period to set up hundreds of madrassas along
the Pashtun belt in the NWFP and Baluchistan where it offered young Pakistanis
and Afghan refugees the chance of a free education, food, shelter and military
training. These madrassas were to train a new generation of Afghans for
the post-Soviet period. Even though the Deobandis received no political
support, the military regime of President Zia ul Haq funded madrassas of
all sectarian persuasions. In 1971 there were only 900 madrassas in Pakistan,
but by the end of the Zia era in 1988 there were 8,000 madrassas and 25,000
unregistered ones, educating over half a million students. As Pakistan’s
state-run educational system steadily collapsed, these madrassas became
the only avenue for boys from poor families to receive the semblance of
an education."
Rashid Ibid; p.89.
One of the most significant madrassas was run by Maulana
Samiul Haq:
"The most important breakaway faction of the JUI is led by Maulana
Samiul Haq, a religious and political leader who has been a Member
of the National Assembly and a Senator and whose madrassa
became a major training ground for the Taliban leadership. In
1999 at least eight Taliban cabinet ministers in Kabul were graduates of
Haq's Dar-ul-Uloom Haqqania and dozens more graduates served as Taliban
governors in the provinces, military commanders, judges and bureaucrats.
Younis Khalis and Mohammed Nabi Mohammedi, leaders of the traditional Mujaheddin
parties, both studied at Haqqania….. Samiul Haq is in constant touch with
Rashid; Ibid; p.90; 91.
The rural nature of the mullahs subverted the original
reforming trend within the Deobandi creed. It now hewed closer to the tribal
code – Pashtunwali. In this
the link to a Saudi creed – the Wahabii Islamic
creed – was established. Saudi Arabian funds had already been flowing:
"Most of these madrassas were in rural areas and Afghan refugee camps
and were run by semi-educated mullahs who were far removed from the original
reformist agenda of the Deobandi school. Their interpretation of Sharia
was heavily influenced by Pashtunwali, the tribal code of the Pashtun while
funds from Saudi Arabia to madrassas and
parties which were sympathetic to the Wahabii creed, as the Deobandis were,
helped these madrassas ….. The JUI was
politically isolated at home, remaining in opposition to the first Benazir
Bhutto government (1988-90) and the first Nawaz Sharif government (1990-93)."
Rashid; Ibid; p. 90.
It was not until Benazir Bhutto’s victory with the PPP
that the JUI achieved recognition:
"However in the 1993 elections the JUI allied itself with the winning
Pakistan People's Party (PPP) led by Benazir
Bhutto, thus becoming a part of the ruling coalition. The
JUI's access to the corridors of power for the first time allowed it to
establish close links with the army, the ISI and the Interior Ministry
under retired General Naseerullah Babar. Babar was in search of
a new Pashtun group which could revive Pashrun fortunes in Afghanistan
and give access to Pakistani trade with Central Asia through southern Afghanistan
and the JUI offered him that opportunity. The JUI leader Maulana Fazlur
Rehman was made Chairman of the National Assembly's Standing Committee
for Foreign Affairs…He was to use his position to visit Washington and
European capitals to lobby for the Taliban and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf
states to enlist their financial support." Rashid "Taliban"; Ibid; p. 90.
The rise of the Taliban is directly attributable
to the support of the USA and their client states Pakistan, and Saudi
The link to Saudi Arabia was facilitated by the historical
links via a relationship between the mystical credo of Islam, Sufism
- long influential in Afghanistan and the Wahabbi
credo of Saudi Arabia. Sufism, is well described below by Rashid as an
attempted retreat from the realities and bitterness of the real world,
into a world of invocations, trance and dance:
"Another moderating factor for Islam in Afghanistan was the enormous
popularity of Sufism, the trend of mystical Islam, which originated in
Central Asia and Persia. Sufi means 'wool' in Arabic and the name
comes from the rough woollen coats worn by the early Sufi brethren. The
Sufi orders or Tariqah, which means 'the way', was a medieval reaction
against authority, intellectualism, the law and the mullah and thus immensely
appealing for poor, powerless people. The Sufis build their faith on prayer,
contemplation, dances, music and sessions of physical shaking or whirling
in a permanent quest for truth."
Rashid "Taliban"; Ibid; p.85.
Osama Bin Laden as
a Wahabbi, exercised an initial influence in the Mujahadeen with this,
although his money also helped considerably:
"Before the Taliban, Islamic extremism had never flourished in Afghanistan.
Within the Sunni Hanafi tradition were the Wahabbis, followers
of the strict and austere Wahabbi creed of Saudi Arabia. Begun by Abdul
Wahab (1703-1792) as a movement to cleanse the Arab bedouin
from the influence of Sufism, the spread of Wahabbism became a major plank
in Saudi foreign policy after the oil boom in the 1970s. The Wahabbis first
came to Central Asia in 1912, when a native of Medina, Sayed Shari Mohammed
set up Wahabbi cells in Tashkent and the Ferghana valley. From here and
from British India the creed traveled to Afghanistan where it had miniscule
support before the war. However, as Saudi arms and money flowed to Saudi-trained
Wahabbi leaders amongst the Pashtuns, a small following emerged. In the
early stages of the war, the Saudis sent an Afghan long settled in Saudi
Arabia, Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, to set up a Wahabbi party, the Ittehad-e-Islami,
Islamic Unity, in Peshawar. The Wahabbi Afghans who are also called
Salafis, became active opponents of both the Sufi and the traditional
tribal-based parties but they were unable to spread their message because
they were immensely disliked by ordinary Afghans, who considered it a foreign
creed. Arab Mujaheddin, including Osama Bin Laden, who joined the
jihad, won a small Pashtun following, largely due to the lavish funds and
weapons at their disposal." Rashid; Ibid; p. 85.
However, the Taliban got some initial help, in September
1994, from the opposing Mujaheddin factions. Mutta Mohammed Kabbani,
a founding member of the Taliban, visited Kabul and met President Rabbani.
The government was then isolated and Kabul was under attack from Hekmatyr.
Accordingly, the Rabbani government:
"wished to support any new Pashtun force that would oppose Hikmetyar,
who was still shelling Kabul, and Rabbani promised to help the Taliban
with funds if they opposed Hikmetyar."
Rashid Ibid; p, 26.
But undoubtedly the main source of support both financial
and otherwise – was the Pakistani government:
"However the Taliban's closest links were with Pakistan where many
of them had grown up and studied in madrassas run by the mercurial Maulana
Fazlur Rehman and his Jamiat-e-UL-im Islam (JUI), a fundamentalist
party which had considerable support amongst the Pashtuns in Baluchistan
and the North West Frontier Province (NWFP). More significantly Maulana
Rehman was now a political ally of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto
and he had access to the government, the army and the (Pakistani Secret
Service) Interservices Intelligence (ISI)
to whom he described this newly emerging force." Rashid Ibid; p,
A significant support also came from Saudi Arabia
– again a comprador state to the USA imperialists. Later, after 1998,
this was officially stopped. However both Osama Bin Laden’s personal fortune
and the resources of the Persian Gulf were still open to the Taliban:
"Until late 1998 the Taliban also received direct financial assistance
from Saudi Arabia, which provided subsidized fuel, as well as cash grants.
These were ended in protest over the Taliban’s failure to expel or curb
Usama bin Ladin. Bin Ladin himself is reputed to have put some of his wealth
at the Taliban’s service, paying, according to some reports, for the capture
of Kabul in September 1996. It is not known how much income the Taliban
may still derive from supporters in the Persian Gulf, though their leaders
tour mosques there and raise what appear to be significant contributions,
especially in the UAE (some from Arabs and some from expatriate Afghans
active in the transit trade)." Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War
and Peace in Afghanistan; In: AFGHANISTAN RESOURCES: at:
Pakistan it will be remembered was also client state
on behalf of the USA imperialist. Over this time it was becoming clearer
that a major area of oil reserves –
largely untapped - lay in so-called Central Asia. The intent of the USA
imperialists was to get at this. Initially the USA and Pakistan had hoped
to use the Hikmatyr forces. However this policy was faltering in the face
of Hikmatyr’s inability to win the population:
"Pakistan's Afghan policy was in the doldrums. After the collapse
of the Soviet Union in 1991, successive Pakistani governments were desperately
keen to open up direct land routes for trade with the Central
Asian Republics (CARs). The major hindrance was the continuing
civil war in Afghanistan, through which any route passed. Pakistan's policy-makers
were thus faced with a strategic dilemma. Either Pakistan could carry on
backing Hikmetyar in a bid to bring a Pashtun group to power in Kabul which
would be Pakistan-friendly, or it could change direction and urge for a
power-sharing agreement between all the Afghan factions at what ever the
price for the Pashtuns, so that a stable government could open the roads
to Central Asia. The Pakistani military was convinced that other ethnic
groups would not do their bidding and continued to back Hikmetyar. Some
20 per cent of the Pakistan army was made up of Pakistani Pashtuns and
the pro-Pashtun and Islamic fundamentalist lobby within the ISI and the
military remained determined to achieve a Pashtun victory in Afghanistan.
