First published in pamphlet format in Toronto; September 1993. (pp.151-168).
Continuing With: Part 1: (section 4 in web edition)


Though orthodox biology held strongly against the view first put by Jean Baptiste Lamarck, regarding the possibility of an inheritance of acquired characters, this possibility annoyingly kept re-surfacing. Lamarck's simplistic view of this is presented above, and was put very much in the shade by the advent of Darwinism. But as discussed, Darwin was himself, somewhat equivocal about whether or not he belied in Inheritance by Acquired Characters.

In general, the scientists in the West following Darwin and the aggressive attacks by Bateson upon Inheritance of Acquired Characters, were mainly conventional Mendelian based. Kammerer has been discussed above, and the reception his experiments received. However, the theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characters kept cropping up again.

These and many other inconvenient experiments had to be dealt with. The easiest way of doing so, was to force them into the mould of a purely Central Dogma framework: So while E.B.Wilson was prepared to concede some role for the cytoplasm in organisation (See above quote), the Morganists were much more belligerent, dismissing the evidences for cytoplasmic inheritance in favour of the Mechanisms of Mendelian Heredity (1915). They considered Correns' work simply reflected disease vectors carried by the cytoplasm and dismissed Bauer altogether (Sapp Ibid, p. 27).

Plasmagenes - similar in concept to those thought to be present by Darwin were invoked for the contradictions that kept arising :


In the USA, Sonneborn was a particularly important proponent of the view that there was in certain cases inheritance of acquired characters.

Sonneborn was aware that this view, might be percieved as having led him to an uncomfortably close relationship to the Lysenkoists, especially since the Lysenko-ists started quoting his "scriptures". He was therefore at pains to attack the Lysenkoists, on their biological interpretations, and their "political" motivations, whilst at the same time continuing the examination for defining the role of cytoplasmic determinants of heredity.
He pointed out that his own work was still in marked contradiction to the Lysenkoists since they denied the existence of any special substances of heredity (See Part 2).
But he agreed that his experiments confirmed that inheritance of acquired characters could occur, but insisted that this was because of localised heritable particles. Therefore, he argued, he was in contradiction with, and antagonistic to Lysenkoism which had clearly stated that each part of the cell was involved in inheritance (Sapp, Ibid p. 179).

David Nanney was a worker in Sonneborn's lab, who diverged from Sonneborn in a way that denied the exclusive importance of particulate genes whether they were located in the nucleus or the cytoplasm. He developed the notion of a "steady state" homeostasis which comes extremely close to the type of notion later proposed by Lysenko in his definition of heredity. For Nanney:

For Lysenko, the equivalent phrase, in fact it was a key formulation of the Lysenkoists - was as follows: It is of course interesting that this line of biological reasoning can be traced right back to Darwin : From this Nanney, drew a picture of heredity as a description of: Thus Nanney insisted instead to search for "epigenetic" (tomean more thatn simple hereditary pariculate mechanisms, which often came to be a synonym for developmental mechanisms)) mechanisms  that could explain the "regulation of expression of genetic potential, and differentiated these from truly genetic mechanisms." : This paradigm would lead him to argue that the unexplained phenomena in the literature could be resolved by a call to cellular homeostasis: Needless to say Nanney drew the fire of many who were now intent in their science in establishing that there were indeed genes in the cytoplasm.
These now included such as Ruth Sager in the USA and J.L.Jinks in the UK.
But no one was able to give a fully explanatory thoery either then, or indeed up to even very recently. as Sapp rightly points out: CHANCE REVISITED

Having now laid some ground work to understand molecular genetics, we should revisit the issue of Chance. This we had left at a somewhat abstract and philosophical level (See above section-Go to table ofcontents -Link at foot of page).
We can now apply a molecular understanding to various experimental systems that examine this central issue.
But to recap, there is a basic assumption underlying the insistence upon Chance mutations.
This is that the organism receives no cues from the environment that can guide future mutations. If it happens and if it is selected, then a mutation thrives.

It is in no way, a directed response to the environment.

In an article wonderfully entitled : "How the Slot Machine led Biologists Astray", G.Z.Opadia-Kadima shows how the basic assumptions of some early molecular biology work led to a "misreading " of the data.

The slot machine refers to how the original experiments were motivated, by the inspiration that we related before - whereby Luria recieved an insight, whilst watching the Faculty Club Slot machine!
Thus in 1943, Salvador Luria and Max Delbruck devised an experiment designed to test at a molecular level, whether chance led to mutations in Escherichia coli (E.Coli) a bacterium.
But as Opadia-Kadima puts it:

Luria and Delbruck had hypothesised, that if E.Coli had never seen the Bacteriophage T1 (actually a viral infection of bacteria), it should not develop resistance to this infection, unless the godess Chance played her hand and offered a mutant that conferred selective advantage.
And very quickly they found that indeed E.Coli could develop resistance without apparently having met it before. This was to them, stunning and convicing proof positive of the Randomness of mutation and variation. Moreover, Lederberg had shown that in a similar fashion, bacteria could become resistant to streptomycin without meeting it.

