The Bitter Struggle to Unionize NC Poultry
21, 2006
North Carolina is one of the major chicken breeding states
(one of 17 southeastern states, especially Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama, and
Mississippi as of 2001) and has several chicken processing plants. Chicken processing is low paying, messy, and
dangerous work. In response workers
have attempted to unionize. The
sharpest struggle has been going on for about 15 years at a Case Farms plant in Morganton
in the western part of the State, involving mostly Guatemalan
immigrant workers. In spite
of a successful unionization vote, Case Farms refused to recognize the Union
and eventually succeeded in wearing out the Laborers
International Union of North America (LIUNA). Later the Retail,
Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU), an affiliate of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union
(UFCW) was asked to get involved.
Through illegal tactics the company won the second union election.
Case Farms is a small chicken processor and wholesaler
founded in 1949, based in Morganton, and has about 1200 employees. It had about $237 million dollars of sales
in 2004 (Business & Company Resource Center database). It began as a small family operated business
in the 60’s and was later bought by former Perdue Farms executive Thomas Shelton in 1986. After Shelton took over, the Company began to rapidly expand,
growing by 50% between 1992 and 1995, and added 580 employees. Its main holdings were a plant in Winesburg,
Ohio selling Amish Country Brand chicken to retailers, and the Morganton plant,
which sells to institutional buyers like schools and hospitals.
Chicken processing was vertically integrated, meaning that
companies control the chickens from egg to meat packaging, mainly from the
mid-30’s to the 50’s. Until the 1980’s
meatpacking was mostly unionized, but after than unionization decreased 50% as
line speed likewise increased by 50%.
In 1986 the Supreme Court allowed mergers of meatpackers.
Morganton is a small town of around 18,000 people. In 1990 of the 75,000 residents in the
county there were only 283 Latino residents, none of whom were Guatemalan
(Raleigh News & Observer, November 30, 1996). In 1990 1% of the State’s 6.6 million people
were Latino, but today there are 150-200,000, many coming from Texas for higher
wages (Rural Migration News). At
the time there was only one unionized company in the county and only about 4%
of the State’s workforce had a union.
Originally the plant, which was never popular with the town,
employed mainly black workers. In 1990
or early 1991 Case Farms seemingly decided to focus on recruiting Guatemalan
workers, possibly because they were thought to be easier to control than
Mexican immigrants and would not want to take as many holidays as Mexicans,
since they could not return to Guatemala easily. In Guatemala there was a
genocide against highland Maya, so, as one manager told Leon Fink (author
of ‘The Maya of Morganton’, which
is about the Case Farms unionization struggle),
“They’re here as political refugees. If they go home, they get shot.”
Katherine Harbinson, a black former Case Farms worker, who began working at the
plant after high school, told the San Diego Union-Tribune
(November 2, 1997) that
“The supervisors
treated the American workers real bad to give them a reason to quit. Most of them did.”
According to the Greensboro
Justice Fund (fall 1998) the poultry industry has buses from
Guatemala to New Mexico, from which the workers are then taken to Eastern
poultry plants. Fifteen vans were sent
to Immokalee, Florida (also see article on farm-worker organizing in Immokalee
in Alliance! fall 2005 issue) and it advertised in Texas and
California. It advertised indoor and
“clean” work (The Nation,
December 1, 1997). One worker says he was told in January 1995 that he could
make $7.50 an hour and work as many as 70 hours a week (Raleigh News & Observer, November 30,
1996). Recruiters got $50 dollars from
Case Farms and another $50 dollars from those they recruited.
Human Resources Director Ken
Wilson told the Union-Tribune that Case Farms routinely checks that its
workers still have valid worker permits.
Workers told the paper than the first such check since mid-1995 was in
1997 and they thought it was to intimidate them. There is an INS office 90
miles away, but it took 7 years or longer before they visited Morganton, while
the influx of immigrant workers began.
As of 1999, there were 8 INS officers checking employers in the State,
one inspector to about 16,000 businesses.
The INS told Migration News
“The chance of being encountered by the INS, with our
resources, is slim.”
Between 1994 and 1998 no one was fined, and the biggest fine
against an employer in North Carolina was $15,000 in 1992 against Barnes
Farming Corp. Employers are allegedly
more afraid of the Social Security Administration and IRS fines, triggered by
undocumented workers trying to pay the social security payroll tax based on
illegitimate social security numbers.