However, by 1994 Hikmetyar had clearly failed, losing ground militarily
while his extremism divided the Pashtuns, the majority of whom loathed
him. Pakistan was getting tired of backing a loser and was looking around
for other potential Pashtun proxies."
Rashid Ibid; p, 26.
The accession of Benazir
Bhutto to the Presidency of Pakistan, in 1993, lent urgency
to securing safe passages to the Central Asian republics:
"When Benazir Bhutto was elected as Prime Minister in 1993, she was
keen to open a route to Central Asia. The shortest route was from Peshawar
to Kabul, across the Hindu Kush mountains to Mazar-e-Sharif and then to
Tirmez and Tashkent in Uzbekistan, but this route was closed due to the
fighting around Kabul. A new proposal emerged, backed strongly by the frustrated
Pakistani transport and smuggling mafia, the JUI and Pashtun military and
political officials. Instead of the northern route the way could be cleared
from Quetta to Kandahar, Herat and on to Ashkhabad, the capital of Turkmenistan.
There was no fighting in the south, only dozens of commanders who would
have to be adequately bribed before they agreed to open the chains". Rashid
Ibid; p, 26.
Naturally a prerequisite for assuring the safe passage by road was the
mandate of safety in general. This is what the Taliban took on with
a vengeance:
"In 1994, the Taliban attacked and defeated local warlords and began
to gather a reputation for order and military success. Pakistan soon began
supporting them, partially as a means of establishing a stable, friendly
government in Kabul. The continual fighting between the former Mujahadeen
armies caused waves of refugees to flood Pakistan's border regions and
interfered with Pakistani trade in the region. In late 1994, the Taliban
took control of Kandahar, acquiring a large supply of modern weapons, including
fighter aircraft, tanks and helicopters. In January of 1995, the Taliban
approached Kabul, putting Hekmatyar's forces in a vise between themselves
and Massoud's army in Kabul. From that point onward, until they seized
Kabul in September, 1996, the Taliban fought against several other militias
and warlords, eventually defeating them all. This is the fourth and current
phase of the ongoing civil war. Massoud and Rabanni fled to the north with
their forces to continue their war against the Taliban."
"The Taliban advance was partly accomplished militarily: with Pakistani
assistance, they have built up the largest more or less centralized armed
force in the country. But the accomplishment was also financial. Like Najibullah
and the mujahidin parties before them, much of the allegiance professed
to them was purchased for cash. In areas that are frequently reported to
change hands between the Taliban and their opponents, the common change
of events is the payment of a commander by one side or another, who then
announces a change in allegiance. The Taliban captured Kabul after paying
of a Hizb-i Islami commander (Zardad, in Sarobi) who blocked their advance
up the narrow defile from Jalalabad."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
The Taliban renamed the state as – "the Islamic
Emirate of Afghanistan". They proceeded to lay a version
of the Sharia law on the country:
"Other former Mujahadeen leaders of Pashtun background joined
with the Taliban as this new group sought to impose law and order on the
country. The particular law they sought to impose was an extreme version
of Islamic law. Under Taliban-imposed law, women are not allowed to work
outside the home or attend school. Men are expected to grow beards and
attend religious services regularly. Television is banned, and religious
minorities such as the Hindus, are required to wear some sort of identifying
clothing. Also, in 2001, the Taliban ordered the destruction of all non-Islamic
idols and statues in areas under their control. They also attracted the
support of Osama bin Laden and his organization."
But this interpretation of Islamic law was unique even within the Afghanistan
circumstances. The Taliban in fact revolted and oppressed the non-Pashtun
and a large segment of the Pashtun population, and fo course all women:
"The Taliban had set out as an Islamic reform movement. … The Taliban
were thus acting in the spirit of the Prophet's jihad when they attacked
the rapacious warlords around them. Yet jihad does not sanction the killing
of fellow Muslims on the basis of ethnicity or sect and it is this, the
Taliban interpretation of jihad, which appalls the non-Pashtuns. While
the Taliban claim they are fighting a jihad against corrupt, evil Muslims,
the ethnic minorities see them as using Islam as a cover to exterminate
non-Pashtuns. The Taliban interpretation of Islam, jihad and social transformation
was an anomaly in Afghanistan because the movement's rise echoed none of
the leading Islamicist trends that had emerged through the anti-Soviet
war. The Taliban were neither radical Islamicists inspired by the Ikhwan,
not mystical Sufis, nor traditionalists. They fitted nowhere in the Islamic
spectrum of ideas and movements that had emerged in Afghanistan between
1979 and 1994. It could be said that the degeneration and collapse of legitimacy
of all three trends (radical Islamicism, Sufism and traditionalism) into
a naked, rapacious power struggle created the ideological vacuum which
the Taliban were to fill. The Taliban represented nobody but themselves
and they recognized no Islam except their own."
Rashid; "Taliban"; Ibid; p. 87.
We have previously condemned Fundamentalism
(See: Compass: Journal Of The Communist League No. 109; January 1994: "Fundamentalism
And Political Reaction";
22.What Is the Class Basis of the Taliban?
The Taliban’s victory allowed a transnational trade
network, linked to smuggling and drug trading, especially in Pakistan.
Furthermore it linked, northeast Afghanistan linked to Central Asia, and
West Afghanistan to the Gulf, Dubai and Iran. The Taliban emphasised ‘security’,
since this was their "economic motivation".
It has enabled safety for passage of goods and persons – and therefore
has provided further stimulus to smuggling, and the growing of crops
and therefore of opium:
"The key achievement of the Taliban is what they call "security,"
meaning above all the suppression of virtually all forms of predation by
local power-holders, including tolls, banditry, and exaction of exorbitant
tributes. Taliban officials often describe this situation by telling visitors
they can now drive from one end of the country to the other even at night
with a car full of gold, and no one will disturb them. This method of describing
their achievement illustrates its important economic motivation, as well
as the principal beneficiaries: those driving from one end of the country
to the other with trucks full of valuable goods. The security provided
by the Taliban has greatly reduced the cost of long-distance trade and
provided the peasantry with greater confidence that they will enjoy the
fruits of their labor. This is one reason for the rise in recent years
of not only the transit trade but the production of both wheat and opium
in Taliban dominated areas. The provision of security of travel along the
entire route from Torghundi, on the Turkmenistan border, through Herat
and Qandahar, and out to Pakistan via Spin Boldak has opened a major corridor
for the smuggling of duty-free consumer goods from Dubai to Pakistan and
beyond. ……………"
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
It is not surprising that the businesses related to transportation
that had arisen, supported the Taliban:
"Significantly, the Taliban’s first major operation was to free a
Pakistani trade convoy, led by an ISI officer, heading for Turkmenistan
via Qandahar and Herat, along the projected oil pipeline route, from a
blockade set up by tribal (Achakzai) militia, who were demanding exorbitant
tolls.. …. the Taliban also request special contributions from the truckers
when funds are needed for an offensive. The Peshawar and Quetta trucking
associations were key financial backers of the Taliban, as they
greatly profited from the latter’s abolition of predatory tolls and raids
along the road. ……It was these trucking interests more than the Pakistani
ISI and military who urged the Taliban to capture Herat in September 1995.