But, as Opadia-Kadima shows however, there are some problems with the interpretation of these now classical experiments. The slot machines in the intellectual ambience of the Faculty Club had led Luria to design his experiment. But so often, the sums of money won by slot machine playing is very small, and:

Theoretically, the deficiencies of the Luria experimental model are discussed by Opadia-Kadima.

1. Indeed chance variation will allow an occasionally lucky organism ("one organism in several millions") to mutate. But The "price paid will be high". This is becasue in the absence of the drug, there is a selective disadvantage to having the mutation:

2. There is a great distinction between the natural conditions and the artificial conditions of the laboratory. Thus in the lab, the selective pressures involved also include antibiotics, that kill off 99.99% of organisms. Thus lab conditions, leads to the selection of the less fit, rather than the more fit - as occurs in general in natural conditions. But in addition, the lab conditions impose a very severe and sudden change in environment, which in the natural circumstances is more likely to be slower. If it is slower, there is a possibility of effecting some degree of evolutionary change: 3. Furthermore, most evolutionary responses require mutations in more than one gene simultaneously. A so called regulator gene as well as a structural gene ( See the sections on the views of Barbara McClintlock and Richard Goldschmidt). The issue of chance then becomes even more "chancy", the more complex the change required.

4. A critical flaw of the Lederberg and Luria experiments was the lack of understanding of the dynamics of mutation. The various mutations to phage and streptomycin resistance are expressed only later and after the change in DNA sequence has occurred. Thus Cairns et al conclude:

Of course this critique is quite hypothetical. But there is also empirical data to show that the Luria model is incorrect.
Firstly, Campbell performed experiments that utilised the notions that there are two genes that need to be mutated for effective changes: But the bugs can be induced to deal with this, by critically limiting the availability of nutrients. In other words, by starving them, when they are "forced" to use whatever nutrients are around, in this case lactose. Lactose is hydrolysed (ie broken down) only then. Instead of the anthropomorphic term "forced", the preferred term is that there has been a "genomic stress". This was shown by Campbell, and his experiment of 1973 is cited by Opadia-Kadima. In fact the Campbell experiment had not shown simply a regaining of the ability to hydrolyse lactose through the same enzyme system. In fact a completely new enzyme system different from the previous one (f or B-galactosidase) had been evolved. In similar experiments, Hall and Hartl (Genetics 1974;76: p.391) duplicated the experiments and showed that this new enzyme production was regulated by lactose.
As Opadia-Kadima concludes: And in a striking recent illustration of this radical notion, John Cairns and co-workers suggest that: These workers working with the E.Coli and lactose system further sharpen the interaction between and the bacterial genome and the environment it is placed in. To examine this, the authors looked at features of the E.Coli that are immediately expressed, and where: So the authors first calculated the expected distributions given various differing types of mutationary change - in two resulting conditions.
Firstly under a true random condition (Growth curve A), and second under conditions where bacteria are "directed" towards a selection pressure (Growth Curve B).
They then compared these curves to what happens in reality.
This meant examinig the shape of the growth curves of E.Coli variants Lac+ (meaning they have the enzyme to hydrolyse lactose) and Lac- (meaning they do not have the enzyme to hydrolyse lactose) strains grown in lactose free conditions.
They also managed to also identify a region in the uvrB-bio region of the E.Coli chromosome that appears to control the mutations, that allow the bacteria to use lactose.
They then showed that this genomic area of the chromosome gives rise a growth curve of the B type. ie. a curve showing that the bacteria were "directed" towards the selection pressure.

They then played with the genes and prevented them from becoming turned on, unless the bacteria themsleves performed some directed minor surgery on the genes.
They found that indeed, the bacteria was able when appropriate, to perform the surgery on the genes even though they had been fiddled with; and begin to feed on the lactose.
Again the growth curve seemed to be the Growth Curve B. ie.where bacteria are "directed" towards a selection pressure.

In more technical terms they looked at a strain in which a different part of the chromosome : araC (which is a positive regulatory element controlling the arabinose operon) is placed upstream of the area controlling lactose breakdown, but separated from it by a short segment of Mu DNA that contains transcription terminating signals in a mutant strain LacZ that cannot metabolise lactose. This organism can then read and become LAC+ only if the organism deletes an intervening mu sequence, in which case it can grow if arabinose is provided. This phenotype is LAC(ARA)+. There is a delay in the appearance of LAC(ARA)+, and this delay is the time during whihc the organism is dependent upon the presence of lactose in order to grow.The authors comment that this is:

But these are all experiments with inserted genes and manipulating the genome. The final experiment reported in the paper examines more natural forms of selection pressure.