Many of these workers come from Huehuetenango, a city of
800,000 with a landscape similar to Morganton, with low wages and a large
proportion of native Mayan and mestizo citizens (Raleigh News & Observer, November 30, 1996). By the
1990’s most of the workers were Guatemalan highland Mayas, from six ethnic
groups speaking four Mayan languages, Q’anjob’al, Awakateko, Ki’ich’e, and
Mam. Many do not speak Spanish or
English or the other Mayan languages, and are illiterate, fragmenting the
workforce. Part of the reason they are
able to resist the Company is because the workers created community, social
networks and brought their families to Morganton. They created mutual-aid societies, soccer teams, and gather at
the local Catholic church, St. Charles Borromeo.
What the new workers found at Case Farms was work paying
$6.15 an hour and at most $6.35 an hour.
The Union-Tribune put wages at
$6.85 an hour in 1997, with health benefits after three months of work, and a
week long vacation and 5 paid holidays per year. Meat processing is dangerous work and often causes repetitive
motion injuries. One worker told the Union-Tribune that his wrists were sore after
months of repetitively cutting chicken shoulders at the rate of 28 per minute
but he could not gain a transfer, causing permanent damage. One 5-year off and
on worker, with lots of shallow scars from the cutting, was fired for
discarding a bone on the floor.
Worker Juan Ignacio Montes told Laborers for
JUSTICE (August 12, 1996) that
“At the end of the day my hands and arms are so sore because
the processing line is moving so quickly.
I don’t even have time to sort out the chickens.”
One former worker, Felix
Rodriguez, says his wrists were swollen after his first day at the
plant, very painful the second, and on the third he had trouble holding a knife
to do his job (The Nation, December 1, 1997). Francisco Ramirez told Laborers that
“My co-worker, Juan Lopez, was forced to continue working
even when his wrist swelled up to the size of a grapefruit because of
repetitive carpal [tunnel] syndrome” and “We work eight-hour shifts with only
one bathroom break.”
Repetitive injuries were encouraged by the lack of job
rotation. Workers were put to work
“with no formal training” in at least some cases. Workers say the Company clinic doesn’t treat workers
properly. Felix
Rodriguez says the Company nurse could only offer aspirin and a
massage to treat his wrists and that he had to wait a year for a transfer to
another position in the plant. He also says carbon dioxide concentrations in
the plant were dangerous, causing eye irritation and dizziness. Former Case
Farms worker Santos Mejia Vicente told The
Nation that
“If you worked too long there, you got sick. Of course, the machines break. Can you
imagine the humans? The humans break
Human Resources Director Ken
Wilson called the charges lies by
On top of this, the pay was less than he had been promised
by labor recruiters. Workers were
illegally required to buy their own protective equipment such as gloves, boots,
and hairnets. The plant is kept at 45°
F to prevent spoiling.
Problems with Case Farms were one of the reasons the US Department of Labor began its first ever
national survey of poultry plant regulatory compliance, in October and November
1997. Out of the 174 existing plants, 51 were surveyed, and over 60% were
violating the overtime rules of the Fair Labor
Standards Act. Over 60% were
not paying overtime pay to chicken catchers who worked over 40 hours per
week. Chicken catchers go to farms to
catch the chickens for slaughter. The
relevant industry association, the National Broiler
Council (broilers are chickens raised for meat), said the results
were biased because of regulatory changes, since chicken catchers hadn’t been
eligible for overtime, being classified as agricultural instead of industrial
workers, for 60 years previously. More than 50% of the plants did not pay for
work-related preparatory and clean up work (as much as 35-45 minutes of free
work, reports the Greensboro Justice Fund’s (GJF)
fall 1998 newsletter), more than 30% did not pay workers during brief breaks or
when the machinery was shut down for maintenance, and 54% illegally required
payment for workers’ protective equipment, some profiting by raising the price
they passed on to the workers. The
price was as much as 50% more than the cost to the company (GJF fall 1998).
The Department’s Wage and Hour Division proceeded to try to get hundreds
of thousands of dollars reimbursed by the guilty companies. Meatpackers on average spend up to $3000
dollars to recruit and train workers, who usually start with wages of
$10-12,000 per year and can make up to $25,000 dollars per year (Rural Migration News). In some plants there were no bathroom breaks
(GJF fall 1998). UFCW called the poultry industry “an outlaw
OSHA found
that 40% of worker injuries were back problems, 10% cumulative trauma, 15% bone
contusions and fractures, and 10% cuts and lacerations. Activists were suspicious of the low number
of cumulative trauma injuries found and the lack of respiratory problems. For example, in February 1998 nine poultry
workers in Florida had to go to the emergency room after coughing up
blood. OSHA planned to keep tabs on
injury rates by “its overall plan to partner with industries having the highest
injury and illness rates” (National Interfaith
Committee for Worker Justice, February 12, 1998). One of the worst job accidents in State
history was a fire in 1991 at the Imperial Foods Products chicken processing
plant in Hamlet, which killed 25 people.