The truckers also donate significant sums to the madrasas, ……. The transit
and drug trades are complemented by service industries. A network of fuel
stations has grown up …. controlled by members of the families of some
important figures in the Taliban leadership. ……. Much of the fuel, of course,
is smuggled from Iran, where its subsidized price is approximately $0.03
per liter, considerable less than a soft drink. The Taliban have this made
a transition from localized predatory warlordism to a weak kind of rentier
state power based on a criminalized open economy. The benefits of this
new economic activity are evident in increased prosperity in Qandahar,
Jalalabad, and Herat. The trade also appears to have shifted more toward
the Taliban’s home base in Qandahar."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
This entire trade activity has an enormous dollar value
attached to both parts of this economy:
"A World Bank study estimates
that this trade amounted to at least $2.5 billion per year in 1997, the
first year after the Taliban capture of Kabul, equivalent to nearly half
of Afghanistan’s estimated GDP and around12-13 percent of Pakistan’s total
trade. Diplomatic sources in Central Asia reported that truck traffic through
Torghundi tripled within two weeks after the Taliban capture of Mazar-i
Sharif in August 1998, so the figure now might be significantly higher.
These figures exclude trade in illegal goods such as drugs and arms, which
would also raise the figures significantly. This transit trade has provided
an important mechanism for the laundering of profits from the drug trade.
The drug trade is also a major source of Taliban revenues. In recent years
Afghanistan has been the world’s largest producer of opium, with a harvest
estimated at 2,800 tons of raw opium gum in 1998. While the farmers receive
little for this crop, it sells for thousands of dollars per kilogram at
the Afghan border. The Taliban levy zakat of 20 percent on this
trade, yielding revenues in the vicinity of $100-200 million per year.
The funds raised in this manner do not fund the expenses of the Taliban
government based in Kabul but go directly to a war treasury controlled
directly by the Taliban leader, Mulla Muhammad Umar, in Qandahar."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
Barnett Rubin cited extensively here, characterises
the economic-class basis of the Taliban as being "weak
kind of rentier state power based on a criminalized open economy".
But this is inadequate as a full description in our view, leaving out the
nature of the comprador relations.
Appropriately enough for a comprador state, the Taliban was not even
interested enough by 1999, to ensure its own currency!:
"Interestingly, the Taliban have not begun printing their own currency,
though they now control the head office and all major regional branches
of Da Afghanistan Bank (the central bank). Banknotes apparently continue
to be delivered to Afghanistan from American Banknote via the Massoud-Rabbani
forces, and the Taliban continue to recognize these notes, despite their
protest against this funding of their enemies. From the Taliban capture
of Kabul in September 1996 to May 1999, the Afghani lost about 60 percent
of its value against the dollar in Kabul and over 70 percent of its value
in Mazar-i Sharif. The Taliban have forbidden the use of "Dostum" currency.
Hence unlike all previous governments, the Taliban cannot finance their
operations through the printing press, while their opponents can undermine
their finances by printing money." Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of
War and Peace in Afghanistan; In: AFGHANISTAN RESOURCES: at:
Therefore, on the basis of all the above, we contend
that the objective class character of the Taliban
led Afghanistan was - as it had been for the prior period
of the Mujahadeen wars – that of an illicit economy dependent upon comprador
relations with client states of the USA – primarily
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
23. Consolidation of Taliban Victory – Embroiling
of Central Asian Republics In War
It took a little while after the capture of Kabul,
for the Taliban to satisfactorily exert control over the whole country.
This was achieved in steps. The victory was not assisted by the fact that
the Mujahadeen enemies of the Taliban were gaining some support form their
ethnic neighbors – now at least in the North, free of the USSR state apparatus
to some extent. So the Tajiks of Massoud were assisted by Tajikistan.
"From his loss of Kabul until 1999, Massoud's forces remained within
artillery range of the capital city, which he attacked regularly. After
his pullout from Kabul, Massoud also began receiving military supplies
from both Russia (now non-Communist) and Iran, both of whom feared the
growing power of the Taliban. Russia has fought Muslim rebels in its own
Chechnya region and on behalf of the government of Tajikistan. Moscow fears
the Taliban as a source of aid and support for the rebels it is fighting
in Chechnya and Tajikistan. Iran, dominated by Shiite Islamic fundamentalists,
is at odds with the Sunni Muslim Taliban, largely over the treatment of
the Afghan Shiite minority called the Hazaris."
But steadily the Taliban won all parts of Afghanistan.
As they did so, they gained some - albeit limited - international credence
as the government:
"During the internecine warfare in Kabul over the years, General Dostum
retained his power base in the northern five provinces of Afghanistan.
In 1997, the Taliban began a major offensive against him. On May 19, 1997,
one of Dostum's deputies, Gen. Abdul Malik Pahlawan (better known as "Malik"),
formed an alliance with the Taliban and turned over the city of Mazar-i
Sharif. At this point in the conflict, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United
Arab Emirates recognized the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.
Pakistan's role in the Taliban success is controversial, as it is generally
believed that several Taliban military victories are directly attributable
to armed Pakistani intervention."
But they were continued to be plagued by resistance
– led primarily by a new coalition of the forces that were as yet un-crushed.
This called itself the Northern Alliance.
This gained support especially from Iran
which was brutally oppressed by the Taliban Sunnis:
"After seizing Mazar-i Sharif, the Taliban provoked the hostility
of the area's Shiite Hazari
minority .. and General Malik ended his dalliance with the Taliban. The
result was the execution of at least 3,000 captured Taliban soldiers by
Malik and the Hazaris. In August, 1998, the Taliban retook Mazar-i Sharif
and summarily massacred at least 2,000 Hazaris. Also, several Iranian citizens,
including diplomats, were killed, nearly touching off an Iran-Taliban war.
As this crisis heightened, Iran massed nearly 250,000 troops on the Iran-Afghan
border. Throughout the years of the Taliban's ascendancy, Iran supplied
arms and military training to the "United Front/Northern Alliance"
forces in Northern Afghanistan who were fighting the Taliban. The Northern
Alliance includes the Uzbek forces of General Dostum, the Tajik troops
of President Rabbani and the Shiite Hazaris led by Haji Mohammed Mohaqiq."
But the USA which had been till recently the supporters
of the Taliban had begun to change its tune after 1998. This was signaled
by the reaction of the USA to the bombings of the Bin-Laden Al-Qaida group,
directed at USA embassies in Africa:
"In 1998, following the terrorist bombings of American embassies in
Africa, the United States launched a cruise missile attack on training
camps belonging to bin Laden's Al-Qaida organization in Afghanistan."
Canadian Class Struggle
has previously condemned the war maneuvers of the USA under Clinton (See
Issue Number 4: September 1998: "Clinton Changes Talk From Monica- Bombs
Of Imperial Arrogance"; at
The subsequent recent disclosure by the former Saudi
Finance Minister Prince Talal bin Abdel-Aziz, in a recent
interview that the USA had refused the assistance of the Sudanese government
in capturing Bin Laden – confirms
the view that the USA was allowing a dangerous situation to develop to
the point of a casus belli:
"Subject: Tidbits: January 29, 2002: Quote of the Day;
"Q. Is the West aware that bin Laden posed more of a threat to Saudi
Arabia than he did to anyone else?
"A. The West confused us.
"Q. How was that?
"A. Because the West never told us exactly what it wants. Now we know
that Sudan offered to hand bin Laden over to the US, but the Americans
refused and opposed his extradition. After the US embassies in Kenya and
Tanzania were bombed, the Americans accused the Sudanese of engaging in
terrorism. Only then did they ask Khartoum to hand bin Laden over, but
it was too late: he had already flown the coop to Afghanistan. Now, the
Americans are spending untold amounts of money and a lot of effort in trying
to track him down. But he was virtually in their grasp when he was in Sudan.
Why didn't they agree to receive him from the Sudanese? Now the West, led
by America, is accusing our Palestinian brethren, who are fighting occupation,
of being terrorists. What kind of talk is this? It is clear that we are
all targeted, no doubt about it."
Extract from an interview by Hisham Aldiwan in the Daily Star of Lebanon
with former Saudi Finance Minister Prince Talal bin Abdel-Aziz, currently,
special UNICEF envoy and president of the UN Development Organization's
Arab Gulf Program.
Cited in Digest Number 377: Date: 1 Feb 2002 From:
24. Prelude To The New USA War
Alliance has analysed the events
of the aircraft attacks on the World Trade Centre characterising these
and ensuing events, as forming part of an overall agenda of the USA aimed
at finding an adequate casus belli
to enable the USA to launch a new war (See: Alliance 44: October
3rd 2001 Down With USA Imperial Attempts To Create A New World War!;
and: "An Assessment of 11th September Action By Cmde M; Written 18 September
2001"; Published by Alliance on 10 October, 2001;
We wrote at that time that it was very likely that
the USA had been privy to the details of the forthcoming attack, but that
it was allowed to proceed as it served the interests of the USA imperialist.
