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20-7-2003; Editorial of "Tareeq Al-Shaab" Central Organ of the Iraqi Communist Party; 20 - 26 July 2003, No: 22 Year: 68
The Iraqi Communist Party and the "Governing Council"
This way out of the impasse was embodied in the call for convening a broadly-based National Conference, with the participation of our people's political, national and religious constituents, to set up an Iraqi transitional coalition government that undertakes the task of addressing the urgent problems in the daily life of the people and country. The most important tasks are ensuring security and stability, normalising the situation, securing public and municipal services, employment and means of living for millions of citizens, as well as preparing a draft constitution and providing the prerequisites for free and fair elections under UN supervision, and for entering into negotiations with the occupying powers about the presence of their troops in our country, and putting an end to it.
However, the demand for setting up the transitional coalition government clashed with the resolution of the UN Security Council 1483 (22 May 2003), which legitimised and endorsed the occupation authority, giving the Iraqi people only a consultative role in the political decision-making process.
Over the following few weeks, and as a result of the competing views and discussions dealing with this issue, it was possible to shift the upper limit for the role played by the Iraqis in running the affairs of the country.
At the end, a compromise formula was found, that is neither a transitional national government nor a "Political Council" of purely consultative nature.
This compromise is the "Governing Council" is a new framework for action by Iraqi people's representatives to express the people's will and their desire to formulate policies and positions, within the existing complex conditions, and in various fields: political, both internal and external, financial-economic, social ..etc. This will be taking place in a developing process aiming to widen the authorities of the Council, so as to bring it closer to accomplishing the process of transition and establishing the independent Iraqi national government, that will emerge from legitimate general elections.
The Governing Council is to undertake, in the current conditions, an active role in restoring security and stability, normalizing the situation, eliminating remnants of the ousted regime, putting on trial those who committed crimes against the people, as well as participating in putting together economic and financial policies which promote stability in the economic life as a whole, ensure the reactivation of the production cycle, and opening the door to embark on reconstructing and developing the country, along with restoring its independence and sovereignty.
Our Party's participation in the Governing Council is based on a careful consideration of the present situation in our country. A main aspect of this consideration is the desire of the majority of our people, aspiring to see an Iraqi body that represents people's interests. It also responds to the desire of broad sections of the people to see Communists participate directly and actively in the current political process in the country, within the Governing Council itself, being an arena of work, action, dialogue and struggle, in order to achieve our people's demands and aims.
Of course, this participation by our Party does not mean at all a retreat from its call for and striving to speed up the formation of the sovereign Iraqi national government, and establishing a unified democratic and federal Iraq.
It must be said, on the other hand, that despite all the complexities and difficulties, the work of the Governing Council, prospects of its activity and the effectiveness of its role, are closely connected, first and foremost, to the unity of its constituent forces, which need to be expanded, in our view, to include other patriotic parties that were active participants in the struggle against the dictatorial regime. The Council's effectiveness and prospects are also connected to its own vigour, and to what extent it responds to the urgent and immediate demands of the people.
The Council's influence depends as well on the people's support for its work, monitoring its activities in a critical and constructive way, so as to help it to carry out its tasks and move ahead along a correct and sensible path.