The Guatemalan immigrants are a work-force aware of the need
to struggle. One of the most militant
workers, fired in 1997 and one of two hunger strikers for 124 days in 1996, is Felix Rodriguez.
He told The Nation (December 1,
“If we didn’t offer
our lives nothing would change.”
An abrupt line speed-up and night shift pay cut in September
1991 resulted in 20 workers walking out.
In 1993 there was a work stoppage and many were arrested.
Three workers attempted to discuss their grievances with the
plant manager in May 1995. They were
ignored and therefore refused to go back to work butchering chickens. They were fired and arrested as trespassers. That Sunday, Mother’s Day, workers met at
the St. Charles Church and decided to strike.
One leader, Luis Alberto Gonzalez says:
“I was scared and I
was angry” about the arrests, “because they were treating people of my race
with so much disrespect” (The Nation).
In response the following Monday 300 workers staged a
walkout and a three-day strike. LIUNA organizers
were in northeastern North Carolina trying to organize processors in
Lewiston-Woodville and Robersonville, so they approached the Morganton
workers. LIUNA has about 750,000
members working in construction, building maintenance, food services, healthcare,
and office work. LIUNA organizer Patrick Moran told the News & Observer that
“It wasn’t like you had to spend time talking to each of
them to convince them. They were
definitely ready to run.”
Workers’ grievances were more about safety and lack of
respect from management than over the low wages.
Only two months later the workers voted to unionize, 238 for
and 183 against organizing. A week
later the Company challenged the results and held off recognizing the Union for
years. Case Farms accused the Union of
increasing ethnic tensions by producing a leaflet saying that the Company fired
many Amish workers in Ohio so they could be replaced by Latinos at lower wages,
throwing chicken parts at Company supporters, and saying it could report some
workers to immigration authorities. The
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) twice upheld the union election, as did a
Federal judge. During this time there
were small actions such as work stoppages and a two week strike in August
Companies often replace resistant Guatemalan workers with
Korean strikebreakers (GJF, fall
1998). December 12, 1995 a three-member
NLRB panel supported a hearing officer’s recommendation that the Union be
certified as representing the plant’s workforce. March 7, 1996 the panel found the Company guilty of violating the
National Labor Relations Act and by
refusing to negotiate with LIUNA and ordered it to do so. The Company appealed
to the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. August 8th all but 50 of the plant’s 450 workers
struck over the Company’s refusal to negotiate, supported by the Chicago-based
National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice. October 23, 1997 the Company lost its appeal. In 1998 the Supreme Court ruled against Case
Despite the Company’s stalling, the Union was credited with
increasing wages from $6.35 to $6.85 dollars an hour, reducing line speeds, and
cleaner floors, which had been dangerously covered in grease and chicken
blood. Felix
Rodriguez and his co-workers cut wings and drum sticks, so they set
the pace and could stop the whole line:
“Any time there was an abuse, we stopped working” (The
After he was fired workers tried to have actions every two
weeks, and this resulted in improvements, such as a 70 cent wage rise. Simultaneously there was a Case Farms
boycott by Ohio Citizen Action and in
Minnesota. LIUNA picketed the
headquarters of the Bank of New York in Manhattan, Case Farm’s biggest
lender. In April 1996 a thirty-member
delegation from the National Farmworker Ministry
came to speak to workers. Management
refused to talk, and when they prayed at the plant one evening, they were
watched by Company security and State Police with a riot control dog. Workers who spoke to them during a break
another day said that if the Company retaliated against workers there would be
a shutdown of the plant.
Between 1998 and 1999 there were negotiations and the
Company was found guilt of not negotiating in good faith because of illegal
labor practices. In May 1999 there was a one day lockout by the Company and
three days later it ended its recognition of LIUNA. LIUNA spokesman Zack Matus
told the Bureau of National Affairs (April 27, 2001) that this occurred as a final
contract was nearing approval and it was after Case Farms circulated a petition
against the union. LIUNA appealed to
the NLRB. Ken
Wilson, Director of Human Resources for the Company, said the
lockout was
‘to “apply economic pressure to the union and employees”’
after LIUNA rejected two contract proposals during 15 months
of negotiation. Wilson said the Company
returned to negotiation without an NLRB order for its own reasons. He said the Company withdrew union
recognition because a majority of workers signed a petition against it. The Union rejected a contract because it did
not offer enough of a pay raise (Migration News).