The details are still awaited of all this, but there are disturbing parallels
to the Lockerbie Pan Am bomb explosion (See The Marxist-Leninist Research
Bureau Report No. 6; 1994; "The Lockerbie Disaster" at:
Slowly, further details are emerging, that still
require confirmation – but tend to confirm the overall view that the USA
imperialists had a hand in "setting up Afghanistan"
for a devastating "reprisal". The following item is an early indication
of this:
"At Democracy Now! we have often called the Bush
administration the Oiligarchy. Vice-President Dick Cheney of course
was the president of Halliburton, a company that provides services
for the oil industry. For nearly a decade, National Security Advisor Condoleezza
Rice worked with Chevron, while secretaries of commerce and
energy, Donald Evans and Spencer Abraham, worked for another oil
giant. Many of the US officials now working on the administration's Afghanistan
policy also have extensive backgrounds in the world of multinational oil
giants. An explosive new book published originally in France is revealing
some extraordinary details of the extent to which US oil corporations
influenced the Bush administration's policies toward the Taliban regime
prior to September 11th. The book is called "Bin Laden: The Forbidden
Truth". And it paints a detailed picture of the Bush administration's secret
negotiations with the Taliban government in the months and weeks before
the attacks on the World Trade Center. It charges that under the influence
of US oil companies the Bush administration blocked U.S. secret service
investigations on terrorism. It tells the story of how the administration
conducted secret negotiations with the Taliban to hand-over Osama bin Laden
in exchange for political recognition and economic aid. The book says that
Washington's main aim in Afghanistan prior to September 11th was consolidating
the Taliban regime, in order to obtain access to the oil and gas reserves
in Central Asia. The authors claim that before the September 11th attacks,
Christina Rocca, the head of Asian Affairs in the US State Department,
met the Taliban Ambassador to Pakistan Abdul Salam Zaeef in Islamabad on
August 2. Rocca is a veteran of US involvement in Afghanistan. She was
previously in charge of contacts with Islamist guerrilla groups at the
CIA, where she oversaw the delivery of Stinger missiles to Afghan mujahideen
fighting the Soviet occupation forces in the 1980s. The book also reveals
that the Taliban actually hired an American public relations' expert for
an image-making campaign in the US. What's amazing is that the PR officer
was a woman named Laila Helms, who is the niece of former CIA director
Richard Helms. Helms is described as the Mata Hari of US-Taliban negotiations.
The authors claim that she brought Sayed Rahmatullah Hashimi, an
advisor to Mullah Omar, to Washington for five days in March 2001 - after
the Taliban had destroyed the ancient Buddhas of Bamiyan. Hashimi met the
Directorate of Central Intelligence at the CIA, and the Bureau of Intelligence
and Research at the State Department. The book also says that the Deputy
Director of the FBI, John O'Neill, resigned in July in protest of
the Bush administration's obstruction of an investigation into alleged
Taliban terrorist activities. O'Neill then became head of security at the
World Trade Center. He died in the September 11th attacks. Jean-Charles
Brisard, co-author of Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth. He has worked for
the French Secret Services and wrote a report for them in 1997 on Bin Laden's
Al Qaeda network. Guillaume Dasquie, co-author of Bin Laden: The Forbidden
Truth. He is an investigative journalist and publisher of Intelligence
From: Progressive Economics;
PEN-L digest 30; Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002; Subject: Bin Laden: The Forbidden
Truth About Bush, Oil And Washington's Secret Negotiations With The Taliban.
Just prior to the attack on the World Trade Centre,
Ahmad Shah Massoud was assassinated, possibly as a prelude:
"Through the Autumn of 2001, the Taliban continued to pressure the
Northern Alliance, often with the aid of Osama bin Laden and his Arab forces.
On September 9, 2001, the Northern Alliance leader Ahmad Shah Massoud was
mortally wounded in an assassination attempt carried out by two Arab men
posing as journalists. This attack is believed to be the work of bin Laden's
organization as a possible prelude to the airline hijackings and terrorism
in the United States on September 11. The Northern Alliance responded to
Massoud's killing with an aerial attack on Kabul the night of September
As the USA used the world reaction of horror at the
attack to its advantage, it was able to blunt the humanitarian objections
of the world’s population, and to blunt the potential resistance of
the more wary of the imperialist rivals it had to face for world supremacy.
The largest potential opposition was that of the Europeans – formerly of
the European Economic Community – now termed the . The USA was helped in
this by the blatant toadying of Prime Minister of the UK, Tony Blair of
the British Labour Party. The stage was set for the new phase of USA domination.
25. The USA Led War Against the Afghanistan
A quick and brutal war was launched by the USA on October
7, 2001. This was almost exclusively conducted by very high altitude carpet
bombing. Naturally in these circumstances, civilian casualties are high.
This is the euphemistically termed "collateral damage" as US Secretary
of Defence Donald Rumsfeld calls it. The figures are secret, but
are thought to number at least 3500 – far greater than the number of actual
dead in the World Trade Centre events.
"The fifth and current phase of the civil war opened on October 7,
2001 with the beginning of punishing aerial bombardments, missile attacks
and special forces commando missions against the Taliban and bin Laden's
forces by the United States and the United Kingdom (the Allies). An informal
alliance between the Northern Alliance and the Allies developed, with coordination
between Allied air attacks and ground attacks by the Northern Alliance.
These attacks led to the fall of Kabul on Nov. 13, 2001, as the Taliban
retreated from most of northern Afghanistan. By November 25, 2001, the
last Taliban/Al-Qaida stronghold in the north, Konduz, had fallen to the
Northern Alliance. American and British special forces, numbering only
in the hundreds, are on the ground in Afghanistan to liaison with the Northern
Alliance as well as to conduct raids, ambushes and reconnaissance in order
to destroy the Taliban and Al-Qaida forces."
It was never in doubt that the USA led coalition would
completely destroy the Taliban resistance and be enabled to erect its’
own puppet regime. The links provided in the reference section to the Guardian
(UK)’s Special Report on Afghanistan are adequate further references for
the reader interested in the daily events over this period.
26. Motives For The USA Led War
It is not surprising that the USA had decided to change
its support of the Taliban.
The stated reasons – to attack Terrorism – are clearly
laughable, from a state that
has it supported the massive cruelties it has worldwide. We cannot reprise
these adequately here, but refer the reader to the well documented book
by W.Blum: "Rogue State, A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower"; Common
Courage Press; Monroe Maine USA; 2000; and a small snapshot of the USA
hypocrisy contained in: C.Hitchens: "The Trial of Henry Kissinger"; Verso
Press; New York; 2001.
The USA as is perfectly clear from all of the above
– had been the main instigator of reducing the state of Afghanistan to
abject poverty and condemning its peoples to living amongst rubble, hiding
their daughters and wives, subject to the whim of war-lord fanatics. What
was the real reason for this new open form of a renewed assault of the
USA on the peoples of Afghanistan?