Here so called "Cryptic genes" were examined.There are apparently, an "extensive armoury of cryptic genes that can be called upon for the metabolism of unusual substrates" (ie food).
Various bugs can therefore grow on different sugars.
Exactly how the cryptic genes kick in to enable the bug to do so varies, but this may involve movements of parts of genes (insertion sequences), or changes in the DNA code of several base pairs.

For the growth of Lacz- E.Coli mutants upon lactose a cryptic gene (ebgA) requires to be turned on. This in turn needs two mutations one in the repressor (ebgR) and one on a site in the gene coding for enzyme (ebgA) to make the enzyme that will hydrolyse lactose.
Normally these mutations occur very rarely (less often than 10-8) and neither by themselves will enable LACZ to use lactose. But colonies of this strain will grow within two weeks. The authors comment that :

The authors then discuss their results in a very frank and aware manner. They realise that they are shaking the Central Dogma Tree: The authors go on to suggest that retroviruses with reverse transcription might be the mechanism that could provide this "versatility and adaptability."

This mechanism has also been proposed by Edward Steele.


The controversies have not of course ended. As recently as the 1980's another rather visible attack was launched on orthodoxy, that aimed to legitimise Inheritance of Acquired Characters in the Immune system. Of course the immune system has to be highly adaptive and flexible. Just like the question of developmment then, it has proven to be a "test case" of the notions of inflexiblity underlying the Central Dogma.

The potential of the immune system for showing inheritance of acquired characteristics was recently exploited in high mammals (rabbits) by Steele and co-workers. They demonstrated that rabbits were able to inherit idiotype ( antibody ) responses to foreign injected substances. This caused a great deal of controversy and has certainly held up the career of Steele.

It is fair to say that the results of Steele and co-workers have as yet not been duplicated by other laboratories despite intense effort. It is therefore as yet unclear whether or not the validity of Steele's interpretations are correct.

However it is noticeable that at least on this occasion, in the concentrated fire that was levelled at Steele, a certain even handedness entered the debate. This is in marked contrast to the way in which Jollos, McClintlock, and Goldschmidt were treated (let alone Lysenko). It is a conjecture of this author, that the rise of revisionism in the USSR, that had destroyed socialism, made it much less politically urgent to discredit such potentially dangerous notions.

Indeed a sense prevailed, that it was correct to say that : "The Jury was out", instead of a shrill dogmatic interdiction. This pervades the editorial columns, even when Steele is being upbraided for his tenacity in claiming precedence for the exploitation of the notion of reverse transcriptase as used by the retroviruses.

In summary:
many workers in the Western laboratories of genetics have shown in lower organisms, the responses of Inheritance of Acquired Characters. All these various data gradually have forced a reassessment of the overall view of inheritance.
As a memorable title for a recent article in the Lancet put it : "Lamarck refuses to lie down".


There have ben several corroborations of the McClintlockian view that the genome is flexible.
These have been key to a view that the restrictive New Synthesis needs radical modification, if not discarding. Both above, and in part 2 below, we have highlighted some concerns about the New Synthesis. Here, we will attempt to distil them into a codified alternative view. Of course, we do not suggest that this alternative has been fully accepted. But there appears to be at least, a growing awareness of some key limitations of the New Synthesis.


The rather depressing state of affairs regarding the inheritance of cytoplasmic factors, was summarised by Jink in 1963 :

Though speaking about cytoplasmic inheritance, his words applied well to the whole complexity of the interaction of the nuclear and the cytoplasmic apparatuses. Orthodox geneticists in the West are still resistant to accepting that their theories have problems for the overall interpretation of the gene. As C.D.Darlington said in 1964, in an address to the First Oxford Chromosome Conference: The restrictive paradigm mindset of the diehard Mendelists, has definitely obstructed the path of a fuller understanding of the complex interaction between genome and environment. The obituary for Barbara McClintlock in BioEssays (November 1992) puts it as follows: It should be clear from even this short account, that there has been sharp resistance - even outside of Russia - to the "conventional genetics."

Particularly sharp resistance was offered when conventional genetics adopted a static view of the genome. The resistance has been particularly offered by developmental biologists whose concerns are precisely with changes in the organism. And from the above, it is clear that dissidents were treated harshly. The names Kammerer, McClintlock, Goldschmidt and Jollos would testify to this adequately.

Those that level their shrill attacks, solely upon the Soviet Union for "Politicisation of Science" during this historical period, will we hope look to their own glass houses.

Of course conventional genetics has been wildly successful.
But it can only be foolish to deny that its emphasis on a narrow focus has been a disservice to the further development of biology.
The relevance of this to the history of Lysenkoism will be made clear in the next section.