Courts forced Case Farms back to the negotiating table in
2001. The Appeals Court approved of a
settlement April 17th between the Company and the NLRB to end the
NLRB’s contempt lawsuit. Under the
settlement the Company and LIUNA’s National Poultry Workers affiliate would
begin negotiating, with a three month time during which no lockouts or
withdrawal of union recognition were allowed.
There had been no pay raises since 1997, so all employees also received
$200 dollars. LIUNA estimated this to
cost about $100,000 dollars to cover about 500 current employees. The settlement’s provisions had to be posted
and read to all employees in English and Spanish within 10 days. The fine for violating the settlement during
the next year was set at $25,000 dollars to cover a compromised agreement on
the cost of the NLRB’s lawyer fee.
According to The Nation,
LIUNA was not prepared for the Case
Farms campaign, because it was under government scrutiny and it was used to
organizing construction sites by gaining neutrality agreements in return for
offering safety training, pensions, and other benefits. During the 90’s LIUNA was being reformed after
accusations that it was tied to organized crime nationally. One “union insider” told the The Nation that
“They [LIUNA] had no plan, no perception of the need and no
ability to sustain the staffing” and would “sustain our relationship with the
workers for another month” by sending “another organizer.”
A “Morganton activist” said:
“I really feel like we’ve been toyed with. These are people who should know what
commitment is about, but have been unwilling to commit, people who should know
what sacrifice is about, but have been counting pennies.”
LIUNA said the Company was the problem. Case Farms
eventually tired out, so LIUNA left Morganton in December 2001 after donating
funds to the National Interfaith Committee for
Worker Justice (now called Interfaith
Worker Justice) to create the Western
Carolina Workers’ Center, which still exists. The Workers’ Center educates workers and the
community in western North Carolina about their legal rights and helps them
exercise those rights.
Things were still happening a year after LIUNA ended its
support. According to Francisco Risso, director of the Center, flyers
and petitions were circulated, workers struck, and complaints were sent to
government officials. The petitions
were for raises, slower line speeds, and against the worst supervisors. Work was stopped to resist unjust
terminations and line speed. The
workforce had many grievances, especially over line speed and disrespect from
management, and so people began again looking for union support.
Around May 2005 they contacted the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU),
an affiliate of UFCW, and organizers were quickly sent to consult with
workers. RWDSU represents workers at
about 20 Southern poultry processing plants.
A committee of workers was formed and a petition for unionization was
circulated. This worked quickly and by
July 2005 about 70% of the employees had signed union cards and the NLRB was
asked to stage a vote on unionization.
Case Farms brought in 6 Latino union busters, some of whom still work at
the plant in management after the vote, distributed flyers, and required
workers to attend anti-union meetings.
The vote was held September 2, 2005, and failed by a vote of 296 against
and 225 to support union representation and will not be appealed. After the vote several workers were unfairly
laid off, according to Risso. Six
unfair labor practice charges were lodged against Case Farms and are currently
being litigated. According to fork lift
operator Abelardo Portillo,
“The company did a lot of intimidation and made lots of
promises to workers that gave them votes, but we’ll see if they keep their
promises” (Center press release).
Another election can’t be held for a year, and organizers
haven’t decided about a future election yet.
Thirteen-year plant worker Francisco Aguirre says the experience empowers the workers, despite
the formal loss:
“Once the union has been here, it never leaves, we will
fight back” (Center press release).
UFCW is still interested in working with Case Farms workers
and Kevin Blair, a former organizer of
the Smithfield Foods campaign in North Carolina, thinks
“the workers at Case Farms can win unions at all three
plants [in Morganton and Goldsboro, North Carolina and in Winesburg, Ohio] if
we are able to put a broad community-based campaign together.”
Other poultry plants in North Carolina are organized by
UFCW, including a turkey processor, House of
Raeford, in Raeford.
The Western Carolina Workers’ Center can be contacted at:
PO Box 667
Morganton, North Carolina 28680
Phone: 828 432 5080
Case Farms of NC Inc. can be contacted at:
PO Box 308
Morganton, North Carolina 28680
Phone: 828 438 6900