It was once more – as so often for this geo-political
‘Roof of the world’- the realities around the borders of Afghanistan:
The disintegration of the former USSR, the emergence of the Central
Asian states of former USSR into a form of independence;
the steadily gaining emergence of China as a force to be reckoned with;
Finally…. There is the matter of OIL:
"The independence of the Central Asian states transformed the economic
stakes in Afghanistan. The oil and gas-rich Central Asian states, in particular
Turkmenistan, saw Afghanistan as a possible pipeline route to connect them
to world markets without having to reverse US sanctions against Iran. Pakistan
saw commercial and political connections to Central Asia via Afghanistan
as key to the development of "strategic depth" in its confrontation with
India. Pakistan also needed natural gas, and the Daulatabad field in Turkmenistan,
just north of the Afghan border, was well positioned to be connected to
the Pakistan national network via a pipeline though Herat and Qandahar
to Baluchistan. This, in turn, placed Pakistan in opposition to Iran, which
aspired to be the outlet to the south for the resources of the entire Caspian
region, both Central Asia and the trans-Caucasus. The US began to define
a national interest in promoting the national independence and economic
diversification of the Central Asian and Caucasian states, without relaxing
its sanctions on Iran. Pipelines through Afghanistan would nicely meet
both goals."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
Everyone knowledgeable about either oil or the Central
Asian Republics recognise the huge stake that is being fought over currently:
"The energy resources of the Caspian Sea and Central Asia, (which
we shall now call the Caspian region and includes Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan,
Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan), have been described with breathless hyperbole
over the past few years. In the early 1990s the USA estimated that Caspian
oil reserves were between 100 to 150 billion barrels (bb). That figure
was highly inflated and possible reserves are now estimated to be less
than half that or even as low as 50 bb. The Caspian region's proven oil
reserves are between 16 and 32 bb, which compares to 22 bb for the USA
and 17 bb for the North Sea, giving the Caspian 10-15 times less than the
total reserves of the Middle East. Nevertheless, the Caspian represented
possibly the last unexplored and unexploited oil-bearing region in the
world and its opening-up generated huge excitement amongst international
oil companies. Western oil companies have shifted their interest first
to Western Siberia in 1991-92, then to Kazakhstan in 1993-94, Azerbaijan
in 1995-97 and finally Turkmenistan in 1997-99. Between 1994-98, 24 companies
from 13 countries signed contracts in the Caspian region. Kazakhstan has
the largest oil reserves with an estimated 85 bb, but only 10-16 bb proven
reserves. Azerbaijan has possible oil reserves of 27 bb and only 4-11 bb
proven reserves while Turkmenistan has 32 bb possible oil reserves, but
only 1.5 bb proven reserves. Uzbekistan's possible oil reserves are estimated
at I bb. Proven gas reserves in the Caspian region are estimated at 236-337
trillion cubic feet (tcf), compared to reserves of 300 tcf in the USA.
Turkmenistan has the I I th largest gas reserves in the world with 159
tcf of possible gas reserves, Uzbekistan 110 tcf, Kazakhstan 88 tcf, while
Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan have 35 tcf each. Central Asian leaders became
obsessed with projected pipelines, potential routes and the geo-politics
that surrounded them."
Rashid Ahmad, "Taliban"; ibid; p. 144.
It is entirely natural, that the American companies
have been falling over themselves to insert themselves into this situation!
They have been led by UNOCAL,
and have faced rivalry from the Argentians and the Saudis. All companies
have been bus bribing their way into contracts. The Taliban had not been
able to, or been willing to consolidate any real degree the necessary state
security for pipeline deals:
"Various companies, including the US-based UNOCAL, the Saudi company
Delta, and the Argentine firm, Bridas, began negotiations with the Rabbani
government and various de facto powerholders. Bridas paid the Rabbani government
$1 million for a contract signed in January 1996 awarding it the right
to the pipeline route (none of which was then controlled by that government).
There were reports of payoffs in Pakistan as well. The pipeline projects
have since languished as a result of political uncertainty and the turn
of US policy against the Taliban as a result of their harboring of the
accused Saudi terrorist, Usama bin Ladin, but some of the effects of early
competition over pipeline routes have persisted. Pipeline politics formed
an important part of the strategic and economic context in which the Islamic
Movement of Taliban arrived on the scene in October 1994."
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
This is naturally not a new strategic priority facing
the USA imperialists.
has pointed to this in the course of condemning
three wars: The Gulf War of Bush I; the Chechnyan War
– still going on; and the NATO-USA War against the Kosova and Serbian People.
We briefly reprise relevant sections upon the latter two wars.
In Alliance 13
we have previously pointed out that a major part of the background of the
war raging in Chechnya was oil. (Alliance (Marxist-Leninist) Number 13
January 1995; Special Issue: Chechnya, Oil And The Divided Russian Capitalist
Class; p.10; or at
As we said in that article:
"2. What Lies Behind This War ? The
Oil Background Data from recent trade negotiations over oil indicate
something is more at stake in Chechnya than simple autonomy.
Azerbaijan, itself a victim of recent aggression launched
by Russian imperialist forces, tried to exert national rights. The suppression
of these rights was directly linked to the oil reserves. Prospects of oil
prompted fervent bargaining by Russian capitalists with foreign imperialism.
But the deal cut, antagonised a section of the Russian capitalist class,
enough to spur them on to struggle with foreign imperialism:
"A leaked letter sent by Andrei
Kozyrev, Russia's Foreign Minister to Viktor
Chernomyrdin, his prime minister, reveals that Russia plans
to prevent Western oil companies from going ahead with a $8Bn (PS 5bn)
agreement to exploit offshore field in the Caspian The agreement advertised
as "the deal of the century", was signed by Azerbaijan and a consortium
of Western oil companies led by British petroleum.. Mr. Kozyrev stresses
the importance of Russia retaining its share of the Caspian reserves..
and proposes that Russia will impose economic sanctions on Azerbaijan if
it does not back down.. Russia is unlikely to retreat because the way it
deals with Azerbaijan sets a precedent for Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan,
the two other republics with long Caspian coast lines and growing oil industries."
The Independent; London UK; 3.11.94. p.14.
This agreement would link the British owned British
Petroleum, owning 30% of shares; with the US Oil companies of
Pennzoil and Amoco which together holding
40% of shares; and Azerbaijan's Socar Company holding 20%, and Russian
owned Lukoil owning 10%. The Carnegie Endowment For International Peace
commented :
"If the Russians throw a monkey wrench in the oil
deal there will be a strong reaction here in Washington because so much
money is involved." A diplomat said : "It shows Russia will not allow any
of the ex-Soviet states to move towards full economic independence."
Independent, Ibid, 3.11.94. p.14.
The War in Chechneya shows that this interpretation
is correct.
But who is Mr. Chernomyridin, the prime minister,
And why does the above concern Chechnya ?
"The oil and gas lobby is very powerful with Mr.
Viktor Chernomyridin, former head of Gazprom,
as prime minister. Ensuring that oil and gas from Central Asia is transported
to Europe via Russian pipelines and ports is an obsession. the main oil
pipeline from the Caspian Sea to the oil export harbour of Novorossiisk
passes through Chechnya.. at stake is.. control over the main rail, road
and gas rich Caspian sea and the central Asian republics." Financial Times,
London, UK, 7-8.1.95. p.2.
Thus, Chechnya is critical as a conduit for the
oil reserves of the Caspian coastal areas. Naturally Chernomyridin has
financial interests stemming from his previous job, to protect. "
In our condemnation of the USA war on the Kosovan and Serbian peoples,
launched under the cover of NATO, we also pointed out that oil played
a large role in that war. (See Alliance 33 Part 6.
(2) The Second Underlying Real Reason For War: Oil In The Near East:
There we said:
"The Progressive Labor Party (PLP) of the USA….. identified (oil)
as being a real underlying reason for the war. In broad terms we agree
with this:
Kosovo? …First the PLP identify the valuable resource of oil,
and point out both that the USA have engaged in deadly war in the Middle
East for this; and that the former Soviet Union has oil resources on the
fringes of the "Middle East":
"A ruthless battle for control over oil, the lifeblood
of imperialist industry, lies at the heart of Clinton latest atrocities
and "humanitarian" lies. ….. The Middle East now includes the vast oil
and gas reserves of the Caspian region to the North and East in Central
Asia. Some of these resources are Russian; some of them lie in former Soviet
republics. The oil reserves alone could amount to 200 billion barrels,
with a value somewhere between $2 and $4 trillion. This is a prize for
which the imperialists will fight to our death." PLP: "Clinton bombing
campaign against Yugoslavia has managed only to spread more mass terror
than Milosevic could create in his wildest dreams." Second the PLP
have identified a key infra-structural component – a pipeline transport
to the Balkans:
"Oil in the ground or under the sea is one thing.
Building the infrastructure to refine and transport it is something else.
