WB Bland On Sectarianism

1) Bland on the refusal of the early British anti-revisionists to allow people who were on the point of breaking away from the CPGB to do so, and belong to the anti-revisionist movement:
  2) On the various sectarian views that prevented the work of the Albania Society in the UK:     3) How do progressives and "Marxist-Leninists" - of other than pro-Hoxha stripes - change their views? By weight of evidence, says Bland. 4) Some examples of broad Front work that Bill Bland led the CL into with non-Hoxhaites: 4) Some examples of broad Front work that Bill Bland led the CL into with non-Hoxhaites: 4) Some examples of broad Front work that Bill Bland led the CL into with non-Hoxhaites: (5) Events in the Stalin Society that Led up to Bland's Expulsion From the Stalin Society
  (6) Upon the Various Types of Maoism - Some we can 'work with' - Others we cannot! (7) What does broad Front Work Mean? It means that DESPITE differences on other question - agreed to ends and principles of the BROAD FRONT - are the only basis for assessing WHO can JOIN the broad front:
      Although Talbot and Powell cease their quotation at this point, Bill Bland goes on to say :