This is where the Balkans come in. Who will control the pipelines? Will
they flow through U.S. competitors Iran and Russia, or will they flow through
U.S. ally Turkey? .. In any event, the oil that reaches Europe over land
has to go through the Balkans. It turns out that Russian, Bulgarian, and
Greek companies are building an oil pipeline through the Balkans that could
supply one-fourth of Europe needs.…….. One pipeline is due to run from
Skopje to Kosovo. Kosovo itself also has strategic military value to U.S.
imperialism. Journalist Diane Johnstone writes: "Thanks to Kosovo, the
U.S. can control eventual Caspian oil pipeline routes between the Black
Sea and the Adriatic, and extend the European influence of favored ally
Turkey"; PLP: "Clinton bombing campaign against Yugoslavia has managed
only to spread more mass terror than Milosevic could create in his wildest
Thirdly: The PLP identify a temporary reason
for the EEC imperialists to participate in the scheme of USA imperialism:
"So the U.S. is bombing Yugoslavia to prevent Russian
and other oil companies from replacing Exxon-Mobil and friends as Europe
major suppliers, since if Russian bosses succeed, they can quickly once
again become a dominant imperialist force. The threat to Total and Elf,
French oil companies as well as to the British-Dutch Shell, explains in
part why France and other NATO bosses are going along with the bombing
for now." PLP: "Clinton bombing campaign against Yugoslavia has managed
only to spread more mass terror than Milosevic could create in his wildest
Alliance previously identified in the split in the
Russian capitalist classes, that Chubais and Chernomyrdin were members
of those whose interests lay in allying itself to the Western imperialist
powers. We also identified the "Communists" of the Zhuganov faction as
representing the interests of a "national" capitalist wing of Russian capital
(See Alliance Number 13 January 1995: "Chechnya, Oil & The Divided
Russian Capitalist Class"; at
It is true as the PLP argue that the Russian oil
companies are formidable forces, but they are unable to develop their profiteering
visions without recourse to foreign capital. And currently they are closer
to EEC capital both geographically and in terms of linkages. In addition
the Barents sea and the Arctic provide un-tapped territory thus far, potentially
lucrative to both the EEC and Russia:
" Norway, Sweden and Finland …. also wants to define
disputed national boundaries in the oil-rich but remote Barents sea. ...
The arctic dimension is also important to Russian oil companies and to
Gazprom which will supply Western Europe with arctic gas from the Yamal
peninsular in the decades ahead. Gas will be delivered to Germany through
a large capacity export gas pipeline through Belarus and Poland while Russian
oil companies are still debating whether to build a new port at Primorsk
north west of St Petersburg to supply oil from the arctic region of Timan
Pechora or merely build new pipelines to the Latvian port of Ventspils."
"Baltic Sea Region: Potential Sighted Through 'Window On The West': by
Anthony Robinson in Moscow: The first steps are being taken to integrate
more closely with potentially one of Europe's most dynamic economic areas";
Financial Times ; 11-Jun-1999.
Of course the Gulf War of
Bush I was transparently about oil. (See Alliance:Marxist-Leninist
Issue 2: April 1992. Placed
27. The New Comprador Regime of Hamid
There can be little doubt that Karzai is a representative
of a comprador section of the dominant
Durrani (or Popalzai") community, who
has had a long and deep relationship with USA intelligence:
" Hamid Karzai, the US-backed Pashtun tribal leader from the south
is now the prime minister in the UN-brokered new interim government of
Afghanistan….. a representative of the dominant Pashtun community that
has always produced, apart from two short-lived exceptions, the ruling
class of Afghanistan, …… In the 1980s, Karzai, whose father 'headed the
Pashtun tribe of the Popalzais in the south, acquired a degree in political
science from the university in Simla, India, and helped channel aid from
the CIA and the ISI to the Mujahideen fighting in the anti-Communist jihad.
For two years from 1992, he was the deputy foreign minister in the short-lived
post-Communist government of Mujahideen leaders in Kabul. Like many Pashtuns,
he welcomed the Taliban as they went about imposing Pashtun rule over Afghanistan.
He and his brothers run a chain of Afghan restaurants in Chicago, San Francisco,
Boston, and Baltimore; his familiarity with America led the Taliban government
in 1997 to name him as their representative to the United States before
Mullah Omar canceled the appointment on the grounds that Karzai did not
have a Taliban-style beard. Two years later, his father was assassinated,
allegedly on the orders of the Taliban. Karzai, who has lived in exile
in the Pakistani city of Quetta since 1994, renewed apparently longstanding
links with the US government when he entered Afghanistan in October, …..
in order to provoke an anti-Taliban rebellion in the south, during which
attempt he once had to be … rescued by American Special Forces.
He has also apparently maintained friendly contact with officials in the
Pakistani government, which, made anxious by the anti-Pakistan positions
of most of the Northern Alliance leaders, is somewhat reassured by the
presence of a Pashtun leader in Kabul."
Mishra, Pankaj: "The Afghan Tragedy"; New York Review of Books; January
17 2002; p.48.
He sees his main problem as being to engender a stable
enough situation to allow the USA to exploit the geographic links to the
Central Asian Republics. The strategy will be to bribe the remaining war-lords
into cooperation:
"One of these warlords, who later controlled Afghanistan's predatory
economy of road tolls, smuggling, and opium cultivation, is Gul Agha
Shirazi, who was the much-feared governor of Kandahar until
his expulsion by the Taliban in 1994. Agha fought with American assistance
against the Taliban in the recent battle for the city and was nominated
to his old post by Karzai after a tense stand-off with a rival pro-Taliban
mullah that almost erupted into a violent battle. It is hard to predict
that the temptation of receiving foreign patronage-the billions of dollars
that Western nations have promised to pour into Afghanistan if the conditions
of a stable, broad-based government are met-would turn such war profiteers
into moderate politicians, and how large a role the Northern Alliance,
itself largely led by warlords, would allow them in the complicated process
of governing Afghanistan."
Mishra, Pankaj: "The Afghan Tragedy"; New York Review of Books; January
17 2002; p.48.
Karzai has continued to support further US air strikes
and an indefinite presence of imperialist armed forces in Afghanistan.
The goal of the USA now will be to foster the exploitation of the Central
Asian Republics, and to build a bulwark against China.
The latter is in preparation for the coming new
world war of re-division, in which the Chinese are likely to be the major
antagonists of the USA. A parallel Islamic vehicle in this context has
been the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
led by Juma Namangani. This
will be dealt with in more detail in a forthcoming issue of Alliance. Here
we should note that China’s attitude to the area has been more interventionist
due to its own internal national problems, which it has long been treating
in a non-Marxist-Leninist manner. In this context the national oppression
relates to the Uighurs:
"China: An Old Player Returns to Central Asia: China's role in Central
Asia remains the most unpredictable of the three superpowers, but Beijing
may be the most important player in the future. Since 1991 China has built
close bilateral trade and investment ties with all the Central Asian states,
but until recently it avoided becoming involved in military and security
pacts and tried to distance itself from the U.S.-Russia rivalry in the
region. That is swiftly coming to an end as the IMU and the Taliban recruit
Uighur Islamic militants and separatists from China's only Muslim majority
province, Xinjiang, and create growing political unrest through their guerrilla
attacks against Chinese security forces. Throughout the 1990’s China's
main strategic aim was to ensure that the Central Asian governments kept
a tight lid on Uighur political activities on their soil, stopping the
Uighur minorities from helping the Uighurs in Xinjiang Province. The Central
Asian states obliged China by shutting down Uighur publications and offices,
arresting Uighurs; who criticized Chinese policies, and keeping their borders
with China open for trade whilst guarding against the export of arms, propaganda,
or funds for Uighur separatists in Xinjiang."
Rashid , Ahmed: "Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia"; New
Haven 2002; p. 201-202;
In preparation for this coming contest between world imperialisms, the
Chinese government has been forming various alliances named progressively
the Shanghai Five, the Shanghai Forum, and
latterly the Shanghai Cooperation Organization:
"China's other major strategic interests have been to end the tension on
its long borders with Central Asia and Russia, reduce the vast numbers
of Chinese troops stationed on these borders, and settle the multiple claims
and counterclaims on one another's territories that were inherited from
tsarist times and continued to plague relations between China and the Soviet
Union. Starting in the mid-1990s China set up joint border commissions
with Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan that over the years have
resolved most of the hundreds of border disputes. Territorial disputes
with Tajikistan remain unresolved, however. Beijing claims some 30
percent of Tajikistan's territory along their common border
in Gorno-Badakhshan, where there are huge gold deposits. It was with the
aim of settling these disputes that China took its most significant
step in Central Asia, calling a summit meeting in Shanghai in 1996
between the five states that shared common borders: China, Russia, Tajikistan,
Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. ….The Shanghai Five has steadily become
a wide-ranging military, security, and economic pact. …. At the end of
the summit the five leaders signed a declaration to enhance cooperation
in "fighting international terrorism, the illegal drugs trade, arms trafficking,
illegal migration, separatism and religious extremism." They also pledged
to create a "multi-polar world" -a Russian-inspired formula that basically
meant opposition to U.S. hegemony.
…. The following year (2000) in Dushanbe the Shanghai Five became the Shanghai
Forum as Uzbekistan was given observer status even though it shared
no borders with China. The summit agreed to add a military dimension for
the first time- the creation of a joint counter-terrorism center in Bishkek
in order to meet the threat from the IMU and the Taliban. By now the Forum
had become the most important geo-strategic alliance in the region, developing
joint programs for security as well as economic, political, and other agendas.
Countries such as India, Pakistan, Mongolia,
South Korea, and Iran clamored to join, whilst Uzbekistan insisted on full
membership. At the summit in Shanghai in mid-June 2ooi,
Uzbekistan became a full member, although the other countries were kept
out. The Forum again changed its name, to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
(SCO). The leaders signed a new security cooperation pact and
pledged to increase trade and investment between their countries.";
Rashid , Ahmed: "Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia"; New
Haven 2002; p. 201-202; (emphases added-Alliance).
The recent events from September 11th 2002
have radically changed the balance of power in the regions away from China.
Now China is playing catch-up
"During the past few weeks, China relaxed its stance on Taiwan's ruling
party, engaged India and Pakistan to reduce tensions in South Asia and
played down a leaked story suggesting U.S. intelligence operatives bugged
China's new presidential jet. A year ago, China was the first nation mentioned
in discussions of the global economy, Northeast Asian stability and counter-hegemony,
but for good or ill, it no longer holds a key spot in the international
policy arena. Beijing is now doing anything it can to regain political
Stratfor Analysis: "China: Seeking Lost Influence "; 1 February 2002
But in the uneven development of imperialism, China will soon "catch
up" as recent economic indicators suggest:
"Hong Kong: With their economies moving in opposite directions, China
is set to overtake Japan as Asia's biggest market for personal computer
sales in 2003, research firm International Data Corp said on Wednesday.
Kitty Fok, hardware analyst at IDC in Hong Kong, said China was on track
For sales of 13.2 million PCs in 2003, compared with a forecast 12.7 million
unit sales in Japan. Leapfrogging Japan would make China the world's second-biggest
PC market after the United States. For 2001, China is expected to have
moved 8.9 million PCs, increasing to 10.8 million in 2002, Fok told Reuters.
Recession-wracked Japan is expected to have seen 13.3 million PC sales
in 2001, with a forecast drop to 11.7 million in 2002 before a recovery
in 2003, IDC said. "The market is pretty bad at the moment," Fok said of
Japan, while demand continues to grow in China."
The Times of India; January 09, 2002. "China to surpass Japan as top
Asian PC market"; Reuters, January 09, 2002
A United Front of all progressive and anti-imperialist
forces must be urgently directed at agitating against the subservience
of Afghanistan to USA imperialism, and building the reserves that will
be needed in the forthcoming inter-imperialist world war
Conclusions: Prospects for
the Workers and Peasants of Afhganistan:
The Afghan industrial working class was always small.
But it is now even more fragmented – if it exists as a class at all. The
domination of the illicit economy is not a fruitful environment for the
maturation and growth of a true working class.
The petty-bourgeois intelligentsia may still remain,
although many will have fled as émigrés. It is likely that
the medium term socialist future
of the Afghan toilers may be accelerated or retarded according to the ability
of the workers and peasants movements of neighboring countries – Pakistan,
India, the central Asian Republics of former USSR, and Iran – to move
their revolution forward.
But of course no progress in Afghanistan
can occur without the formation of the independent
Communist Party of Afghanistan.
Therefore it is urgent that all progressive
and militants and Marxist-Leninists create the subjective factor – the
united Marxist-Leninist party of Afghanistan free of all revisionist trends.
We are not aware of any single
Marxist-Leninist party that can claim to be in a leading hegemonic position
inside Afghanistan. But there are elements that can form a United
Front – in the struggle of which and for which a party must
and will be built. This United Front will have to grapple with the national
(and tribal) question as well as the weak numerical strength of the working
class. But it must begin to urgently resist imperialism.
We are aware of these
groupings that call themselves Marxist-Leninists:
Pro-Hoxha Groupings:
1) The "Afghanistan Liberation Organization"; that is linked to the
CPG-ML see:
and also:,
see their history of the ML-ist movement in Afghanistan at
2) An organisation called: "Workers Front (Front des Travailleurs)"
which we believe is pro-Enver Hoxha (Train-spotters e-list message of Oct
11, 2001 citing the newspaper of Belgium Parti Travail, Solidaire);
Pro-China or Mao Groupings:
1) Remnants of various Maoist organizations are probably the largest
Marxist-Leninist groupings, such as typified by the United Front Grouping:
Revolutionary Afghan Women:
"The group RAWA, which is based in Pakistan and claims to promote
a women's rights agenda, has lately expanded its fundraising activities
in the West by portraying itself as a vanguard pro-democracy and "revolutionary"
organization with some activities inside Afghanistan. Within the Afghan
communities in Pakistan and in the West, RAWA is known as a fringe organization
backed by strong Pakistan-based publicity, and is alleged to be run by
… the former Afghan Maoist (pro-Chinese Shohla communist party) groups."
From: MP to Trainspotters e_List: Date: Sat Dec 1, 2001 : Subject:
Re RAWA); See RAW web-site:
2) The Maoist "Afghanistan Liberation Organization (Sazman-e Reha'i-ye
Afghanistan, ALO)" at:
owing allegiance to Mao (Train-spotters e-list message of Oct 11, 2001
citing the newspaper of Belgium Parti Travail, Solidaire);
3) Affiliated to RIM: "Communist Party of Afghanistan" (Hizb-e Komunist-e
Note: Many of the LINKS cited here are from:
1) ALLIANCE:Marxist-Leninist Issue 2: April 1992. Placed on web October
2) ALLIANCE (MARXIST-LENINIST) Number 13 January 1995
Section 6: Reasons for the War: Oil at
By the Progressive Documentation and Information Centre of Turkey (PDICT).
January 2000. at
9) ALLIANCE 44: October 3rd 2001
10) An Assessment of 11th September Action By Cmde M; Written 18 September
2001. Published by Alliance on 10 October,
11) CANADIAN CLASS STRUGGLE Issue Number 4: September 1998: Clinton
Changes Talk From Monica- Bombs Of Imperial Arrogance. at
12) ON TERRORISM: REPRINT FROM COMBAT -Journal of the Communist League
LEAGUE" (UK) Web republication January 2002. "ORIENTAL DESPOTISM": Being
one section of: "The Development of Society - Part One: To Feudalism";
Journal of the Communist League; June 1977. at:
14) "The Invasion of Kuwait"; Reprint of Communist League number 88a;
August 1990; at
15) "The Setting Up of Iraq"; Reprint of Communist League number 80;
October 1990; at:
16) "Imperialism Launches its' War"; Reprint of Communist League number
83; February 1991; at
NB we do not assume responsibility for accuracy of web-sites after
this date.
Web-site, No primary author:
Web-site, No primary author:
Web-site of
Barnett Rubin; Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan; In:
Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, at:
Copyright, Le Nouvel Observateur and Bill Blum."
Ali Tariq: "Can Pakistan Survive" The Death of a State"; London 1983.
Anwar, Raja: "The Tragedy of Afghanistan"; London; 1988;
Ahmad, Feroz: "The Making of Modern Turkey"; London; 1993;
Degras, Jane Editor: " Documents of The Communist International Volume
3:" London 1971;
Engels, Frederick: "Herr Eugen Duhring's Revolution in Science"; Moscow;
Engels, Frederick: Letter to Karl Marx; June 6th 1853; In
Correspondence 1846-1895"; London 1936;
Engels Frederick: "Summary of John W. Kaye's History of the War in
Afghanistan by F. Engels" written1857; : In Collected Works; Volume 18;Moscow
1982; pp. 379-90
Engels, Frederick: "Encyclopedia article on Afghanistan"; 1857: In
Collected Works; Volume 18; Moscow 1982; pp. 41;
Hyman, Antony: "Afghanistan Under Soviet Domination 1964-81"; New York;
Halliday, Fred & Tanin , Zahir In Europe-Asia Studies, Dec98, Vol.
50 Issue 8, p1357. A version is to be found at:
V.I.Lenin: In "Notebooks on Imperialism"; Volume 39 "Collected Works";
Moscow; 1968;
V.I.Lenin: "Preliminary Draft of Theses on the National and Colonial
Countries, 2nd Congress Communist International"; June 1920; in "Collected
Works", Volume 31, Moscow, 1966;
V.I.Lenin: "Report On The International Situation & The Fundamental
Tasks of the Communist International; July 19th; 1920"; The
Second Congress of the Communist International; "Collected Works"; Volume
31; Moscow 1966;
V.I.Lenin: "Report on the Commission"; The Second Congress of the Communist
International; "Collected Works"; Volume 31; Moscow 1966; p. 243; or at:
Marx K: "The War Against Persia"; Written January 27 1857; in Collected
Works; Volume 15; Moscow 1986.
K. Marx: "The British Rule in India", in: "Selected Works"; Volume
2; London; 1943;
K. Marx: "Capital", Volume 1; Moscow, 1954;
K. Marx: Letter to F. Engels, June 14th., 1853, in: K. Marx & F.
Engels: Correspondence: 1846-1895"; London; 1936
Male, Beverley: "Revolutionary Afghanistan – A reappraisal."; London;
Mishra, Pankaj: "The Afghan Tragedy"; New York Review of Books; January
17 2002;
O’Ballance, Edgar : "Afghan Wars 1839-1992: What Britain Gave Up &
The Soviet Union Lost"; London; 1993
Rashid, Ahmed: "Taliban. Militant Islam, Oil & Fundamentalism in
Central Asia"; New Haven; 2000;
Rashid, Ahmed: "Jihad -The Rise of Militant Islam In Central Asia";
New Haven; 2002
Smith V.A. & Spear P: The Oxford History of India;" Delhi 1958;
J.V.Stalin; "The Foundations of Leninism"; April 1924; In "Works";
Volume 6; Moscow 1953;
J.V.Stalin, "The Political tasks of the University of the Peoples of
the East", in May 1925; In Works", Vol 7. Moscow, 1954;
J.V.Stalin: "Questions of the Chinese Revolution", "Works" May 1927;
Vol 9; Moscow 1953;
J.V.Stalin: "The Results of the Work At the 14th Congress of the RCP(B),"
in May 1925; in "Works" Volume 7, Moscow, 1954;
Stalin J.V. "Notes on Contemporary Themes"; (July 1927); In Works;
Volume 9; Moscow; 1954;
Stalin; "The International Situation & The Defense of the USSR";
August 1 1927; "Works"; Volume 10; Moscow 1954;
Wittfogel, Karl A: "Oriental Despotism – A Comparative Study of Total
Power"; New York; 1981;
"Encyclopedia article on Afghanistan" by F. Engels; 1857: In Collected
Works; Volume 18; Moscow 1982; pp. 40-48.
APPENDIX: Victims of USA and Afghanistan Display Solidarity
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 22:58:48 -0800 (PST)
From: portsideMod <>
Subject: US Jittery at Symbolic Meetings of Grieving USA & Afghan
"I would like to make clear that my family and I take no comfort in
your words of rage. If you choose to respond to this incomprehensible brutality
by perpetuating violence against other innocent human beings, you may not
do so in the name of justice for my husband."
US Jittery at Symbolic Meetings of Grieving Families;
by Kim Sengupta in Kabul.
Published on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 in the New Zealand Herald (Not
from A USA paper)
Americans who lost members of their families in
the 11 September attacks will arrive in Kabul to meet Afghans whose loved
ones were killed by US bombs. The meeting is seen by the grieving Americans
as a step towards building something good out of profoundly shattering
events. But they also bring with them a message of reconciliation that
has provoked apprehension in the
State Department and among US diplomats in Afghanistan.
[Also See: Bridging Sorrow: September 11 Victims'
Families Will Travel to Afghanistan to Meet with Afghans Who Lost Loved
Ones During the Recent Conflict global Exchange Press Release 1/9/02].
The four American visitors will spend eight days
in Afghanistan, not just meeting families but also learning about the devastation
that has befallen this poorest of poor nations. They will meet Hamid Karzai,
the leader of the interim Afghan government, as well as Colin Powell, the
US Secretary of State, who is due to arrive on Thursday. They say they
will forcefully put across their view that America should now engage in
reconstruction and not revenge.
The visit has been organized by Global Exchange,
a human rights organization whose founding director, Medea Benjamin, is
traveling with the visitors. He asked: "The people of the US have shown
tremendous compassion for the families of the victims of 11 September.
Shouldn't our hearts and helping hands also go out to those Afghans who
are every bit as innocent as the victims of 11
September? Don't we, as citizens of a wealthy nation that unleashed
deadly force against Afghanistan, have a moral responsibility to help the
innocent victims?''
The visitors will represent families who suffered
in the different attacks On 11 September. Derrill Bodley, a 56-year-old
professor of music, lost his daughter Deora on United Airlines flight 93,
which crashed in Pennsylvania. Deora's stepsister Eva Rupp will accompany
him. Rita Lasar, 70, a retired
businesswoman, lost her brother Abe Zelmanowitz in the attack on the
World Trade Center. Kelly Campbell, 29, who co- ordinated environmental
campaigns, lost her brother-in-law Craig Amundson in the Pentagon attack.
Ms Campbell is making the trip on behalf of Craig's widow, Amber Amundson,
who is at home looking after their two small children. Mr Amundson had
distinguished career in the US army, but he liked to say that his job
was to maintain the peace rather than wage war. His widow said: "I have
heard angry rhetoric by some Americans, including many of our nation's
leaders who advise a heavy dose of revenge and punishment. To those leaders,
I would like to make clear that my family and I take no comfort in your
words of rage. If you choose to respond to this incomprehensible brutality
by perpetuating violence against other innocent human beings, you may not
do so in the name of justice for my husband."
Ms Rupp, who works in Washington DC at the Department
of Commerce, had been close to Deora since the age of five. She said: "I
am going to Afghanistan because I hope to build more understanding between
Afghans and Americans.''
Mr Bodley, a professor of music at the University
of the Pacific at Stockton, California, composed a piece of piano music
which he called "Steps to Peace for Deora". He was asked to perform this
later at the White House and a recording of the piece was presented to
President George Bush.
The heroism of Abe Zelmanowitz was praised by the
President during a speech honoring the victims at the National Cathedral.
Mr Zelmanowitz was on the 27th floor of the north tower of the
World Trade Center. when it was hit by the first plane. He could have escaped,
but he chose instead to stay with his friend, a quadriplegic who could
not have fled. His sister Rita said: "I am sure Abe would have wanted me
to come. He always believed it is our duty to help those in need."
The first family the visitors will meet will be
the Amiris at their tiny, cramped flat at the Old Makroyan suburb of Kabul.
Abdul Basir and Shakila lost their five-year-old daughter, Nazila, during
an American air strike on the morning of 17 October. She was playing with
her younger brother and sister in a building 20 yards from their home when
it was hit by a bomb. The pilots may have been trying to blast an army
base a mile away. The Amiris do not know, no one has bothered to explain
to them what went wrong. All their savings went on the funeral, they now
live hand to mouth, facing eviction because of unpaid rent. "I am very
glad the Americans are coming to see us," said Mr Amiri, a 34-year-old
former police officer sacked by the Taliban because he refused to enforce
their punitive policies. "An innocent life lost is a terrible thing, wherever
it is. The life of my daughter was precious, but so were the lives of all
those who died in America. "The terrorists did something evil, and then
a pilot dropped a bomb which killed Nazila. I do not know why Allah allows
such things to happen, perhaps they feel the same way about their God.
We can only grieve for each other." Three-year-old Shwata and Sohrab, six,
were with their sister when the Bombs landed. They managed to get away,
but they were there 90 minutes later when a bulldozer scooped out Nazila's
little body from the rubble. They both have nightmares and constantly cry
and ask their mother for her. "She was such a beautiful little girl, my
Nazila, people used to stop me on the street and say how beautiful she
was," said Mrs Amiri, 33, stroking a faded photograph of her daughter.
"I would like to show the Americans this photo of her and try to explain
how sad we feel. Maybe they will talk about the people they lost. It is
a long way for them to come, and also very kind of them. We all suffer
because of the terrible things men do.''